517 research outputs found

    Physical activity and cancer prevention: a review of current evidence and biological mechanisms

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    Objective. The main aim of this paper is to review the evidence available from the date of PubMed?s inception to May 2011 for a link between cancer and physical activity (PA) in both animal models and humans. Methods. We decided to select studies that comply with the scheme proposed by the American College of Sports Medicine/ American Heart Association (ACSM/AHA) that distinguish occupational physical activity (OPA) and leisure-time physical activity (LT-PA), further classified in three levels of intensity (low, moderate and heavy) based on the Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) index. Results. Considering animal models, there was strong evidence for an inverse association between voluntary wheel exercise and the risk of colon and breast cancer. Regarding human studies, we identified the following main results: 1) colorectum: LT-PA provided an overall colon risk reduction of 13-14%; 2) breast: significant reduction in the frequency of post-menopausal (PMP) cancers in women that practiced heavy and moderate LT-PA; 3) prostate: heavy OPA and LT-PA seemed to reduce the risk of advanced prostate cancers; 4) endometrium: strong protective effect of heavy/moderate LT-PA among overweight/ obese women; 5) lung: inverse relationship between heavy LT-PA and lung cancer in former or current smokers across all histologies. Conclusion. Increased LT-PA is associated with cancer prevention in several organs, but strong biases, such as body mass index (BMI), gender and age, make it difficult to assess which aspects of PA contribute most strongly to the reduced risk. Furthermore, we found few studies that indicated a protective role for OPA in cancer prevention when compared with LT-PA

    Analysis of nestin protein in the aqueous humor as biomarker of open angle glaucoma

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    Primary open angle glaucoma (POAG) is a progressive optic nerve degeneration, leading to irreversible visual damage. Alterations of the aqueous humor (AH), the biological fluid filling both the anterior and the posterior chambers of the eye, play a pathogenic role in POAG. AH protein composition is altered during glaucoma progression. Nestin protein was found to be differentially expressed in the AH of glaucomatous patients compared to unaffected matched controls

    MicroRNA Alterations Induced in Human Skin by Diesel Fumes, Ozone, and UV Radiation

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    Epigenetic alterations are a driving force of the carcinogenesis process. MicroRNAs play a role in silencing mutated oncogenes, thus defending the cell against the adverse consequences of genotoxic damages induced by environmental pollutants. These processes have been well investigated in lungs; however, although skin is directly exposed to a great variety of environmental pollutants, more research is needed to better understand the effect on cutaneous tissue. Therefore, we investigated microRNA alteration in human skin biopsies exposed to diesel fumes, ozone, and UV light for over 24 h of exposure. UV and ozone-induced microRNA alteration right after exposure, while the peak of their deregulations induced by diesel fumes was reached only at the end of the 24 h. Diesel fumes mainly altered microRNAs involved in the carcinogenesis process, ozone in apoptosis, and UV in DNA repair. Accordingly, each tested pollutant induced a specific pattern of microRNA alteration in skin related to the intrinsic mechanisms activated by the specific pollutant. These alterations, over a short time basis, reflect adaptive events aimed at defending the tissue against damages. Conversely, whenever environmental exposure lasts for a long time, the irreversible alteration of the microRNA machinery results in epigenetic damage contributing to the pathogenesis of inflammation, dysplasia, and cancer induced by environmental pollutants

    The Role of Mitochondrial miRNAs in the Development of Radon-Induced Lung Cancer

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    MicroRNAs are short, non-coding RNA molecules regulating gene expression by inhibiting the translation of messenger RNA (mRNA) or leading to degradation. The miRNAs are encoded in the nuclear genome and exported to the cytosol. However, miRNAs have been found in mitochondria and are probably derived from mitochondrial DNA. These miRNAs are able to directly regulate mitochondrial genes and mitochondrial activity. Mitochondrial dysfunction is the cause of many diseases, including cancer. In this review, we consider the role of mitochondrial miRNAs in the pathogenesis of lung cancer with particular reference to radon exposure

