203 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran kompetensi sosial mahasiswa calon guru Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY) secara umum dan secara terperinci yang mencakup setiap: indikator, kelompok keilmuan, tahun masuk, lingkungan sosial di kampus dan di masyarakat, keaktifan kegiatan di kampus dan di masysrakat, pekerjaan orangtua, dan pendidikan orangtua. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survey dengan tingkat eksplanasi deskriptif dan dengan data kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa UNY program S1 kependidikan jumlahnya sekitar 15000. Jumlah sampel ditentukan dengan tabel Krejcie-Morgan, diperoleh 378 sampel. Sedang teknik pengambilam sampel dilakukan dengan cara multi stage. Langkah pertama adalah mengambil sampel 2 program studi kependidikan secara purposive. Jumlah sampel setiap program studi dan setiap angkatan masuk diambil secara quota, dan selanjutnya sampel diambil secara random. Sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian ini, teknik analisis datanya adalah secara deskriptif dengan teknik Count-If dan Mean. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Secara keseluruhan kompetensi sosial mahasiswa UNY kategori baik (skor rerata 74,63, dalam skala 100). (2) Berdasarkan indikatornya, kompetensi sosial mahasiswa UNY dari yang tertinggi adalah rasa hormat/penghargaan, kategori baik (79,70), dan kerjasama dengan masyarakat dalam kategori cukup baik (62,38). (3) Menurut bidang keilmuan, mahasiswa kelompok ilmu pengetahuan sosial (IPS) skor rerata kompetensi sosialnya 75,60, kategori baik, dan mahasiswa kelompok ilmu eksakta (IPA) skor rerata kompetensi sosialnya 73,34. (4) Kompetensi sosial mahasiswa angkatan 2011 skor 73,60 (baik), angkatan 2012 skor 75,99 (baik), dan angkatan 2013 skor 74,30 (baik). (5) Mahasiswa dengan lingkungan sosial di kampus dan di masyarakat yang inspiratif cenderung memiliki kompetensi sosial lebih tinggi daripada lingkungan yang tidak inspiratif. (6) Mahasiswa yang aktif di kampus dan di masyarakat cenderung memiliki kompetensi sosial lebih tinggi daripada yang tidak aktif. (7) Status pekerjaan orangtua mahasiswa tidak memiliki kaitan yang jelas dengan kompetensi sosial anaknya. (8) Tingkat pendidikan orangtua mahasiswa juga tidak memiliki kaitan yang jelas dengan kompetensi sosial anaknya

    Analysis of the fast food market in Kazakhstan

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    The role of LSM (local store marketing) in the development of the fast food market is very important. It is a marketing service that can be used to properly manage communications, demonstrate the effectiveness of advertising and as the basis for promotion and stock mechanics. Nowadays, the fast food market in Kazakhstan is worth around 280-310 millio

    Computer simulation of cold sprayed deposition using smoothed particle hydrodynamics

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    AbstractThe smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) method is applied to simulate the cold spray (CS) process by modeling the impact of a spherical powder particle on substrate.In this work, the adhesive interaction between the contacting surfaces is described by intersurface forces using the cohesive zone model. The application of the SPH method permits simulation of the impact process without the use of mesh and thus avoids the disadvantages of traditional numerical method in handling large deformations and tracing moving interfaces in the highly transient non-linear dynamic CS process. The simulated deformed particle shape evolution and estimated critical velocity from other sources were compared and good agreement was obtained. The analyses demonstrate the feasibility of the presented SPH methodology and the adhesive interaction model for simulating the deformation behavior of CS particles

    Microclimate model for urban heat island simulation: a prediction tool extension to calculate the ambient temperature of building

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    Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) is a public university located at Parit Raja, Batu Pahat, which is categorized as a suburban area of Johor, Malaysia and is still in development progress. However, the quick pace of development leads to changing of land use from green surface to hard surface building blocks which tends to increase the temperature level and reduce outdoor comfort level of occupants in UTHM. In addition, the available software simulations that used currently for temperature monitoring is mostly too complicated for educated non-scientist such as urban planners and architects. This research objectives are to predict the ambient building temperature of reference area by using Screening Tool for Estate Environment Evaluation software (STEVE) and to provide comparison for both of field measurements with STEVE results. In order to achieve these objectives, a total of six stations considering different urban morphologies are evaluated to give a better understanding on implication of urban heat island. The daily minimum (Tmin), average (Tavg) and maximum (Tmax) air temperature for six stations in UTHM have been developed and validated based on a long-term field measurement. The pavement (PAVE), building (BDG), green plot area ratio (GnPR), average height area (AvgHT), sky view factor (SVF), total wall area (WALL) and result of the temperature (Tmax, Tmin and Tavg) are automatically calculated by STEVE from the developed 3D models. The results show that the percentage different of temperature between STEVE and field measurement is in a range of 0.9-1.0% and this has strongly indicated that STEVE is suitable to be used as temperature prediction tool

