37 research outputs found
Investigation of cosmic ray propagation in interplanetary space
It was established experimentally that propagation of solar cosmic rays (scr) in interplanetary space up to 1 AU in most cases was of diffusion character
Effects of solar magnetic field on cosmic rays
Aspects of the problem of galactic cosmic ray propagation, including inversion of the solar total magnetic field and an analysis of data related to the heliomagnetic cycle are discussed. It is noted that the global structure of the solar magnetic field results in an additional flux of galactic cosmic rays generated by curvature and gradient drifts. An analysis of heliomagnetic cycle data shows that the latitudinal gradient results in a N-S asymmetry, with the amplitude of the effect growing with depth in the atmosphere. The inversion of the solar total magnetic field, drift effects, and other space distributions are found to contribute to a 22-year cycle of solar activity
Application of Molecular Typing Methods for Analysis of Strains of Rickettsiae of the Spotted Fever Group and Rabies Virus
50 strains of spotted fever group (SFG) rickettsiae and 36 lyssaviruses strains from the collection of Omsk Research Institute of Natural Focus Infections were identified and typed using the approaches of molecular biology, epidemiology and bioinformatics. The taxonomic status of the studied cultures of SFG rickettsiae was identified. Zonation of the Russian Federation territories according to the spread of SFG pathogenic rickettsiae in their hosts - ixodic ticks was carried out. Lyssaviruses distribution in the territory of Siberia was considered
More specific antigens are still being searched for in order to increase informativeness of techniques for early diagnostics of tuberculous infection. Aimed at the investigation of proteins of tuberculous mycobacteria (PPD-L, ESAT 6, 85, hybrid of ЕSAT 6 CFP 10, CFP32B, Rv2660c) the study was conducted including testing of induced IFN-γ in the children ill with tuberculosis in the early period of primary tuberculous infection and also those not infected with tuberculous mycobacteria – 130 children in the age from 6.0 ± 0.4 years old. It was found out that tuberculin remained to be valuable for evaluation of the intensity of anti-tuberculosis immunity. Antigens of ESAT 6, 85, CFP32B, Rv2660c were identified as proteins of the early stage of tuberculous infection. The presence of response when stimulating by the above antigens was typical of the favorable course of tuberculosis. Antigens of ESAT 6 and Rv2660c were valuable for assessment of latent tuberculous infections and the hybrid of ЕSAT 6 CFP 10 – for diagnostics of tuberculosis. Therefore introduction of immunological tests (in vitro) into the set of diagnostic tools allows optimizing the early diagnostics of tuberculous infection in children and forecasting the course of the disease when tuberculosis has developed.Для повышения информативности методов ранней диагностики туберкулезной инфекции продолжаются поиски более специфичных антигенов. С целью оценки белков микобактерий туберкулеза (МБТ) (ППД-Л, ESAT 6, 85, гибрид ЕSAT 6 CFP 10, CFP32B, Rv2660c) проведено исследование, включающее определение индуцированного ИФН-γ у детей, больных туберкулезом, в раннем периоде первичной туберкулезной инфекции, а также не инфицированных МБТ - 130 детей в возрасте 6,0 ± 0,4 года. Установили, что туберкулин сохранил свою значимость для оценки напряженности противотуберкулезного иммунитета. Антигены ESAT 6, 85, CFP32B, Rv2660c определили как белки ранней стадии туберкулезной инфекции. Сохранение ответа при стимуляции данными антигенами у больных характеризовало благоприятное течение туберкулеза. Антигены ESAT 6 и Rv2660c являлись значимыми в оценке латентной туберкулезной инфекции, а гибрид ЕSAT 6 CFP 10 - в диагностике туберкулеза. Поэтому включение иммунологических тестов (in vitro) в комплекс диагностических мероприятий позволит оптимизировать раннюю диагностику туберкулезной инфекции у детей, а при развитии туберкулеза - прогнозировать его течение
Характеристика основных показателей периферической крови у подростков в Томской области
Background. The adolescent period is characterized by the features of growth and development of the organism when the risk of a number of diseases increases under the conditions of hormonal adjustment and under the influence of environmental factors. Objective. Our aim was to determine the reference values of the main values of peripheral blood and the prevalence of anemia in adolescents residing in the territory of the Tomsk region. Methods. We studied the results of medical examination of children aged from 13 to 16 years. To determine the main values of the general blood test (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate), an automatic hematological analyzer was used. Evaluation of physical development was carried out by standard methods. The analysis of the results was carried out considering the sex, living conditions, weight, height, and body mass index. Results. We analyzed the values of peripheral blood of 7,120 adolescents. Rated values corresponded to the conventional age norms. The hemoglobin level and the number of erythrocytes are associated with the body weight, height, and body mass index of the respondents. Anemia of varying severity was recorded in 618/7,120 (8.7%) adolescents. More often anemia was verified in rural areas (OR 1.52; CI 95% 1.28–1.80) as well as in females (OR 2.62; CI 95% 2.18–3.15). Conclusion. Regional features of peripheral blood values and the prevalence of anemia in adolescents of the Tomsk region have been determined. Подростковый период характеризуется особенностями роста и развития организма, когда в условиях гормональной перестройки под воздействием факторов внешней среды увеличивается риск формирования ряда заболеваний. Цель исследования — определить референсные значения основных показателей периферической крови и распространенность анемии у подростков, проживающих на территории Томской области. Методы. Изучали результаты диспансеризации детей в возрасте от 13 до 16 лет. Для определения основных показателей общего анализа крови (эритроциты, гемоглобин, лейкоциты, скорость оседания эритроцитов) использовался автоматический гематологический анализатор. Оценка физического развития проводилась стандартными методами. Анализ результатов проводили с учетом пола, условий проживания, веса, роста и индекса массы тела. Результаты. Проанализированы показатели периферической крови 7120 подростков. Значения показателей соответствовали условным возрастным нормам. Уровень гемоглобина и количество эритроцитов ассоциированы с массой тела, ростом и индексом массы тела респондентов. Анемия различной степени тяжести была зарегистрирована у 618/7120 (8,7%) под-ростков. Чаще анемию верифицировали у жителей сельских районов (OR 1,52; CI 95% 1,28–1,80), а также у лиц женского пола (OR 2,62; CI 95% 2,18–3,15). Заключение. Установлены региональные особенности показателей периферической крови и степень распространенности анемии у подростков Томской области.
