14,188 research outputs found

    Virtual Site as an aid to first-year learning

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    Courses run by the School of the Built Environment have a range of entry requirements that enable diverse students and those with lower academic qualifications to gain entry. This results in a particular challenge for the Documentation & Estimating module, which is a very practical, skillsand competence-based module. It is delivered to large tutorial cohorts of mixed courses, abilities, ages and experience. Many students need one-toone guidance to understand what, practically, they have to do. They are given the theory first in a lecture and then have practical tutorials to carry out assessed exercises with limited tutor contact time. The module includes some basic surveying techniques and a levelling exercise which involves the transfer of a level from an assumed benchmark to establish a temporary benchmark some distance away. Many students have problems with computation of results. In spite of a careful introduction and explanation of the use of the instruments and techniques, many students find it difficult to visualise what is happening


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    Wide-field optical and near--IR (JHKJHK) imaging is presented for two rich galaxy clusters: Abell~370 at z=0.374z=0.374 and Abell~851 (Cl0939+47) at z=0.407z=0.407. Galaxy catalogs selected from the near--IR images are 90\% complete to approximately 1.5 mag below K∗K^\ast resulting in samples with ∼\sim100 probable member galaxies per cluster in the central ∼\sim2 Mpc. Comparison with HSTHST WFPC images yields subsamples of ∼\sim70 galaxies in each cluster with morphological types. Analysis of the complete samples and the HSTHST subsamples shows that the z∼0.4z\sim 0.4 E/S0s are bluer than those in the Bower et al.\ (1992) Coma sample in the optical−K-K color by 0.130.13~mag for Abell~370 and by 0.180.18~mag for Abell~851. If real, the bluing of the E/S0 populations at moderate redshift is consistent with that calculated from the Bruzual and Charlot (1993) models of passive elliptical galaxy evolution. In both clusters the intrinsic scatter of the known E/S0s about their optical−K-K color--mag relation is small (∼0.06\sim 0.06 mag) and not significantly different from that of Coma E/S0s as given by Bower et al.\ (1992), indicating that the galaxies within each cluster formed at the same time at an early epoch.Comment: uuencoded gzipped tar file containing latex files of manuscript (42 pages) plus tables (9 pages); figures available by anonymous ftp at ftp://ipac.caltech.edu//pub/pickup/sed ; accepted for publication in the Ap

    Transition state theory and the dynamics of hard disks

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    The dynamics of two and five disk systems confined in a square has been studied using molecular dynamics simulations and compared with the predictions of transition state theory. We determine the partition functions Z and Z^\ddagger of transition state theory using a procedure first used by Salsburg and Wood for the pressure. Our simulations show this procedure and transition state theory are in excellent agreement with the simulations. A generalization of the transition state theory to the case of a large number of disks N is made and shown to be in full agreement with simulations of disks moving in a narrow channel. The same procedure for hard spheres in three dimensions leads to the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann formula for their alpha relaxation time.Comment: 1 new author, new simulations and figures, less speculation. Now 6 pages, 6 figures, 1 animation. Animation may be viewed at http://www.theory.physics.manchester.ac.uk/~godfrey/supplement/activated_dynamics2.htm

    ANNz: estimating photometric redshifts using artificial neural networks

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    We introduce ANNz, a freely available software package for photometric redshift estimation using Artificial Neural Networks. ANNz learns the relation between photometry and redshift from an appropriate training set of galaxies for which the redshift is already known. Where a large and representative training set is available ANNz is a highly competitive tool when compared with traditional template-fitting methods. The ANNz package is demonstrated on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 1, and for this particular data set the r.m.s. redshift error in the range 0 < z < 0.7 is 0.023. Non-ideal conditions (spectroscopic sets which are small, or which are brighter than the photometric set for which redshifts are required) are simulated and the impact on the photometric redshift accuracy assessed.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures. Replaced to match version accepted by PASP (minor changes to original submission). The ANNz package may be obtained from http://www.ast.cam.ac.uk/~aa