    Trabecular Meshwork Gene Expression after Selective Laser Trabeculoplasty

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    BACKGROUND: Trabecular meshwork and Schlemm's canal are the tissues appointed to modulate the aqueous humour outflow from the anterior chamber. The impairment of their functions drives to an intraocular pressure increase. The selective laser trabeculoplasty is a laser therapy of the trabecular meshwork able to decrease intraocular pressure. The exact response mechanism to this treatment has not been clearly delineated yet. The herein presented study is aimed at studying the gene expression changes induced in trabecular meshwork cells by selective laser trabeculoplasty (SLT) in order to better understand the mechanisms subtending its efficacy. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Primary human trabecular meshwork cells cultured in fibroblast medium underwent selective laser trabeculoplasty treatment. RNA was extracted from a pool of cells 30 minutes after treatment while the remaining cells were further cultured and RNA was extracted respectively 2 and 6 hours after treatment. Control cells stored in incubator in absence of SLT treatment were used as reference samples. Gene expression was evaluated by hybridization on miRNA-microarray and laser scanner analysis. Scanning electron microscopic examination was performed on 2 Trabecular meshwork samples after SLT at 4(th) and 6(th) hour from treatment. On the whole, selective laser trabeculoplasty modulates in trabecular meshwork the expression of genes involved in cell motility, intercellular connections, extracellular matrix production, protein repair, DNA repair, membrane repair, reactive oxygen species production, glutamate toxicity, antioxidant activities, and inflammation. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: SLT did not induce any phenotypic alteration in TM samples. TM is a complex tissue possessing a great variety of function pivotal for the active regulation of aqueous humour outflow from the anterior chamber. SLT is able to modulate these functions at the postgenomic molecular level without inducing damage either at molecular or phenotypic levels

    Human Vitreous Collagen Fragments Dimension As a Function of Vitrectomy Cut Rate

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    Purpose: To study the dimensions and distribution of human vitreous collagen type II fragments collected after vitrectomy performed at varying cut rates and to evaluate if increasing the cut rate produces smaller collagen fragments, thus reducing retinal traction and/or viscosity. Methods: Fluid was collected during core vitrectomies performed for macular surgery at cut rates from 1000 to 16,000 cuts per minute (CPM) and immediately refrigerated. Protein fractions were separated by molecular weight (MW; >100 kDa, 50–100 kDa, 50– 30 kDa, 30–10 kDa, and <10 kDa) through centrifugal filters. The Human Collagen II ELISA Kit colorimetric assay was then used to measure the COL2A1 in unfiltered and filtered samples. Results: Vitreous samples collected after vitrectomy performed at 16,000 CPM contained a higher concentration of protein with MW over 100 kDa than at any other cutting frequency (P < 0.01). No significant differences were found in fractions collected with a MW between 50 and 100 kDa. Collagen type II fragments over 100 kDa were significantly more represented than smaller fragments at each cut rate. The proportion of smaller (50–100 kDa) collagen fragments compared with those over 100 kDa was higher at 2000 CPM than at higher cut rates. Conclusions: Vitreous samples collected at different cut rates do not contain a significantly different proportion of collagen type II fragments of the tested MW. The extreme variability of vitreous flowthrough the cutter port may explain the uncertain predictability of collagen fragment MWs. Translational Relevance: Increasing the cut rate does not produce vitreous fragments of proportionally smaller dimension. It is necessary to achieve an invariant instantaneous flow through the cutter port in order to decrease retinal traction during vitrectomy

    Human primary endothelial cells are impaired in nucleotide excision repair and sensitive to benzo[a]pyrene compared with smooth muscle cells and pericytes

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    The endothelium represents the inner cell layer of blood vessels and is supported by smooth muscle cells and pericytes, which form the vessel structure. The endothelium is involved in the pathogenesis of many diseases, including the development of atherosclerosis. Due to direct blood contact, the blood vessel endothelium is inevitably exposed to genotoxic substances that are systemically taken up by the body, including benzo[a]pyrene, which is a major genotoxic component in cigarette smoke and a common environmental mutagen and human carcinogen. Here, we evaluated the impact of benzo[a]pyrene diol epoxide (BPDE), which is the reactive metabolite of benzo[a]pyrene, on the three innermost vessel cell types. Primary human endothelial cells (HUVEC), primary human smooth muscle cells (HUASMC) and primary human pericytes (HPC) were treated with BPDE, and analyses of cytotoxicity, cellular senescence and genotoxic effects were then performed. The results showed that HUVEC were more sensitive to the cytotoxic activity of BPDE than HUASMC and HPC. We further show that HUVEC display a detraction in the repair of BPDE-induced adducts, as determined through the comet assay and the quantification of BPDE adducts in post-labelling experiments. A screening for DNA repair factors revealed that the nucleotide excision repair (NER) proteins ERCC1, XPF and ligase I were expressed at lower levels in HUVEC compared with HUASMC and HPC, which corresponds with the impaired NER-mediated removal of BPDE adducts from DNA. Taken together, the data revealed that HUVEC exhibit an unexpected DNA repair-impaired phenotype, which has implications on the response of the endothelium to genotoxicants that induce bulky DNA lesions, including the development of vascular diseases resulting from smoking and environmental pollution

