512 research outputs found

    Impact of Psycho- Educational Training Program on Practice, Stress and Coping Strategies of Parents Having Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders

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    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders (ADHD) is a developmental condition that involves problems with inattention and hyperactivity- impulsivity inconsistent with the age of the child.. The affected child often has difficulty learning, giving rise to special educational needs that, combined with poor peer and family relationship. In fact, having a child with ADHD is correlated with significant increases in the amount of parent stress that is experienced.Parents  of  children  with  ADHD  also  report  less  helpful  social  support  and  having fewer  outside  resources  may increase the family burden of effectively overcoming the child’s disruptive behaviors. Therefore,  parents'  psycho-education programs must be carried out in groups to help children as well as their parents how to deal with their difficulties. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the effect of psycho-educational training program on practice, stress and coping strategies of parents having  children with ADHD.Quasi-experimental design was selected for this study. Subjects were consists of (80) parents and their children with ADHD attended the out- patient clinic for child with ADHD at El Abassia mental healthhospital.The results denoted that there was a significant improvement in  parent knowledge & practice as wellas were significant decrease in the stress levelafter pogrom implementation andthere was a siginificant differenceregarding coping strategies before and after programimplementation.So the study recommended that more education for health care professionals in particular is needed to enable appropriate guidance for parents about the best available treatment for this disorder so that outcomes for children with ADHD may be enhanced. Keywords: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders, Psychological Intervention, Training Program, Parents, Children, Coping Strategie

    An ARDL Approach to Investigating the Link between Education Spending and Economic Growth in Egypt.

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    In this paper, we explore the correlation between public spending on education and economic growth in Egypt. The paper seeks to shift the narrative surrounding education from a service to an investment. The study employs the Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) co-integration technique using time series data from 1996 to 2022. The findings support previous research indicating a positive and significant long-term relationship between education spending and GDP growth at a 5% significance level. While the short-term relationship is negative, the highly significant negative error correction term (ECT) suggests that the whole model adjusts toward long-run equilibrium at a speed of 48%. The study concludes with recommendations for the variables examined and considers the broader context

    Use of Phenols, Peroxidase and Polyphenoloxidase of Seed to Quantify Resistance of Cotton Genotypes to Damping-off Incited by Fusarium oxysporum

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    A greenhouse test was conducted in 2011 and 2012 growing seasons at Giza Agricultural Research Station to evaluate the reaction of six cotton genotypes to damping-off incited by Fusarium oxysporum. Damping-off incidence on the genotypes ranged from 70-88%. In general, the genotypes could be divided into highly susceptible, susceptible, and moderately susceptible. Data for damping-off incidence and level or activity of some biochemical components (phenols, peroxidase, and polyphenoloxidase) were entered into a computerized linear regression analysis. The analysis contrasted seven predictive models by using the biochemical components, singly or in combination, as biochemical predictors. It was evident that models nos. 2 and 6 were the best models for predicting incidence of damping-off. The superiority of these models was attributed to their high RІ values (0.748 and 0.902, respectively) and the significance of their F. values (P = 0.026 and P = 0.031, respectively). The results of the present study suggest that peroxidase alone or both peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase, which may or may not parts of damping-off resistance mechanisms, can be used as biochemical markers to predict resistance to damping-off incited by F. oxysporum

    A Machine Learning-Based Raman Spectroscopic Assay for the Identification of Burkholderia mallei and Related Species

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    Burkholderia (B.) mallei, the causative agent of glanders, and B. pseudomallei, the causative agent of melioidosis in humans and animals, are genetically closely related. The high infectious potential of both organisms, their serological cross-reactivity, and similar clinical symptoms in human and animals make the differentiation from each other and other Burkholderia species challenging. The increased resistance against many antibiotics implies the need for fast and robust identification methods. The use of Raman microspectroscopy in microbial diagnostic has the potential for rapid and reliable identification. Single bacterial cells are directly probed and a broad range of phenotypic information is recorded, which is subsequently analyzed by machine learning methods. Burkholderia were handled under biosafety level 1 (BSL 1) conditions after heat inactivation. The clusters of the spectral phenotypes and the diagnostic relevance of the Burkholderia spp. were considered for an advanced hierarchical machine learning approach. The strain panel for training involved 12 B. mallei, 13 B. pseudomallei and 11 other Burkholderia spp. type strains. The combination of top- and sub-level classifier identified the mallei-complex with high sensitivities (>95%). The reliable identification of unknown B. mallei and B. pseudomallei strains highlighted the robustness of the machine learning-based Raman spectroscopic assay

    Detection and identification of Apple stem pitting virus and Apple stem grooving virus affecting apple and pear trees in Egypt