    Near-IR imaging of moderate redshift galaxy clusters

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    We have obtained near-IR imaging of 3 moderate-z clusters on the 1.3 m at KPNO with SQIID, a new camera offering wide-field (5.5 arcmin) simultaneous JHK band imaging. Our photometry on a sample of approximately 100 likely member galaxies in one of the clusters, Abell 370 at z = 0.37, shows that we can obtain magnitudes good to 20 percent down to K = 18, considerably below the estimated K* = 16.5 at this redshift. These data indicate that there are no systematic problems in obtaining photometry at faint levels with SQIID. With the development of larger arrays, the field is open to progress. The resulting J, H, and K data for three clusters are combined with previously obtained multiband optical photometry. We present an investigation of the spectral properties and evolution of the dominant cold stellar populations by comparing optical-to-IR colors and color-magnitude diagrams to predictions from population synthesis models and galaxy spectral evolution codes

    Using the local gyrokinetic code, GS2, to investigate global ITG modes in tokamaks. (I) s-α{\alpha} model with profile and flow shear effects

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    This paper combines results from a local gyrokinetic code with analytical theory to reconstruct the global eigenmode structure of the linearly unstable ion-temperature-gradient (ITG) mode with adiabatic electrons. The simulations presented here employ the s-α{\alpha} tokamak equilibrium model. Local gyrokinetic calculations, using GS2 have been performed over a range of radial surfaces, x, and for ballooning phase angle, p, in the range -π≤p≤π{\pi} {\leq} p {\leq\pi}, to map out the complex local mode frequency, Ω0(x,p)=ω0(x,p)+iγ0(x,p){\Omega_0(x, p) = \omega_0(x, p) + i\gamma_0(x, p)}. Assuming a quadratic radial profile for the drive, namely ηi=Ln/LT{\eta_i = L_n/L_T}, (holding constant all other equilibrium profiles such as safety factor, magnetic shear etc.), Ω0(x,p){\Omega_0(x, p)} has a stationary point. The reconstructed global mode then sits on the outboard mid plane of the tokamak plasma, and is known as a conventional or isolated mode, with global growth rate, γ{\gamma} ~ Max[γ0(x,p){\gamma_0(x, p)}], where γ0(x,p){\gamma_0(x, p)} is the local growth rate. Taking the radial variation in other equilibrium profiles (e.g safety factor q(x)) into account, removes the stationary point in Ω0(x,p){\Omega_0(x, p)} and results in a mode that peaks slightly away from the outboard mid-plane with a reduced global growth rate. Finally, the influence of flow shear has also been investigated through a Doppler shift, ω0→ω0+nΩ′x{\omega_0 \rightarrow \omega_0 + n\Omega^{\prime}x}, where n is the toroidal mode number and Ω′{\Omega^{\prime}} incorporates the effect of flow shear. The equilibrium profile variation introduces an asymmetry to the growth rate spectrum with respect to the sign of Ω′{\Omega^{\prime}}, consistent with recent global gyrokinetic calculations.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures and 1 tabl

    Free-free and H42alpha emission from the dusty starburst within NGC 4945 as observed by ALMA

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    We present observations of the 85.69 GHz continuum emission and H42alpha line emission from the central 30 arcsec within NGC 4945. Both sources of emission originate from nearly identical structures that can be modelled as exponential discs with a scale length of ~2.1 arcsec (or ~40 pc). An analysis of the spectral energy distribution based on combining these data with archival data imply that 84% +/- 10% of the 85.69 GHz continuum emission originates from free-free emission. The electron temperature is 5400 +/- 600 K, which is comparable to what has been measured near the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy. The star formation rate (SFR) based on the H42alpha and 85.69 GHz free-free emission (and using a distance of 3.8 Mpc) is 4.35 +/- 0.25 M/yr. This is consistent with the SFR from the total infrared flux and with previous measurements based on recombination line emission, and it is within a factor of ~2 of SFRs derived from radio data. The Spitzer Space Telescope 24 micron data and Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer 22 micron data yield SFRs ~10x lower than the ALMA measurements, most likely because the mid-infrared data are strongly affected by dust attenuation equivalent to A_V=150. These results indicate that SFRs based on mid-infrared emission may be highly inaccurate for dusty, compact circumnuclear starbursts.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA
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