42 research outputs found


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    The article deals with outlooks and problems of the use of locomobiles at the rail tracks of industrial entities. Locomobiles are engineered on the basis of heavy-duty trucks and can become an alternative to switchers. But by now they haven’t become yet a reliable solution. The authors study the advantages and shortcomings of locomobiles, reasons why they haven’t managed to partially replace the switchers which are less universal in use.Перспективы и проблемы использования на рельсовых путях промышленных предприятий локомобилей. Созданные на базе большегрузных автомобилей, эти транспортные средства могут стать, но в полной мере не стали альтернативой маневровым тепловозам. В чем преимущества локомобилей и что им мешает потеснить менее универсальные по функциям машины

    Антибактериальная профилактика инфекционных осложнений в практике детского хирурга

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    The evolution of postoperative wound infections complicates the postoperative period, prolongs the hospitalization and increases the cost of treatment. The most effective way to prevent the development of infection complications in the world is antibacterial prophylaxis. In surgery, that means the injection of an antibiotic immediately before and during twenty-four hours after the surgery. The article presents a characteristic of risk factors for postoperative complications, indications and the basic principles of antibiotic prophylaxis, and recommendations for the selection of antimicrobials, depending on the particular clinical case.Развитие послеоперационных инфекций в ране осложняет течение послеоперационного периода, продлевая сроки госпитализации, увеличивая расходы на лечение пациента. Наиболее эффективным методом предотвращения развития инфекционных осложнений во всем мире признана антибактериальная профилактика. В хирургии это подразумевает введение антибиотика непосредственно перед началом и в течение одних суток после оперативного вмешательства. В статье дана характеристика факторов риска развития послеоперационных осложнений, представлены показания, основные принципы антибиотикопрофилактики, а также рекомендации по выбору антимикробных препаратов в зависимости от конкретного клинического случая

    Novel role of cPLA2α in membrane and actin dynamics

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    Actin-directed processes such as membrane ruffling and cell migration are regulated by specific signal transduction pathways that become activated by growth factor receptors. The same signaling pathways that lead to modifications in actin dynamics also activate cPLA2α. Moreover, arachidonic acid, the product of cPLA2α activity, is involved in regulation of actin dynamics. Therefore, it was investigated whether cPLA2α plays a role in actin dynamics, more specifically during growth factor-induced membrane ruffling and cell migration. Upon stimulation of ruffling and cell migration by growth factors, endogenous cPLA2α and its active phosphorylated form were shown to relocate at protrusions of the cell membrane involved in actin and membrane dynamics. Inhibition of cPLA2α activity with specific inhibitors blocked growth factor-induced membrane and actin dynamics, suggesting an important role for cPLA2α in these processes

    Opinion formation in multiplex networks with general initial distributions

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    We study opinion dynamics over multiplex networks where agents interact with bounded confidence. Namely, two neighbouring individuals exchange opinions and compromise if their opinions do not differ by more than a given threshold. In literature, agents are generally assumed to have a homogeneous confidence bound. Here, we study analytically and numerically opinion evolution over structured networks characterised by multiple layers with respective confidence thresholds and general initial opinion distributions. Through rigorous probability analysis, we show analytically the critical thresholds at which a phase transition takes place in the long-term consensus behaviour, over multiplex networks with some regularity conditions. Our results reveal the quantitative relation between the critical threshold and initial distribution. Further, our numerical simulations illustrate the consensus behaviour of the agents in network topologies including lattices and, small-world and scale-free networks, as well as for structure-dependent convergence parameters accommodating node heterogeneity. We find that the critical thresholds for consensus tend to agree with the predicted upper bounds in Theorems 4 and 5 in this paper. Finally, our results indicate that multiplexity hinders consensus formation when the initial opinion configuration is within a bounded range and, provide insight into information diffusion and social dynamics in multiplex systems modeled by networks

    Antibacterial Prophylaxis of Infectious Complications in a Pediatric Surgeon’s Practice

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    The evolution of postoperative wound infections complicates the postoperative period, prolongs the hospitalization and increases the cost of treatment. The most effective way to prevent the development of infection complications in the world is antibacterial prophylaxis. In surgery, that means the injection of an antibiotic immediately before and during twenty-four hours after the surgery. The article presents a characteristic of risk factors for postoperative complications, indications and the basic principles of antibiotic prophylaxis, and recommendations for the selection of antimicrobials, depending on the particular clinical case

    Opinion competition dynamics on multiplex networks

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    Multilayer and multiplex networks represent a good proxy for the description of social phenomena where social structure is important and can have different origins. Here, we propose a model of opinion competition where individuals are organized according to two different structures in two layers. Agents exchange opinions according to the Abrams-Strogatz model in each layer separately and opinions can be copied across layers by the same individual. In each layer a different opinion is dominant, so each layer has a different absorbing state. Consensus in one opinion is not the only possible stable solution because of the interaction between the two layers. A new mean field solution has been found where both opinions coexist. In a finite system there is a long transient time for the dynamical coexistence of both opinions. However, the system ends in a consensus state due to finite size effects. We analyze sparse topologies in the two layers and the existence of positive correlations between them, which enables the coexistence of inter-layer groups of agents sharing the same opinion

    Asymmetric devices based on carbon nanotubes as detectors of sub-THz radiation

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    International audienceDemand for efficient terahertz (THz) radiation detectors resulted in intensive study of the asymmetric carbon nanostructures as a possible solution for that problem. In this work, we systematically investigate the response of asymmetric carbon nanodevices to sub-terahertz radiation using different sensing elements: from dense carbon nanotube (CNT) network to individual CNT. We conclude that the detectors based on individual CNTs both semiconducting and quasi-metallic demonstrate much stronger response in sub-THz region than detectors based on disordered CNT networks at room temperature. We also demonstrate the possibility of using asymmetric detectors based on CNT for imaging in the THz range at room temperature. Further optimization of the device configuration may result in appearance of novel terahertz radiation detectors

    Asymmetric double grating gate detector fabricated on industrial pseudomorphic AlGaAs/InGaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure

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    Rectification at room temperature by asymmetric double-grating-gate GaAs-based field effect transistors has been observed up to 3.89 THz at zero drain bias, and attributed to the peculiar unequal spacing among the two gratings. © 2012 IEEE

    Terahertz cyclotron emission from HgCdTe bulk films

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    International audienceWe report on THz emission from HgCdTe bulk films. Our experiments clearly show magnetically tunable THz emission that can be attributed to electron radiative recombination between the Landau levels (cyclotron emission). Energy band structure theoretical calculations using Kane Hamiltonian are performed. They allow identification of observed resonances as related to transitions between two lowest conduction band Landau levels

    Nanotransistor based THz plasma detectors: low tempeatures, graphene, linearity, and circular polarization studies

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    Nanometer size field effect transistors can operate as efficient resonant or broadband terahertz detectors, mixers, phase shifters and frequency multipliers at frequencies far beyond their fundamental cut-of frequency. This work is an overview of some recent results concerning the low temperatures operation, linearity, and circular polarization studies of nanometer scale field effect transistors for the detection of terahertz radiation. Also first results on graphene transistors are discussed