61 research outputs found

    Observations of a Unique VLF Emission at Jammu

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    Effect of Magnetic activity on scintillation at Equatorial Region during Low Solar Activity

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    Single and dual frequency GPS receivers used in low-latitude regions can suffer from rapid amplitude and phase fluctuations known as scintillation. Intense signal fluctuations cause GPS receivers to stop tracking the signals from GPS satellites in a process sometimes called “loss of lock”. This may increase navigation errors or, in some cases, cause navigation failure. Data recorded from ground-based GPS scintillation monitors (GSV 4004A GPS receiver) installed at the Space Science Laboratory, Department of Physics, Barkatullah University, Bhopal (23.2ºN, 77.4ºE; Geomagnetic 14.2ºN) are used. Different phases of geomagnetic storms affect the generation and development of ionospheric irregularities differently. Results shows that occurrence of scintillation observed during summer months are relatively weak as compared to those recorded during winter and equinox months. The enhancement in magnetic activity leads to a suppression of pre-midnight scintillations during the equinox and during the winter, whereas as enhancement is observed in summer months. The generation or inhibition of irregularities during the main phase/recovery phase of a magnetic storm depends upon the location of the station and local time. Keywords: Scintillation, Geomagnetic storms, Magnetic activit

    Current Driven Electrostatic Ion Cyclotron Waves in Presence of Parallel Electric Field in the Magnetosphere

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    Nighttime Ionospheric Electron Content Enhancements and Associated Amplitude Scintillation at Lunping

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    Electron cyclotron waves in the presence of parallel electric fields in the Earth’s auroral plasma

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    Day-To-Day Variability of IEC at Mid Latitude During Sunspot Minimum

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    Magnetic Storm and Solar Flux Effects on IEC in American Zone

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