4,587 research outputs found

    Neural ODEs as a discovery tool to characterize the structure of the hot galactic wind of M82

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    Dynamic astrophysical phenomena are predominantly described by differential equations, yet our understanding of these systems is constrained by our incomplete grasp of non-linear physics and scarcity of comprehensive datasets. As such, advancing techniques in solving non-linear inverse problems becomes pivotal to addressing numerous outstanding questions in the field. In particular, modeling hot galactic winds is difficult because of unknown structure for various physical terms, and the lack of \textit{any} kinematic observational data. Additionally, the flow equations contain singularities that lead to numerical instability, making parameter sweeps non-trivial. We leverage differentiable programming, which enables neural networks to be embedded as individual terms within the governing coupled ordinary differential equations (ODEs), and show that this method can adeptly learn hidden physics. We robustly discern the structure of a mass-loading function which captures the physical effects of cloud destruction and entrainment into the hot superwind. Within a supervised learning framework, we formulate our loss function anchored on the astrophysical entropy (KP/ρ5/3K \propto P/\rho^{5/3}). Our results demonstrate the efficacy of this approach, even in the absence of kinematic data vv. We then apply these models to real Chandra X-Ray observations of starburst galaxy M82, providing the first systematic description of mass-loading within the superwind. This work further highlights neural ODEs as a useful discovery tool with mechanistic interpretability in non-linear inverse problems. We make our code public at this GitHub repository (https://github.com/dustindnguyen/2023_NeurIPS_NeuralODEs_M82).Comment: 9 Pages, 2 Figures, Accepted at the NeurIPS 2023 workshop on Machine Learning and the Physical Science

    Streptomycin-induced inflammation enhances Escherichia coli gut colonization through nitrate respiration.

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    UnlabelledTreatment with streptomycin enhances the growth of human commensal Escherichia coli isolates in the mouse intestine, suggesting that the resident microbial community (microbiota) can inhibit the growth of invading microbes, a phenomenon known as "colonization resistance." However, the precise mechanisms by which streptomycin treatment lowers colonization resistance remain obscure. Here we show that streptomycin treatment rendered mice more susceptible to the development of chemically induced colitis, raising the possibility that the antibiotic might lower colonization resistance by changing mucosal immune responses rather than by preventing microbe-microbe interactions. Investigation of the underlying mechanism revealed a mild inflammatory infiltrate in the cecal mucosa of streptomycin-treated mice, which was accompanied by elevated expression of Nos2, the gene that encodes inducible nitric oxide synthase. In turn, this inflammatory response enhanced the luminal growth of E. coli by nitrate respiration in a Nos2-dependent fashion. These data identify low-level intestinal inflammation as one of the factors responsible for the loss of resistance to E. coli colonization after streptomycin treatment.ImportanceOur intestine is host to a complex microbial community that confers benefits by educating the immune system and providing niche protection. Perturbation of intestinal communities by streptomycin treatment lowers "colonization resistance" through unknown mechanisms. Here we show that streptomycin increases the inflammatory tone of the intestinal mucosa, thereby making the bowel more susceptible to dextran sulfate sodium treatment and boosting the Nos2-dependent growth of commensal Escherichia coli by nitrate respiration. These data point to the generation of alternative electron acceptors as a by-product of the inflammatory host response as an important factor responsible for lowering resistance to colonization by facultative anaerobic bacteria such as E. coli

    X-ray Properties of NGC 253's Starburst-Driven Outflow

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    We analyze image and spectral data from \approx365~ks of observations from the {\it Chandra} X-ray Observatory of the nearby, edge-on starburst galaxy NGC~253 to constrain properties of the hot phase of the outflow. We focus our analysis on the -1.1 to ++0.63 kpc region of the outflow and define several regions for spectral extraction where we determine best-fit temperatures and metal abundances. We find that the temperatures and electron densities peak in the central \sim250 pc region of the outflow and decrease with distance. These temperature and density profiles are in disagreement with an adiabatic spherically expanding starburst wind model and suggest the presence of additional physics such as mass loading and non-spherical outflow geometry. Our derived temperatures and densities yield few-Myr cooling times in the nuclear region, which may imply that the hot gas can undergo bulk radiative cooling as it escapes along the minor axis. Our metal abundances of O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, and Fe all peak in the central region and decrease with distance along the outflow, with the exception of Ne which maintains a flat distribution. The metal abundances indicate significant dilution outside of the starburst region. We also find estimates on the mass outflow rates which are 2.8M/yr2.8\:M_{\odot}/\rm{yr} in the northern outflow and 3.2M/yr3.2\:M_{\odot}/\rm{yr} in the southern outflow. Additionally, we detect emission from charge exchange and find it has a significant contribution (204220-42\%) to the total broad-band (0.570.5-7~keV) X-ray emission in the central and southern regions of the outflow.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Avifauna en un area perturbada del bosque andino en el parque nacional natural Farallones de Cali, corregimiento de Pance, Valle del Cauca (Colombia)

