415 research outputs found

    Imaging of Sciatic Lymphoma

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    A comparative study of diagnostic and imaging techniques for osteoarthritis of the trapezium

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    Objectives. The aims of this study were to determine whether micro-CT is a reliable investigation method to evaluate the severity of OA in the trapezium and to develop a novel micro-CT scoring system based on a quantitative assessment of the subchondral bone thickness in order to better assess OA through an objective parameter.Methods. We compared different diagnostic and imaging techniques performed consecutively on each sample: X-ray, visual analysis, micro-CT and histology. OA and healthy trapezia were subjected to semi-quantitative and quantitative analyses to be classified in four degrees of severity in OA (control, OA-2, OA-3 and OA-4). Specifically, samples were analysed using Dell's score for X-ray, Brown's score for visual analysis and Mankin's score for histology. Micro-CT was scored using a novel quantitative scoring system based on subchondral bone thickness measurements. Results obtained with each technique were then compared and correlated.Results. X-ray analysis showed a higher frequency of OA-2 (27%) and OA-3 (32%) compared with OA-4 (5%), whereas visual analysis, micro-CT and histology showed a lower percentage for OA-2 (18%, 18% and 14%) and OA-3 (23%) and increased frequency for OA-4 (45%, 32% and 40%). Only the micro-CT score of subchondral bone thickness correlated significantly with all the other techniques (P < 0.05).Conclusion. This is the first comparison of techniques proposing a novel scoring system based on objective and quantitative micro-CT data that can be applied as a useful diagnostic tool for OA, providing a deeper comprehension of the pathophysiology of OA in trapezium

    OMBRA: Observing Montello BRoad Activity. Una rete temporanea per lo studio dei processi di deformazione attraverso la faglia del Montello (Alpi orientali).

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    L’area veneta delle Alpi orientali è caratterizzata da una debole sismicità di background. In particolare, l’attività sismica registrata negli ultimi 30 anni [Castello et al., 2006; Bollettino Sismico INGV1] mostra eventi di bassa energia (ML<3) lungo l’arco alpino in corrispondenza dell’anticlinale del Montello (situato a NW di Treviso). Sono noti però alcuni eventi di magnitudo medio-alta che hanno storicamente interessato la regione: l’episodio più significativo è il terremoto di Asolo del 1695 (Imax 10 e MaW 6.61), affiancato da tre ulteriori eventi sismici di intensità Imax≥VIII (magnitudo equivalente 6.0) avvenuti nel 778, 1286 e 1836 [CPTI Working group 2004] (Figura 1). Il Montello è catalogato tra i segmenti sismogeneticamente attivi del fronte alpino [Valensise and Pantosti, 2001; Galadini et al., 2005; Poli et al., 2008], originato dall’uplift di una struttura di thrust S-vergente, con slip rate di deformazione stimato tra 1.5 mm/yr [Burrato et al., 2009] e 1.8-2.0 mm/yr [Benedetti et al., 2000]. Scopo del progetto OMBRA è quello di studiare alcune questioni ancora aperte e scientificamente controverse. Ci si chiede come questi eventi storici forti possano integrarsi nel contesto della debole sismicità di fondo osservata recentemente. Inoltre è interessante capire come una velocità di placca relativamente alta possa accomodarsi nel pattern regionale e inoltre quali strutture tra l’anticlinale e il fronte alpino possano essere potenzialmente attive

    Task 1 - Deliverable 7: Strong motion data base

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    Database dati accelerometriciProgetto DPC-INGV S6 “Data base dei dati accelerometrici Italiani relativi al periodo 1972-2004"Published5.2. TTC - Banche dati di sismologia strumentaleope

    Clinical use of a 180-day implantable glucose sensor improves glycated haemoglobin and time in range in patients with type 1 diabetes