    Analysis of trace metal contamination in Pahang River and Kelantan River, Malaysia

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    The primary objective of this study is to determine trace metal contamination in environmental samples obtained from Pahang River and Kelantan River, Malaysia which may help to identify the risk of sustainable dredging in these areas. This research also proceeds to compare the trace metal concentration with the National Water Quality Standards of Malaysia, Interim Canadian Sediment Quality Guidelines and Malaysian Food Act 1983 to determine its limits and risks. Samples of water, sediment, snails and fishes were collected and analyzed for As, Cu, Cd, Cr, Fe, Pb, Ni, Mn, and Hg by using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. It was found that the concentration of trace metals namely As, Cu, Cd, Cr, Pb, Ni, and Hg in river water, sediment, snail and fish samples in Pahang River were lower than the maximum allowable limits, except for Fe and Mn. In Kelantan River, the concentration of trace metals indicating that it is contaminated with Fe, Mn, Pb, Cr, Cu, Hg, and As as all trace metals exceeded the maximum allowable limits. Negative impacts may arise, and the river may contaminate more in future if there is no proper management to tackle this issue during execution of dredging activities

    Hambatan Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Bengkulu dalam Pengintegrasian Pengelolaan SMA dan Smk

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    The purpose of writing the article is to describe the barriers and solutions in the management of high school and vocational integration into the province of Bengkulu. The method used is descriptive qualitative analysis. The subjects used in are: Head, Head, Head of Sector Dikmen, and Principal of SMA and SMK. The tools used in the collection of data is by using interviews, documentation, and observation. The results of the study are as follows: Readiness Education Department of Bengkulu province in carrying out the implementation of actional rule No. 23 of 2014, is now being preparing for the transition of authority from the district / city to the provinces to collect data on the number of high school teachers and vocational school, the school\u27s assets, the number of supervisors, as well as matters more about the switch. This data collection has been conducted from February to April 2016 yesterday, then on October 3, 2016 will be the handover of district / city government to the provinces

    Instrument unidimensionality, validity and reliability to measure user intention to use of Facebook Cuti-Cuti 1Malaysia

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    Facebook users’ motive encourages them to choose the preferred Facebook page. A motive embedded in an individual can be stimulated to become an action. A motive could also turn into motivation during a particular process. This paper's ultimate purpose is to validate the adequacy of the generated items representing the construct involved in this research. The CFA validation included attitude, subjective norms, behavioural control response, Facebook user's experience, response, and engagement. This research collected 237 valid responses from active Facebook users. Upon finding, the attitude is considered invalid as a construct in this research due to the model fit issue. It can be concluded that in general, the remaining items and constructs are considered valid and reliable to be applied in this research and suitable for the second level (measurement model) analysis for validity and reliability

    Effects of downscaling channel dimensions on electrical characteristics of InAs-FinFET transistor

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    In this paper, we present the impact of downscaling of nano-channel dimensions of Indium Arsenide Fin Feld Effect Transistor (InAs- FinFET) on electrical characteristics of the transistor, in particular; (i) ION/IOFF ratio, (ii) Subthreshold Swing (SS), Threshold voltage (VT), and Drain-induced barrier lowering (DIBL). MuGFET simulation tool was utilized to simulate and compare the considered characteristics based on variable channel dimensions: length, width and oxide thickness. The results demonstrate that the best performance of InAs- FinFET was achieved with channel length = 25 nm, width= 5 nm, and oxide thickness between 1.5 to 2.5 nm according to the selected scaling factor (K = 0.125)

    Validation of a paediatric thyroid phantom using different multidetector computed tomography models

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    The aim of this study was to compare the attenuation values of a fabricated paediatric thyroid phantom material using different MDCT models. A paediatric thyroid phantom was designed to mimic the shape and size of a paediatric patient with an age of 9 years using high-density Polyethylene as the phantom material. The fabricated phantom was scanned using two different multidetector CT scanners (16- and 128-row detectors). The CT numbers were evaluated and the mass attenuation coefficients () of the phantom material were obtained at each applied energy from each scanner. The results were compared with the tables of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The CTs of 16- and 128-row detectors showed that the obtained attenuation values are very similar to the NIST’s values. However, the CT of the 128-row detectors showed a slightly much closer match to the NIST’s values. This refers to the type and quality of the electronic connections between the detectors. Furthermore, the type and number of detectors (16- and 128-detectors) could affect the details and quality of the output images. The results show that different multidetector CTs can be used to validate the phantom and determine the mass attenuation coefficients of its material