103 research outputs found

    Хліб пшеничний функціонального призначення з вмістом хелатних форм кальцію

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    Bakery products are promising objects for enrichment with functional food ingredients, as they are mass consumption products. The problem of hypo-elementosis in people makes it advisable to develop functional food ingredients based on easily digestible and safe forms of essential biometals, including calcium. In this study, it has been shown that wheat bread can be enriched with calcium chelate complexes. This functional food ingredient was obtained by complexation of Ca2+ with bioligands of probiotic origin, followed by immobilizing the complexes on dietary fiber of wheat bran. Mixed-ligand systems were obtained by combining a metabolite (lactic acid) and degradation products of peptidoglycans of Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus B-3964. The peptidoglycans of the biomass autolysate were degraded by enzymatic hydrolysis with papain. This resulted in obtaining a mixture that contained amino acids, low molecular weight peptides, and muropeptides, in the concentrations 12.44 mg/cm3, 6.85 mg/cm3, and 2.76 mg/cm3, respectively. The nephelometric method has shown that this mixed-ligand system binds calcium ions in an amount of 18 mg/cm3. The soluble complexes obtained were immobilized on the dietary fiber to solve the problem of concentrating, drying, and dosing these ingredients. It has been proved that immobilization only occurs due to physical sorption that completely releases the active component from the dietary fiber matrix under conditions that simulate the gastrointestinal environment. The functional ingredient developed was added to the classic wheat bread recipe, where it replaced 1 %, 3 %, and 5 % of the flour. Bread was made without pre-fermentation to reduce the total production time and to prevent the ingredient’s biologically active components from being assimilated by yeast during long fermentation. The study of the experimental and control samples of wheat bread has shown that the introduction of chelate complexes of calcium immobilized on dietary fiber causes no deterioration of the physico-chemical parameters of the finished bread: they are all within the limits approved by the regulatory documentation. The sensory properties of the samples with 1 % and 3 % of flour replaced are close to those of the control sample. So 3 % of the ingredient is the recommended amount to be added, as it provides 98 % of the daily requirement of calcium as a functional ingredient and covers about 25 % of the daily allowance of dietary fiber.Перспективними об’єктами для збагачення функціональними харчовими інгредієнтами є хлібобулочні вироби, оскільки це продукти масового вжитку. Враховуючи проблему гіпоелементозів у населення, доцільним є розроблення функціональних харчових інгредієнтів на основі легкозасвоюваних та безпечних форм есенційних біометалів, в тому числі, кальцію. У роботі обгрунтовано можливість збагачення хліба пшеничного хелатними комплексами кальцію, які отримували шляхом комплексоутворення Са2+ з біолігандами пробіотичного походження з наступною іммобілізацією комплексів на харчових волокнах пшеничних висівок. Змішанолігандні системи отримували шляхом поєднання метаболіту, а саме, молочної кислоти, та продуктів деградації пептидогліканів Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. Bulgaricus B-3964. Деградацію пептидогліканів проводили за допомогою ферментолізу папаїном автолізату біомаси. У результаті чого отримали суміш, що містить амінокислоти, низькомолекулярні пептиди та муропептиди, концентрація яких складає відповідно 12,44 мг/cм3, 6,85 мг/cм3 та 2,76 мг/cм3. Методом нефелометрії доведено, що дана змішанолігандна система зв’язує йони кальцію у кількості 18 мг/см3. Іммобілізацію отриманих розчинних комплексів на харчових волокнах здійснювали з метою подолання проблеми концентрування, сушіння та дозування даних інгредієнтів. Доведено, що іммобілізація відбувається лише за рахунок фізичної сорбції, що обумовлює повне вивільнення активної складової із матриці харчових волокон в умовах, що імітують середовища шлунково-кишкового тракту. Розроблений функціональний харчовий інгредієнт додавали до класичної рецептури хліба пшеничного, замінюючи 1 %, 3 % та 5 % борошна. Хліб готували безопарним способом з метою скорочення загального часу виробництва хліба, а також унеможливлення ймовірної асиміляції біологічно активних складових функціонального харчового інгредієнту дріжджами при тривалому бродінні. Встановлено, що внесення іммобілізованих хелатних комплексів кальцію не приводить до погіршення фізико-хімічних показників готового хліба, вони всі знаходяться в межах, затверджених нормативною документацією. Сенсорні властивості зразків із заміною 1 % та 3 % борошна наближаються до показників контрольного зразка, тому рекомендованою кількістю для внесення функціонального інгредієнта є саме 3 %, оскільки при цьому забезпечується 98 % від добової норми кальцію як функціонального інгредієнта та покривається близько 25 % добової норми харчових волокон, якщо вживання продукту складає  рекомендовану добову норму 280 г

