89 research outputs found

    Short Day–Mediated Cessation of Growth Requires the Downregulation of AINTEGUMENTALIKE1 Transcription Factor in Hybrid Aspen

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    Day length is a key environmental cue regulating the timing of major developmental transitions in plants. For example, in perennial plants such as the long-lived trees of the boreal forest, exposure to short days (SD) leads to the termination of meristem activity and bud set (referred to as growth cessation). The mechanism underlying SD–mediated induction of growth cessation is poorly understood. Here we show that the AIL1-AIL4 (AINTEGUMENTALIKE) transcription factors of the AP2 family are the downstream targets of the SD signal in the regulation of growth cessation response in hybrid aspen trees. AIL1 is expressed in the shoot apical meristem and leaf primordia, and exposure to SD signal downregulates AIL1 expression. Downregulation of AIL gene expression by SDs is altered in transgenic hybrid aspen plants that are defective in SD perception and/or response, e.g. PHYA or FT overexpressors. Importantly, SD–mediated regulation of growth cessation response is also affected by overexpression or downregulation of AIL gene expression. AIL1 protein can interact with the promoter of the key cell cycle genes, e.g. CYCD3.2, and downregulation of the expression of D-type cyclins after SD treatment is prevented by AIL1 overexpression. These data reveal that execution of SD–mediated growth cessation response requires the downregulation of AIL gene expression. Thus, while early acting components like PHYA and the CO/FT regulon are conserved in day-length regulation of flowering time and growth cessation between annual and perennial plants, signaling pathways downstream of SD perception diverge, with AIL transcription factors being novel targets of the CO/FT regulon connecting the perception of SD signal to the regulation of meristem activity

    Degradation of MONOCULM 1 by APC/CTAD1 regulates rice tillering

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    A rice tiller is a specialized grain-bearing branch that contributes greatly to grain yield. The MONOCULM 1 (MOC1) gene is the first identified key regulator controlling rice tiller number; however, the underlying mechanism remains to be elucidated. Here we report a novel rice gene, Tillering and Dwarf 1 (TAD1), which encodes a co-activator of the anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C), a multi-subunit E3 ligase. Although the elucidation of co-activators and individual subunits of plant APC/C involved in regulating plant development have emerged recently, the understanding of whether and how this large cell-cycle machinery controls plant development is still very limited. Our study demonstrates that TAD1 interacts with MOC1, forms a complex with OsAPC10 and functions as a co-activator of APC/C to target MOC1 for degradation in a cell-cycle-dependent manner. Our findings uncovered a new mechanism underlying shoot branching and shed light on the understanding of how the cell-cycle machinery regulates plant architecture

    The CYCLIN-A CYCA1;2/TAM Is Required for the Meiosis I to Meiosis II Transition and Cooperates with OSD1 for the Prophase to First Meiotic Division Transition

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    Meiosis halves the chromosome number because its two divisions follow a single round of DNA replication. This process involves two cell transitions, the transition from prophase to the first meiotic division (meiosis I) and the unique meiosis I to meiosis II transition. We show here that the A-type cyclin CYCA1;2/TAM plays a major role in both transitions in Arabidopsis. A series of tam mutants failed to enter meiosis II and thus produced diploid spores and functional diploid gametes. These diploid gametes had a recombined genotype produced through the single meiosis I division. In addition, by combining the tam-2 mutation with AtSpo11-1 and Atrec8, we obtained plants producing diploid gametes through a mitotic-like division that were genetically identical to their parents. Thus tam alleles displayed phenotypes very similar to that of the previously described osd1 mutant. Combining tam and osd1 mutations leads to a failure in the prophase to meiosis I transition during male meiosis and to the production of tetraploid spores and gametes. This suggests that TAM and OSD1 are involved in the control of both meiotic transitions

    Protein-Protein Interactions of Tandem Affinity Purified Protein Kinases from Rice

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    Eighty-eight rice (Oryza sativa) cDNAs encoding rice leaf expressed protein kinases (PKs) were fused to a Tandem Affinity Purification tag (TAP-tag) and expressed in transgenic rice plants. The TAP-tagged PKs and interacting proteins were purified from the T1 progeny of the transgenic rice plants and identified by tandem mass spectrometry. Forty-five TAP-tagged PKs were recovered in this study and thirteen of these were found to interact with other rice proteins with a high probability score. In vivo phosphorylated sites were found for three of the PKs. A comparison of the TAP-tagged data from a combined analysis of 129 TAP-tagged rice protein kinases with a concurrent screen using yeast two hybrid methods identified an evolutionarily new rice protein that interacts with the well conserved cell division cycle 2 (CDC2) protein complex

    Correlation analysis of the transcriptome of growing leaves with mature leaf parameters in a maize RIL population

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    Cloning of B-1,3-glucanases expressed during Cichorium somatic embryogenesis

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    Three different β-1,3-glucanase cDNA fragments, CG1, CG2 and CG3, were obtained by RT-PCR from RNA isolated from Cichorium hybrid `474' leaf fragments cultured for 11 days under somatic embryogenesis-inducing conditions. When expressed in Escherichia coli the proteins encoded by the three cDNAs were recognized by antibodies raised against 38 kDa extracellular β-1,3-glucanases studied previously (Helleboid et al., Planta 205 (1998) 56–63). The CG2 and CG3 cDNAs may represent expressed alleles of one gene because their sequences showed a very high identity (98.5€and are only 70␒dentical with CG1. Southern blot analysis revealed the presence of 3–4 genes coding for β-1,3-glucanases in the Cichorium genome. Expression analysis of the genes corresponding to the three clones analysed by semi-quantitative RT-PCR indicated that CG1 mRNAs were only detectable in Cichorium hybrid `474' leaf fragments from day 3 of somatic embryogenesis induction, whereas CG2-CG3 mRNAs were already present in non-induced leaf tissue of both the embryogenic hybrid `474' and a non-embryogenic genotype. The level of CG1 mRNAs was particularly high when embryogenic cells were dividing to produce embryos, and when the amount of callose deposited in cell walls surrounding embryogenic cells and young embryos decreased. These results indicate that expression of the CG1 gene is correlated to the somatic embryogenesis process and that it encodes a 38 kDa β-1,3-glucanase protein that may be involved in the degradation of callose localized around embryogenic cells and young embryos. A full-length CG1 cDNA clone was obtained using 3′ and 5′ RACE-PCR, and its sequence revealed that it encodes a β-1,3-glucanase that is equally homologous to both class III and class IV plant β-1,3-glucanase