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    El presente conjunto de datos en el formato de archivo Darwin Core incluye información del monitoreo de la avifauna en un área perturbada del Parque Nacional Natural Farallones de Cali. Con el objetivo de caracterizar y determinar la composición y estructura de la avifauna, se llevaron a cabo censos visuales desde agosto 2008 hasta julio 2009 en las localidades de El Topacio y El Pato en recorridos de 2 km de longitud, a elevaciones entre 1550 y 1800 m s.n.m. En total se hicieron 2363 registros de 157 especies de aves, pertenecientes a 41 familias y 19 órdenes. Se observaron 12 especies nuevas para el área, 10 de las cuales son aves propias de áreas abiertas. Nueve especies que habían sido registradas en El Topacio en 1978, no lo fueron en el presente estudio y en consecuencia se consideran extintas y vulnerables localmente, lo cual ilustra y ratifica cómo el reemplazo de los hábitats naturales por potreros, la fragmentación y el efecto de borde afectan negativamente las comunidades de aves en áreas protegidas.This dataset in Darwin Core Archive format includes monitoring information about bird life in a disturbed area of the Farallones de Cali National Natural Park. Aiming to characterize and determine the composition and structure of bird life, visual censuses were carried out from August 2008 to July 2009 at both the El Pato and the El Topacio localities along line census of 2 km and from elevations between1550 to 1800 m a.s.l. A total of 2363 records were obtained of 157 species of 41 families and 19 orders. Twelve were new records for the area, 10 of which are common in open areas. Nine species previously recorded in 1978 at El Topacio were absent and considered locally extinct and vulnerable. This illustrates how the replacement of natural habitats with pasturelands, as well as fragmentation and border effect affect negatively bird communities in protected areas.Fil: Bermudez Vera, Julio Cesar . Universidad del Valle. Departamento de Biología; ColombiaFil: Duque Lopez, Juan Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Patagonia Norte. Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónicas; ArgentinaFil: Sanchez Martinez, Manuel A. . Universidad del Valle. Departamento de Biología; ColombiaFil: Tenorio, Elkin . Calima - Fundación para la Investigación de la Biodiversidad y Conservación en el Trópico; Colombi

    Influence of Chemical Enhancers and Iontophoresis on the In Vitro Transdermal Permeation of Propranolol: Evaluation by Dermatopharmacokinetics

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    [EN] The aims of this study were to assess, in vitro, the possibility of administering propranolol transdermally and to evaluate the usefulness of the dermatopharmacokinetic (DPK) method in assessing the transport of drugs through stratum corneum, using propranolol as a model compound. Four chemical enhancers (decenoic and oleic acid, laurocapram, and R-(+)-limonene) and iontophoresis at two current densities, 0.25 and 0.5 mA/cm(2) were tested. R-(+)-limonene, and iontophoresis at 0.5 mA/cm(2) were proven to be the most efficient in increasing propranolol transdermal flux, both doubled the original propranolol transdermal flux. Iontophoresis was demonstrated to be superior than the chemical enhancer because it allowed faster delivery of the drug. The DPK method was sufficiently sensitive to detect subtle vehicle-induced effects on the skin permeation of propranolol. The shorter duration of these experiments and their ability to provide mechanistic information about partition between vehicle and skin and diffusivity through skin place them as practical and potentially insightful approach to quantify and, ultimately, optimize topical bioavailability.This research was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (AP2007-03456) and the Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera.Calatayud-Pascual, M.; Sebastian-Morelló, M.; Balaguer-Fernandez, C.; Delgado-Charro, M.; Lopez-Castellano, A.; Merino Sanjuán, V. (2018). Influence of Chemical Enhancers and Iontophoresis on the In Vitro Transdermal Permeation of Propranolol: Evaluation by Dermatopharmacokinetics. Pharmaceutics. 10(4):1-15. https://doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics10040265S11510