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    Apple stem pitting virus (ASPV) and Apple stem grooving virus (ASGV) are economically important and infect either individually or in mixed infection commercial apple and pear cultivars causing yield loses. Young green bud and/or base of petiole were collected from naturally infected apple and pear trees from different locations in Egypt. Both viruses were detected frequently in apple and pear samples. A total of 420 trees from 9 different orchards were tested using one-step RT-PCR; 13% and 17% of these samples were infected with ASPV and ASGV, respectively. Mixed infection with both viruses occurred in 4% of the tested trees. ELISA was reliable for detection of ASGV but not ASPV. Total RNA for one-step RT-PCR was isolated from 100 mg fresh affected apple and pear leaf tissue using Qiagen RNeasy plant mini-kit (Qiagen, Crawley, UK), according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The one step-RTPCR method was performed using ASPV and ASGV-specific primers for each virus. A 316 bp fragment for ASPV and 524bp fragment for ASGV were amplified and detected by gel electrophoresis analysis which indicated the presence of ASPV and ASGV in affected apple and pear cultivars. Southern blot hybridization of the amplified products to digoxigenin (DIG)-labeled cDNA probe for ASPV or ASGV confirmed the results obtained by electrophoresis analysis. No product was detected in amplified extracts of uninfected apple and pear samples. The detection of ASPV and ASGV by one step-RT-PCR assay was successful and appears useful for testing pome fruit germplasm in quarantine and budwood in certification programs.Keywords: Apple and pear, ASPV, ASGV, virus detection, One step RT-PCR, Southern blot hybridizatio

    Wodel: a domain-specific language for model mutation

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    This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in SAC '16: Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/10.1145/2851613.2851751Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) is a software engineering paradigm that uses models as main assets in all development phases. While many languages for model manipulation exist (e.g., for model transformation or code generation), there is a lack of frameworks to de ne and apply model mutations. A model mutant is a variation of an original model, created by speci c model mutation operations. Model mutation has many applications, for instance, in the areas of model trans- formation testing, model-based testing or education. In this paper, we present a domain-speci c language, called Wodel, for the speci cation and generation of model mu- tants. Wodel is domain-independent, as it can be used to generate mutants of models conforming to arbitrary meta- models. Its development environment is extensible, permit- ting the incorporation of post-processors for di erent appli- cations. As an example, we show an application consisting on the automated generation of exercises for particular do- mains (automata, class diagrams, electronic circuits, etc.).Thanks to VĂ­ctor LĂłpez Rivero for the initial implementation of the Wodel IDE. Work supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity (TIN2014-52129-R), the Madrid Region (S2013/ICE-3006), and the EU commission (FP7-ICT-2013-10, #611125)

    Synthesis and Evaluation of Some New Thiazoles as Antioxidant Additives for Egyptian Lubricating Oils

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    4-(2-Aminothiazol-4-yl)-phenol (1) reacted with 2-(4-methoxy-benzylidene)-malononitrile or 1,3-diphenyl-1H- pyrazole-4-carbaldehyde to afford enaminonitrile, pyrazolo derivatives 2 and 3, respectively. On the other hand, methylation of 1 afforded the acetyl derivative 4 which reacted with phenyl isothiocyanate, diazonium salt, acetic anhydride, cyclic anhydride, ethyl acetoacetate, benzaldehyde or phosphorous oxychloride to afford compounds 5-9, 11 and 12, respectively. Moreover, the compound 12 reacted with ethyl cyanoacetate to afford compound 13. A one-pot reaction of compound 1 with ethyl acetoacetate and benzaldehyde afforded compound 10. The synthesized compounds were evaluated as antioxidant additives for lube oil. Key words: Key words: Aminothiazole; Condensation; Antioxidant Additive

    Dexmedetomidine as an adjuvant to bupivacaine in ultrasound fascia iliaca compartment block in proximal end femur surgeries