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    Aims: This real-world study evaluated the changes in glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) and continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) metrics associated with use of the implantable 180-day Eversense CGM System (Eversense) in patients with type 1 diabetes. Materials and methods: This was a prospective, multicentre, observational study among adult participants aged ≥18 years with type 1 diabetes across seven diabetes-care centres in Italy who had Eversense inserted for the first time. HbA1c was measured at baseline and at 180 days. Changes in time in range [TIR (glucose 70–180 mg/dL)], time above range [TAR (glucose &gt;180 mg/dL)], time below range [TBR (glucose &lt;70 mg/dL)] and glycaemic variability were also assessed. Data were also analysed by previous CGM use and by mode of insulin delivery. Results: One-hundred patients were enrolled (mean age 36 ± 12 years, mean baseline HbA1c 7.4 ± 0.92% [57 ± 10 mmol/mol]). Fifty-six per cent of patients were users of the continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion pump and 45% were previous users of CGM. HbA1c significantly decreased in patients after 180 days of sensor wear (−0.43% ± 0.69%, 5 ± 8 mmol/mol, P &lt; 0.0001). As expected, CGM-naïve patients achieved the greatest reduction in HbA1c (−0.74% ± 0.48%, 8 ± 5 mmol/mol). TIR significantly increased and TAR and mean daily sensor glucose significantly decreased while TBR did not change after 180 days of sensor wear. Conclusions: Real-world clinical use of the Eversense CGM System for 180 days was associated with significant improvements in HbA1c and CGM metrics among adults with type 1 diabetes. The study is registered on clinicaltrials.gov (NCT04160156)


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    ScienzAperta is an outreach science venue that the Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia started in 2011 as the spring of science: the doors of the headquarters of science were finally opened to public. A number of events, conferences, seminars, guided tours through the Institute and its laboratories are every year offered to general public. The venue is held in most of the cities where the Institute is located, priority to high seismic and/or volcanic risk regions. On May 2014 we held ScienzAperta for the first time in Milano and open up the doors to schools specifically dealing mostly with seismic hazard in a region where general public not necessarily think it might We offered students conferences, seminars and educational activities to highlight the fun of science and jet raise awareness on proper behaviours in case of earthquake shaking. We asked students and teachers, from elementary to high schools, to fill in a questionnaire that we use to evaluate the appreciation the venue had. One hundred years after Giuseppe Mercalli’s death we could not forget to celebrate his science the city where he was born.UnpublishedMilano3T. Pericolosità sismica e contributo alla definizione del rischiorestricte

    WDR5 inhibition halts metastasis dissemination by repressing the mesenchymal phenotype of breast cancer cells

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    Background: Development of metastases and drug resistance are still a challenge for a successful systemic treatment in breast cancer (BC) patients. One of the mechanisms that confer metastatic properties to the cell relies in the epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Moreover, both EMT and metastasis are partly modulated through epigenetic mechanisms, by repression or induction of specific related genes. Methods: We applied shRNAs and drug targeting approaches in BC cell lines and metastatic patient-derived xenograft (PDX) models to inhibit WDR5, the core subunit of histone H3 K4 methyltransferase complexes, and evaluate its role in metastasis regulation. Result: We report that WDR5 is crucial in regulating tumorigenesis and metastasis spreading during BC progression. In particular, WDR5 loss reduces the metastatic properties of the cells by reverting the mesenchymal phenotype of triple negative- and luminal B-derived cells, thus inducing an epithelial trait. We also suggest that this regulation is mediated by TGF\u3b21, implying a prominent role of WDR5 in driving EMT through TGF\u3b21 activation. Moreover, such EMT reversion can be induced by drug targeting of WDR5 as well, leading to BC cell sensitization to chemotherapy and enhancement of paclitaxel-dependent effects. Conclusions: We suggest that WDR5 inhibition could be a promising pharmacologic approach to reduce cell migration, revert EMT, and block metastasis formation in BC, thus overcoming resistance to standard treatments

    Proteins of white lupin seed, a naturally isoflavone-poor legume, reduce cholesterolemia in rats and increase LDL receptor activity in HepG2 cells

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    White lupin (Lupinus albus, L.), a widely cultivated crop that has been consumed for many years in Western Europe, may provide a useful alternative for individuals wishing to substitute animal with plant proteins for cardiovascular disease prevention. Lupin seeds have a very low content of isoflavones, and lupin protein isolates are essentially isoflavone free. In rats fed a casein-based cholesterol + cholic acid diet, a relatively low daily intake (50 mg/d by gavage for 2 wk) of total lupin protein extract reduced plasma total and VLDL + LDL cholesterol concentrations by 21 and 30%, respectively (both P<0.001). In an attempt to elucidate the lipid-lowering mechanism, LDL receptor activity was evaluated in a human hepatoma cell line (HepG2). In this model, the lupin total protein extract was essentially inactive, whereas one purified minor protein component, conglutin gamma, had a remarkable upregulatory effect, with maximal increases of 53 and 21% (both P<0.05) for LDL uptake and degradation, respectively. This initial study indicates that lupin, although isoflavone free, has hypocholesterolemic activity similar to that of other leguminous proteins in an established animal model. Further, the cholesterol reduction appears to be associated with stimulation of LDL receptors by a well-defined protein component of the lupin seeds as demonstrated by in vitro studies
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