3 research outputs found

    Accident causation and pre-accidental driving situations: Part 1. Overview and general statistics

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    WP2 of the European Project TRACE is concerned with “Types of Situations” to analyse the causation of road traffic accidents from the pre-accidental driving situation point of view. Four complementary situations were defined: stabilized situations, intersection, specific manoeuvre and degradation scenario. To reach this objective, the analysis is based on a common methodology composed on 3 steps: the “descriptive analysis” which from general statistics will allow to identify among the studied situations those them relevant and to give their characteristics, the “in-depth analysis” allowing to obtain accident causes from the generic description of the problems identified in the previous step and the risk analysis identifying the risk of being involved in an accident taking into account the results obtained from the ‘in–depth’ level. This report is dedicated to the descriptive analysis with the identification of the most relevant scenario regarding the situation in which the driver is involved just prior the accident. The results are based on the literature review, general statistics and the analysis of the national databases available in TRACE via WP8. Because the information level differ from databases to another, the available scenario presented here for the 4 predefined types of situations are generics and some specific situations could not have be distinguished. For each situation some key indicators are given, such as prevalence, severity, KSI (killed x severely injured), etc. When it is possible, these indicators are estimated at the EU27 level

    Accident causation and pre-accidental driving situations. Part 3. Summary report

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    This report aims to present the final results of the descriptive statistical, in-depth and risk analysis performed within TRACE Work Package ‘WP2-Type of situations’, in order to identify the main problems and the magnitude of these problems related to accident causation and risk factors for the following four types of situations: the stabilized situations, the specific manoeuvres, the intersection situations and the degraded situations. The different analysis (descriptive, in-depth and risk) of each of these five tasks has been performed using the available European accident databases within TRACE (national, in-depth and exposure databases). The objectives achieved in this WP are: • Identify and quantify accident causation factors associated to particular types of driving and pre-accidental situations, at a statistical level, by analyzing various available databases in Europe. • Obtain a focused understanding of accident causation issues related to these types of situations at an in-depth level by analyzing data from available in-depth databases. • Identify the level of risk associated to these selected types of situation in causing accidents

    Accident causation and pre-accidental driving situations. Part 2. In-depth accident causation analysis

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    WP2 of the European Project TRACE is concerned with “Types of Situations” to analyse the causation of road traffic accidents from the pre-accidental driving situation point of view. Four complementary situations were defined: stabilized situations, intersection, specific manoeuvre and degradation scenario. To reach this objective, the analysis is based on a common methodology composed on 3 steps: the “descriptive analysis” which from general statistics will allow to identify among the studied situations those them relevant and to give their characteristics, the “in-depth analysis” allowing to obtain accident causes from the generic description of the problems identified in the previous step and the risk analysis identifying the risk of being involved in an accident taking into account the results obtained from the ‘in–depth’ level. This report is dedicated to the identification of the accident causes analysed for the pre-accidental driving situation point of view, i.e. the circumstances in which the driver is involved just prior the accident. This analysis has been conducted from the scenarios identified for each type of situation during the descriptive analysis realized in a first part (Report D2.1: Accident causation and pre-accidental driving situations. Part 1. Overview and general statistics). These results are based on the study of disaggregated data (in-depth accidents collection databases) available via WP8 in TRACE. With the identification of the main causes and contributing factor, the aspect related to the human functional failure has been taken into account. This innovative concept studied in TRACE WP5, has been used here in order to have a more complete overview of the problems in working on each road users involved in the accident and not only on the whole accident