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    Background: Fracture neck femur is a common cause of hospital admission among the elderly population. Many patients admitted with fracture femur have long-standing cardiac, hepatic or renal problems. This makes a challenge to balance adequate analgesia with side effects of opioids. Fascia iliaca compartment block (FICB) is one of the peripheral nerve block techniques. It became widely used in providing postoperative analgesia for patient with fracture neck femur either in emergency department or in the operating room.Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of addition of dexmedetomidine to bupivacaine on the duration and quality of postoperative analgesia in ultrasound guided fascia iliaca compartment block in proximal end femur surgeries.Patients and methods: Sixty patients with American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) physical status I - II of both sexes aged from 20-60 years scheduled for proximal end femur surgeries. They were randomly assigned to one of two equal groups (n=30 each), using closed envelope technique: Bupivacaine group (B group), and Bupivacaine + dexmedetomidine (BD group). Result: Our study demonstrated prolongation of postoperative analgesia in bupivacaine-dexmedetomidine group (BD) compared to bupivacaine group (B). It showed statistically significant reduction in cumulative pethidine doses and prolongation in the time till first rescue analgesic is required in the BD group in comparison with the B group in the first 24 hours. Hemodynamic changes and incidence of side effects, were statistically insignificant among the two groups. Conclusion: Addition of dexmedetomidine, as an adjuvant to the local anesthetic bupivacaine, in ultrasound fascia iliaca compartment block provides prolongation of the duration of postoperative analgesia with less opioid consumption without remarkable side effects

    Identification, Genotyping and Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing of Brucella spp. Isolated from Livestock in Egypt

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    Brucellosis is a highly contagious zoonosis worldwide with economic and public health impacts. The aim of the present study was to identify Brucella (B.) spp. isolated from animal populations located in different districts of Egypt and to determine their antimicrobial resistance. In total, 34-suspected Brucella isolates were recovered from lymph nodes, milk, and fetal abomasal contents of infected cattle, buffaloes, sheep, and goats from nine districts in Egypt. The isolates were identified by microbiological methods and matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Differentiation and genotyping were confirmed using multiplex PCR for B. abortus, Brucella melitensis, Brucella ovis, and Brucella suis (AMOS) and Bruce-ladder PCR. Antimicrobial susceptibility testing against clinically used antimicrobial agents (chloramphenicol, ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, gentamicin, imipenem, rifampicin, streptomycin, and tetracycline) was performed using E-Test. The antimicrobial resistance-associated genes and mutations in Brucella isolates were confirmed using molecular tools. In total, 29 Brucella isolates (eight B. abortus biovar 1 and 21 B. melitensis biovar 3) were identified and typed. The resistance of B. melitensis to ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, imipenem, rifampicin, and streptomycin were 76.2%, 19.0%, 76.2%, 66.7%, and 4.8%, respectively. Whereas, 25.0%, 87.5%, 25.0%, and 37.5% of B. abortus were resistant to ciprofloxacin, erythromycin, imipenem, and rifampicin, respectively. Mutations in the rpoB gene associated with rifampicin resistance were identified in all phenotypically resistant isolates. Mutations in gyrA and gyrB genes associated with ciprofloxacin resistance were identified in four phenotypically resistant isolates of B. melitensis. This is the first study highlighting the antimicrobial resistance in Brucella isolated from different animal species in Egypt. Mutations detected in genes associated with antimicrobial resistance unravel the molecular mechanisms of resistance in Brucella isolates from Egypt. The mutations in the rpoB gene in phenotypically resistant B. abortus isolates in this study were reported for the first time in Egypt

    Mandibular full-arch fixed prostheses supported by three-dental-implants: A protocol of an overview of reviews.

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    INTRODUCTION To minimize trauma and cost of treatment, oral health practitioners have successfully rehabilitated full arches by supporting the prostheses on four implants. However, there is no consensus whether less than four implants supporting full mandibular arches would provide similar clinical outcomes to other well-established all-on-four alternative. OBJECTIVE To identify, summarize, appraise, and compare the clinical outcomes evidence of three-implant fixed full-arch prostheses in completely edentulous mandibular patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS This overview of systematic reviews (OoSRs) will include secondary synthesis studies (i.e., systematic reviews with or without a meta-analysis). A three-step search strategy will be conducted in MEDLINE (Ovid), EMBASE (Ovid), Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Scopus, Web of Science (WoS Core Collection), and Google Scholar. Grey literature and a manual search in 12 specialized journals will also be conducted. Three independent reviewers will screen all retrieved articles for eligibility, extract data and assess the methodological quality of the included studies. The results will be presented as tables or narrative synthesis. The studies will be evaluated for risk of bias by ROBIS and methodology quality by the AMSTAR-2 tool. If new primary studies are identified, a meta-analysis will be conducted. Certainty of the evidence will be assessed to answer the following focused research question: In edentulous mandibular patients, what are the implant and prostheses clinical outcomes of three-implant fixed full-arch prostheses compared to other all-on-x solutions? DISCUSSION There are some systematic reviews about the use of fixed complete dental prostheses supported by three implants; however, their clinical outcomes related to the other all-on-four plus solutions are conflicting. So, an overview on this topic is required to provide recommendations. REVIEW REGISTRATION NUMBER International prospective register of systematic reviews (PROSPERO) ID#: CRD42021262175. National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York, York, United Kingdom
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