    High-Precision Measurements of Delta alpha/alpha from QSO Absorption Spectra

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    Precise radial velocity measurements (delta v/c ~ 10^{-7}) of FeII lines in damped Ly-alpha systems from very high quality VLT/UVES spectra of quasars HE0515-4414 and Q1101-264 are used to probe cosmological time dependence of the fine structure constant, alpha. It is found that between two redshifts z1 = 1.15 and z2 = 1.84 the value of Delta alpha/alpha changes at the level of a few ppm: (alpha_z2 - alpha_z1)/alpha_0 = 5.43 +/- 2.52 ppm. Variations of alpha can be considered as one of the most reliable method to constrain the dark energy equation of state and improvements on the accuracy of the wavelength calibration of QSO spectra are of great importance.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Invited contribution to the proceedings of "Precision Spectroscopy in Astrophysics", Aveiro, Portugal, 11-15 Sep. 2006, eds. L. Pasquini, M. Romaniello and N. C. Santos (Springer-Verlag series "ESO Astrophysics Symposia"

    Subcellular spatial resolution achieved for deep-brain imaging in vivo using a minimally invasive multimode fiber

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    Achieving intravital optical imaging with diffraction-limited spatial resolution of deep-brain structures represents an important step toward the goal of understanding the mammalian central nervous system1,2,3,4. Advances in wavefront-shaping methods and computational power have recently allowed for a novel approach to high-resolution imaging, utilizing deterministic light propagation through optically complex media and, of particular importance for this work, multimode optical fibers (MMFs)5,6,7. We report a compact and highly optimized approach for minimally invasive in vivo brain imaging applications. The volume of tissue lesion was reduced by more than 100-fold, while preserving diffraction-limited imaging performance utilizing wavefront control of light propagation through a single 50-μm-core MMF. Here, we demonstrated high-resolution fluorescence imaging of subcellular neuronal structures, dendrites and synaptic specializations, in deep-brain regions of living mice, as well as monitored stimulus-driven functional Ca2+ responses. These results represent a major breakthrough in the compromise between high-resolution imaging and tissue damage, heralding new possibilities for deep-brain imaging in vivo

    On the difference of torus geometry between hidden and non-hidden broad line active galactic nuclei

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    We present results from the fitting of infrared (IR) spectral energy distributions of 21 active galactic nuclei (AGN) with clumpy torus models. We compiled high spatial resolution (0.3\sim 0.3--0.70.7 arcsec) mid-IR NN-band spectroscopy, QQ-band imaging and nuclear near- and mid-IR photometry from the literature. Combining these nuclear near- and mid-IR observations, far-IR photometry and clumpy torus models, enables us to put constraints on the torus properties and geometry. We divide the sample into three types according to the broad line region (BLR) properties; type-1s, type-2s with scattered or hidden broad line region (HBLR) previously observed, and type-2s without any published HBLR signature (NHBLR). Comparing the torus model parameters gives us the first quantitative torus geometrical view for each subgroup. We find that NHBLR AGN have smaller torus opening angles and larger covering factors than those of HBLR AGN. This suggests that the chance to observe scattered (polarized) flux from the BLR in NHBLR could be reduced by the dual effects of (a) less scattering medium due to the reduced scattering volume given the small torus opening angle and (b) the increased torus obscuration between the observer and the scattering region. These effects give a reasonable explanation for the lack of observed HBLR in some type-2 AGN.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    A nearly symmetric double-image gravitational lens

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    We report the discovery of a new double-image gravitational lens resulting from our search for lenses in the southern sky. Radio source PMN J2004-1349 is composed of two compact components separated by 1.13 arcseconds in VLA, MERLIN and VLBA images. The components have a flux ratio of 1:1 at radio frequencies ranging from 5 GHz to 22 GHz. The I-band optical counterpart is also an equal double, with roughly the same separation and position angle as the radio double. Upon subtraction of the components from the I-band image, we identify a dim pattern of residuals as the lens galaxy. While the present observations are sufficient to establish that J2004-1349 is a gravitational lens, additional information will be necessary (such as the redshifts of the galaxy and quasar, and precise astrometry and photometry of the lens galaxy) before constructing detailed mass models.Comment: 17 pp., 5 bitmapped figs. (contact [email protected] for nicer figs), in press, A.J. (substantially revised