56 research outputs found

    Psycho-pedagogical support of students' professional self-determination

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    © 2017 Serials Publications. The relevance of the study is due to the need of students¿ psycho-pedagogical support on the stage of preprofile training, the results of which should allow students to make preliminary determination concerning their education and future career. The leading research approach to the problems of basic schoolleavers¿ vocational choice training is a systematic approach. The article describes a developed and implemented complex programme of students¿ psychological and pedagogical support in the context of preprofile training, and provides empirical data on the results of testing the programme. The article reveals the content of preprofile training courses programmes. In this regard, the materials of the article can be useful to educators engaged in students¿ preprofile training

    The technology of developing pupils’ decorative-applied creativity at school: On the example of embroidery

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    © 2016 Fedorenko and Bykova. Open Access terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.The relevance of the study is determined by a decrease in moral criteria among the youth, the loss of the sense of belonging to the homeland history, the collapse of the “connection of times”. To refocus students’ spiritual values is possible by increasing their interest in national traditions and art. The goal of the article is to reveal possibilities of the school subject of “Technology” in developing pupils’ decorative-applied creativity. The leading approach of the study of this problem is an activity approach allowing to consider peculiarities of the teacher and students’ decorative-applied activities on the example of embroidery. The article explores the importance of arts and crafts as a means of students’ personality development. It is proved that the subject area of “Technology” provide wide opportunities for developing decorative-applied creativity conditioned by the specificity of the subject content. The content of the worked out technology for developing pupils’ decorative-applied creativity in the basic school on the example of embroidery is revealed. The article explains the impact of the technology of developing pupils’ decorative-applied creativity within the subject area of “Technology” on the development of pupils’ creative abilities, preservation of national traditions. In this regard, the article will be useful to educators dealing with issues of spiritual and moral upbringing of the younger generation

    Students professional orientation to the teaching profession in educational environment

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    © 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research.Properly organized pedagogical career guidance for young people can be considered as a means of younger generation’s educational culture increasing, and hence the humanization of the entire society. The purpose of the paper is to reveal the two directions’ contents of the pupils’ pedagogical orientation: pre-professional teacher training in the school and the organization of students’ professional orientation at the University. A leading approach to the study of this problem is a systematic approach involving the relationship of the content, forms and methods of students’ pedagogical orientation as well as interaction of this process’s entities. The paper reveals the content of the developed curriculum for students’ pre-professional pedagogical training, and analyzes the possibilities of interaction between school and University as a factor in the students’ determination in the teaching profession. The paper can be useful for educators who are engaged in students’ professional orientation to the teaching profession

    Technological education as a means of developing students’ health culture

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    © 2016 by author/s.The urgency of the research is due to the fact that health of school-age children in Russia is deteriorating. The development of health culture has become an integral part of students’ general cultural development. The purpose of this article is to reveal the potential of "Technology" as a school subject for the development of students’ health culture. The activity approach is the leading one to the study of this problem. The activity approach takes into account students’ individual characteristics, as well as the role and significance of certain activities and forms of communication, in order to suggest ways for the development of students’ health culture. This article analyzes the subject matter of "Technology", which aims at health protection of students. In this regard, the article can be helpful to education workers responsible for health preservation of the younger generation

    Students professional orientation to the teaching profession in educational environment

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    © 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research.Properly organized pedagogical career guidance for young people can be considered as a means of younger generation’s educational culture increasing, and hence the humanization of the entire society. The purpose of the paper is to reveal the two directions’ contents of the pupils’ pedagogical orientation: pre-professional teacher training in the school and the organization of students’ professional orientation at the University. A leading approach to the study of this problem is a systematic approach involving the relationship of the content, forms and methods of students’ pedagogical orientation as well as interaction of this process’s entities. The paper reveals the content of the developed curriculum for students’ pre-professional pedagogical training, and analyzes the possibilities of interaction between school and University as a factor in the students’ determination in the teaching profession. The paper can be useful for educators who are engaged in students’ professional orientation to the teaching profession

    Arrangement of cooperation between labour market and regional vocational education system

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    © 2018, Emerald Publishing Limited. Purpose: Modern educational environment in the system of vocational education focuses on the requirements of labour market and those of employers to the content of graduates’ professional competencies. Thus, the purpose of this paper is to develop practical guidance on the arrangement of cooperation between labour market and regional vocational education system. Design/methodology/approach: Participative approach allowed considering the cooperation between labour market and regional system of vocational education as the process aimed at creating management tools for formation, use, development of human resources. The research involved 300 teachers, 400 students, 100 employers, who found out the effectiveness criteria for the cooperation between labour market and vocational education system. Findings: The findings reveal national models characteristics and universal tools for cooperation between vocational education institutions and enterprise. National models characteristics allow identifying the most advantageous cooperation tools; comparing suggested tools with the experience of others and thereby assessing their relevance and implementation risks. Research limitations/implications: The research results allow us to plan strategies for further studies of this problem, which are related to the development of models for cooperation between labour market and vocational education system. Practical implications: The identification of universal tools for cooperation between vocational education institutions and enterprise promotes the integration of national vocational education systems into national educational space. The materials of the paper can be useful for university leaders and professors; employees of centres for professional advancement and retraining in selecting and structuring the content of academic and teaching staff’s advanced training. Social implications: The revealed criteria contribute to vocational education programmes integration, connection between professional and educational standards, students’ professional identity. Originality/value: The effectiveness of the cooperation between labour market and vocational education system will be improved by studying national models and identifying the most advantageous cooperation tools (modular training, voluntary social/ecological year, educational resources integration, state and public management, clustering vocational education institutions and industry companies). This will allow comparing the suggested tools for collaboration between labour market and vocational education system with the experience of others and thereby assess their relevance and implementation risks. Improving the cooperation between labour market and vocational education system will be successful provided that universal tools for cooperation (socio-economic, educational, practical, innovative and technological) are identified, which promotes the integration of national vocational education systems into national educational space. The effectiveness of cooperation between labour market and vocational education system will increase on condition of criterion assessment (clustering, subjectivity, transdisciplinarity), promoting vocational education programmes integration, connection between professional and educational standards, students’ professional identity, students’ engagement in the development and implementation of research and production projects, stepped formation of professional competencies