    Extracellular Vesicles in Biological Fluids. A Biomarker of Exposure to Cigarette Smoke and Treatment with Chemopreventive drugs

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are released from cells and enter into body fluids thereby providing a toxicological mechanism of cell-cell communication. The present study aimed at assessing (a) the presence of EVs in mouse body fluids under physiological conditions, (b) the effect of exposure of mice to cigarette smoke for 8 weeks, and (c) modulation of smoke-related alterations by the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug celecoxib, a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor. To this purpose, ICR (CD-1) mice were either unexposed or exposed to cigarette smoke, either treated or untreated with oral celecoxib. EVs, isolated from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), blood serum, and urines, were analyzed by nanoparticle tracking analysis and flow cytometry. EVs baseline concentrations in BALF were remarkably high. Larger EVs were detected in urines. Smoking increased EVs concentrations but only in BALF. Celecoxib remarkably increased EVs concentrations in the blood serum of both male and female smoking mice. The concentration of EVs positive for EpCAM, a mediator of cell-cell adhesion in epithelia playing a role in tumorigenesis, was much higher in urines than in BALF, and celecoxib significantly decreased their concentration. Thus, the effects of smoke on EVs concentrations were well detectable in the extracellular environment of the respiratory tract, where they could behave as delivery carriers to target cells. Celecoxib exerted both protective mechanisms in the urinary tract and adverse systemic effects of likely hepatotoxic origin in smoke-exposed mice. Detection of EVs in body fluids may provide an early diagnostic tool and an end-point exploitable for preventive medicine strategies.

    Inhibition of the de-myelinating properties of Aicardi-Goutières syndrome lymphocytes by cathepsin D silencing.

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    Molecular mechanisms relating interferon-alpha (IFN-alpha) to brain damage have recently been identified in a microarray analysis of cerebrospinal fluid lymphocytes from patients with Aicardi-Goutières Syndrome (AGS). These findings demonstrate that the inhibition of angiogenesis and the activation of neurotoxic lymphocytes are the major pathogenic mechanisms involved in the brain damage consequent to elevated interferon-alpha levels. Our previous study demonstrated that cathepsin D, a lysosomal aspartyl endopeptidase, is the primary mediator of the neurotoxicity exerted by AGS lymphocytes. Cathepsin D is a potent pro-apoptotic, neurotoxic, and demyelinating protease if it is not properly inhibited by the activities of leukocystatins. In central nervous system white matter, demyelination results from cathepsin over-expression when not balanced by the expression of its inhibitors. In the present study, we used RNA interference to inhibit cathepsin D expression in AGS lymphocytes with the aim of decreasing the neurotoxicity of these cells. Peripheral blood lymphocytes collected from an AGS patient were immortalized and co-cultured with astrocytes in the presence of interferon alpha with or without cathepsin D RNA interference probes. Cathepsin D expression was measured by qPCR, and neurotoxicity was evaluated by microscopy. RNA interference inhibited cathepsin D over-production by 2.6-fold (P<0.01) in AGS lymphocytes cultured in the presence of interferon alpha. AGS lymphocytes treated using RNA interference exhibited a decreased ability to induce neurotoxicity in astrocytes. Such neurotoxicity results in the inhibition of astrocyte growth and the inhibition of the ability of astrocytes to construct web-like aggregates. These results suggest a new strategy for repairing AGS lymphocytes in vitro by inhibiting their ability to induce astrocyte damage and leukodystroph
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