    Cytokine status disorders in children with urticaria

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    Objective: to study the state of cytokine status in children with acute and chronic urticaria.Materials and methods: 264 children of both sexes aged from 6 to 16 years with different variants of urticaria were examined. Clinical research methods included analysis of anamnestic data, objective examination of the child to determine the severity of urticaria. Immunological research methods included determination of IL-4, IL-6, IL-17, and IFN-γ levels by the method of enzyme immunoassay of blood serum.Results: cytokine profile analysis revealed hyperproduction of IL-17, γ-IFN with reduced IL-4 synthesis in children with acute urticaria. In children with chronic urticaria, IL-6 hyperproduction is noted against the background of a significant decrease in IL-4 synthesis.Conclusion: there was a significant relationship between the development of severe acute urticaria and the levels of proinflammatory cytokines IL-6, IL-17, and between the formation of chronic urticaria and the level of IL-6

    Single electron emission in two-phase xenon with application to the detection of coherent neutrino-nucleus scattering

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    We present an experimental study of single electron emission in ZEPLIN-III, a two-phase xenon experiment built to search for dark matter WIMPs, and discuss applications enabled by the excellent signal-to-noise ratio achieved in detecting this signature. Firstly, we demonstrate a practical method for precise measurement of the free electron lifetime in liquid xenon during normal operation of these detectors. Then, using a realistic detector response model and backgrounds, we assess the feasibility of deploying such an instrument for measuring coherent neutrino-nucleus elastic scattering using the ionisation channel in the few-electron regime. We conclude that it should be possible to measure this elusive neutrino signature above an ionisation threshold of \sim3 electrons both at a stopped pion source and at a nuclear reactor. Detectable signal rates are larger in the reactor case, but the triggered measurement and harder recoil energy spectrum afforded by the accelerator source enable lower overall background and fiducialisation of the active volume


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    Objective: to study the ultrasound characteristics of the structure and location of the heart and blood vessels in children of different age groups, taking into account the harmony of physical development.Materials and methods: 160 people aged 4 to 18 years were surveyed. All the children included in the study were divided into four groups, according to the WHO.  Anthropometric dimensions were evaluated using centile tables. There are 3 rates of physical development: age-appropriate; advancing age; lagging behind age norms, as well as harmonious, moderately disharmonious and high disharmonious development. Echocardiography was performed on a VIVID-3 scanner, General Electric, USA, using sector sensors with a frequency of 3-8 MHz. Statistical processing of the results were performed using the Microsoft Office Excel 2003 and Statistica 12.0 for Windows software package. Results: the morphometric parameters of cardial structures increase proportionally with age, having a significant range of deviation in the group. Disharmonious type of physical development is most often found in children of puberty. Among children of age I and II groups, harmonious physical development dominates and, in a small number, a moderately disharmonious type is formed-5 (14.3 %) and 11 (20.3 %) cases, respectively. Conclusion: the pronounced inter-group differences between the studied generally accepted and additional ultrasound dimensions of the heart testify to the expediency of using them as additional measurements in the experimental modeling of the chest cavity

    The role of macroelements in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma in children

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    Objective: to study the role of macroelements in the pathogenesis of bronchial asthma in children. Materials and methods: A total of 131 patients with different degrees of bronchial asthma severity were examined instantaneously. The reference group consisted of 31 children of the respective gender and age groups 1 and 2A. The average age of children was 11.83 ± 3.38 years old. All children in the cohort were given a comprehensive clinical-laboratory examination, peakflowmetry, pulsoxymetry, and spirometry. The study of mineral homeostasis in blood serum was carried out by X-ray fluorescence analysis. Statistical processing of the results was performed using the Statistica 10 and Microsoft Office Excel 2010, calculations were carried out in the program R. Results: It was found that the levels of potassium, phosphorus, and sulfur in children with bronchial asthma were elevated, while the levels of calcium, magnesium, and chlorine were reduced compared to the control group patients. The content of these macronutrients in patients with varying degrees of disease severity did not have significant differences. Conclusions: The data obtained on the changes in macro-element homeostasis indicate the important role of diselementosis in the pathogenesis of BA. It is a significant factor that contributes to the progression of chronic inflammation in bronchial organs that requires correction of therapy in children