More specific antigens are still being searched for in order to increase informativeness of techniques for early diagnostics of tuberculous infection. Aimed at the investigation of proteins of tuberculous mycobacteria (PPD-L, ESAT 6, 85, hybrid of ЕSAT 6 CFP 10, CFP32B, Rv2660c) the study was conducted including testing of induced IFN-γ in the children ill with tuberculosis in the early period of primary tuberculous infection and also those not infected with tuberculous mycobacteria – 130 children in the age from 6.0 ± 0.4 years old. It was found out that tuberculin remained to be valuable for evaluation of the intensity of anti-tuberculosis immunity. Antigens of ESAT 6, 85, CFP32B, Rv2660c were identified as proteins of the early stage of tuberculous infection. The presence of response when stimulating by the above antigens was typical of the favorable course of tuberculosis. Antigens of ESAT 6 and Rv2660c were valuable for assessment of latent tuberculous infections and the hybrid of ЕSAT 6 CFP 10 – for diagnostics of tuberculosis. Therefore introduction of immunological tests (in vitro) into the set of diagnostic tools allows optimizing the early diagnostics of tuberculous infection in children and forecasting the course of the disease when tuberculosis has developed
Epidemiology of HIV Infection and Molecular and Genetic Features of the Virus at the Infected Persons in Siberian Federal District
Relevance. HIV infection epidemic in the Siberian Federal District (SFD) continues to develop with a tendency to incidence growth. The prevalence indicator in the district on 1/1/2015 made 948,4 on 100 thousand of the population. Since 1996 within 20 years in Siberian federal district the group which is the most affected with HIV infection were the consumers of injecting drugs (CID). The greatest number of patients with HIV is registered among males from risk groups in age group of 30 - 39 years (25.8%). And the combined infections lead risky behavior in respect of HIV infection to increase in number of the dead. Goal. Studied the frequency distribution of mutations associated with resistance of human immunodeficiency virus to three main classes of antiretrovirals in patients on therapy, as well as «naive» patients Materials and methods. The study is supposed to monitor the epidemic process of HIV infection in the Siberian Federal District in 2001 - 2015. Results. Patients on therapy, noted the prevalence of mutations of HIV to nucleoside and nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. The "naive" patients in the majority of cases revealed no mutations associated with resistance. Conclusions. Established the dominance of HIV subtype A1, along with a significant proportion of circulating recombinant form 02_AG and 63_02А1
Characteristics of the Main Indicators of Peripheral Blood in Adolescents in the Tomsk Region
Background. The adolescent period is characterized by the features of growth and development of the organism when the risk of a number of diseases increases under the conditions of hormonal adjustment and under the influence of environmental factors. Objective. Our aim was to determine the reference values of the main values of peripheral blood and the prevalence of anemia in adolescents residing in the territory of the Tomsk region. Methods. We studied the results of medical examination of children aged from 13 to 16 years. To determine the main values of the general blood test (erythrocytes, hemoglobin, leukocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate), an automatic hematological analyzer was used. Evaluation of physical development was carried out by standard methods. The analysis of the results was carried out considering the sex, living conditions, weight, height, and body mass index. Results. We analyzed the values of peripheral blood of 7,120 adolescents. Rated values corresponded to the conventional age norms. The hemoglobin level and the number of erythrocytes are associated with the body weight, height, and body mass index of the respondents. Anemia of varying severity was recorded in 618/7,120 (8.7%) adolescents. More often anemia was verified in rural areas (OR 1.52; CI 95% 1.28–1.80) as well as in females (OR 2.62; CI 95% 2.18–3.15). Conclusion. Regional features of peripheral blood values and the prevalence of anemia in adolescents of the Tomsk region have been determined