    Application of the cost-effectiveness method in improving the pharmacotherapy of multiple myeloma

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) accounts for 1 % of all cancers and about 10 % of all hemoblastoses. The use of innovative technologies with the inclusion of targeted drugs leads to a significant improvement in the quality of pharmacotherapy and the achievement of overall survival (OS).The aim of the work is to conduct a pharmacoeconomic analysis of the most used MM therapy regimens with the use of targeted drugs and to determine the dominant treatment regimens using a costeffectiveness analysis.Materials and methods. To determine the cost of a course of treatment, we summed up the costs of drugs included in the pharmacotherapy regimen, taking into account taxes, marginal trade markup and duration of the course. Dosing of the targeted drug included in the regimen was determined according to the official instructions for the drug. Progression-free survival (PFS) was adopted as the main criterion for the effectiveness of treatment. Information on PFS of targeted drugs was obtained from data from international phase III RCTs — ASPIRE, TOURMALINEMM1, POLLUX and ELOQUENT2.Results. Based on the results of the pharmacoeconomic analysis, the dominant treatment regimen for MM was determined — daratumumab / lenalidomide / dexamethasone, which has the best cost-effectiveness ratio. The combination of elotuzumab / lenalidomide / dexamethasone was recognized as the least effective technology

    Ademetionine treatment cost analysis of patients with intrahepatic cholestasis and non-alcoholic fatty disease

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    Relevance. Ademetionine is a hepatoprotective drug, is included in the  draft Russian clinical guidelines for the  diagnosis and treatment of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and in the  clinical guidelines for treating intrahepatic cholestasis (ITH), the cost analysis of treating patients with ITH and NAFLD is topical. Aim. The cost analysis of treatment with ademetionine for ITH and NAFLD in the Russian Federation. Methods. This clinical and economic analysis was conducted in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 57525–2017 and the methodological recommendations of the  Center for Expertise and Quality Control of Medical Care. At the  first stage, to determine the  structure and number of costs, a review of legal acts and publications on the  pharmacoeconomic analysis of clinical situations and drugs of interest in the  e-Library and ConsultantPlus databases was carried out. The  source of prices for medical services was the tariffs of the compulsory medical insurance system and data from the tariff agreement in Moscow within the framework of the compulsory medical insurance system, and in the absence of tariffs, the  prices for paid medical services. Prices for drugs were obtained from an open source — the  Russian Pharmaceutical Portal (Pharmindex.rf). In the  absence of data on the  cost structure, a survey of physicians conducted through a questionnaire. Results. Because of the literature review, 34 publications were found in the  e-Library database on the use of ademetionine in NAFLD and ITH. Additionally, outside the scope of the literature review, a study was found in 2011, which provides a comparative clinical and economic analysis of the  use of ademetionine (Heptral®) and essential phospholipids (Essentiale) in alcoholic liver damage and in infectious hepatitis. A review of legal acts in the  ConsultantPlus database initially identified 93 documents, of which 25 turned out to be irrelevant to the current purpose of the study, that is, they didn’t allow analyzing the costs of ademetionine therapy. Of the 20 identified standards of medical care, only 2 are devoted to diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Because of the analysis, it was revealed that the cost per case of NAFLD treatment in a round-the-clock hospital amounted to 24.6 thousand rubles; in a day hospital, the  cost per case of both NAFLD and ITH in adults amounted to 19.8 thousand rubles each. The average total cost of treating one patient during the year on an outpatient basis for NAFLD amounted to 65.3 thousand rubles, of which only 14.3 thousand rubles. covered by the compulsory medical insurance system, 16.9 thousand rubles outside the compulsory medical insurance system and 34.1 thousand rubles — drug costs. The average total costs for treating one patient during the year on an outpatient basis from ITH amounted to 65.4 thousand rubles, of which 23.9 thousand rubles. covered by the compulsory medical insurance system, 17.6 thousand rubles outside the compulsory medical insurance system and 23.9 thousand rubles — drug costs. Conclusion. Because of the study, the average costs for treating patients with NAFLD and ITH were calculated, which can later be used to conduct other types of pharmacoeconomic analysis