    A case of timely diagnosis and successful surgical correction of the left pulmonary artery sling in a newborn

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    The article describes a clinical observation of a newborn patient with a rare congenital cardiovascular disorder of the left pulmonary artery sling. There are few publications in the world’s literature on the clinical observations of the above pathology, which causes the key difficulty in diagnostics. Moreover, this case features a favorable outcome thanks to a timely diagnosis and a successful surgical correction that followed

    WIMP-nucleon cross-section results from the second science run of ZEPLIN-III

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    We report experimental upper limits on WIMP-nucleon elastic scattering cross sections from the second science run of ZEPLIN-III at the Boulby Underground Laboratory. A raw fiducial exposure of 1,344 kg.days was accrued over 319 days of continuous operation between June 2010 and May 2011. A total of eight events was observed in the signal acceptance region in the nuclear recoil energy range 7-29 keV, which is compatible with background expectations. This allows the exclusion of the scalar cross-section above 4.8E-8 pb near 50 GeV/c^2 WIMP mass with 90% confidence. Combined with data from the first run, this result improves to 3.9E-8 pb. The corresponding WIMP-neutron spin-dependent cross-section limit is 8.0E-3 pb. The ZEPLIN programme reaches thus its conclusion at Boulby, having deployed and exploited successfully three liquid xenon experiments of increasing reach

    Results from the First Science Run of the ZEPLIN-III Dark Matter Search Experiment

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    The ZEPLIN-III experiment in the Palmer Underground Laboratory at Boulby uses a 12kg two-phase xenon time projection chamber to search for the weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) that may account for the dark matter of our Galaxy. The detector measures both scintillation and ionisation produced by radiation interacting in the liquid to differentiate between the nuclear recoils expected from WIMPs and the electron recoil background signals down to ~10keV nuclear recoil energy. An analysis of 847kg.days of data acquired between February 27th 2008 and May 20th 2008 has excluded a WIMP-nucleon elastic scattering spin-independent cross-section above 8.1x10(-8)pb at 55GeV/c2 with a 90% confidence limit. It has also demonstrated that the two-phase xenon technique is capable of better discrimination between electron and nuclear recoils at low-energy than previously achieved by other xenon-based experiments.Comment: 12 pages, 17 figure

    Morphological verification of the first missed abortion

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    Objective. The study aimed to compare the level of INF a2 immunoexpression in tissues obtained during medical abortion with the corresponding level of IFNa2 expression in a retained fetal egg tissues after the first missed abortion. The authors compared the anamnestic data on previous inflammatory diseases of the genital tract with the results of an extended morphological study of the material obtained during the evacuation of the contents of the uterine cavity during the first non-developing pregnancy in the first trimester.Materials and methods. The study included 15 patients with first-time missed abortions caused by a viral infection (6-8 weeks of pregnancy). All patients demonstrated either recurrent herpes simplex labialis/genitalis or PCR confirmed HSV, HPV, CMV. Exclusion criteria were recurrent miscarriage, blighted ovum, endocrinopathies, male factor infertility, and other causes of miscarriage. The comparison group included 20 women of the same age that chose to undergo a medical abortion.Results. In patients from the comparison group, the main producer of IFN a2 was syncytiotrophoblast as well as maternal decidual cells in the parietal endometrium and uteroplacental area. In the main group, manifested hematogenous infection (microabscesses, vasculitis, lymphocytic and macrophage infiltration) with dystrophy and necrosis of decidual maternal cells and secondary pathological changes in the placental villi were diagnosed, which led to a significant decrease in the IFN a2 immunoexpression in all the studied cells.Conclusion. The lack of anamnestic data on previous urogenital infections does not exclude the etiological role of the inflammatory component in the genesis of non-developing pregnancy. First-time occurred pregnancy loss requires adequate postoperative interferon therapy and a thorough examination of a couple