93 research outputs found

    Integral criterion for estimation the effectiveness of lithotripsy-treated urolithiasis

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    Introduction. Various criteria are used to assess the quality of lithotripsy-treated urolithiasis, the main of which is the stone free rate (SFR). Along with this criteria, the risk of complications, the duration of lithotripsy, the amount of retropulsion, the length of hospital bed-days and others are also considered when comparing lithotripsy methods. However, each of these criteria evaluates only one side of lithotripsy-treated urolithiasis.Objective. To develop a universal integral criterion for the effectiveness of urolithiasis treatment using lithotripsy.Materials and methods. The method of expert assessments was used to determine the factors affecting the overall effectiveness of lithotripsy. Expert survey was carried out using the questionnaire method. Mathematical methods of the operations research theory and the criteria importance theory were used to construct an integral efficiency criterion.Results. It is suggested that a weighted sum of factors determined in the process of conducting expert assessments be used as an integral criterion for the effectiveness of lithotripsy-treated urolithiasis. Factors are SFR coefficient, average surgery length, complications and average hospital bed-day. The weight factors to consider the degree of influence of these factors are w1 = 0.436; w2 = 0.143; w3 = 0.240; w4 = 0.181, respectivelyConclusion. The proposed integral indicator can find wide application in urological practice, since it allows considering not only the relative proportion of patients who do not have stones after lithotripsy, but also the probability of complications, as well as the length of hospital bed-days, which affect the treatment cost and the patient's quality of life

    How can we check the uncertainty relation?

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    The state-extended uncertainty relations generalizing the Robertson Schrodinger inequality are presented in the form appropriate for the experimental check by homodyne photon state detection. The method of qubit portrait of qudit states identified with the tomographic probability distributions is discussed to analyze the entanglement of two-mode field.Comment: 6 pages, 0 fugures, contribution to CEWQO in Madrid 2011, to appear in topical issue of Physica Scripta 201

    Influence of Hosting Large-Scale Sporting Events on Economic Growth: the Results of Empirical Estimation

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    In the modern literature there is no consensus concerning the effects in the countries due to hosting large-scale sport events such as Olympic games, FIFA World Cups and UEFA European Championships. From the macroeconomic point of view, organising a large-scale sporting event may foster economic growth in the host country due to large investment made by the government and corporate sector. Additionally, large-scale sporting events may facilitate different positive effects in the economy induced by an increase of tourist numbers, foreign trade growth and international investment. At the same time, the positive effects from hosting largescale events may be constrained by a negative net financial outcome for the host country, low efficiency of the government investments comparing to private ones, as well as a low utilization rate of sports facilities and infrastructure after the event. Moreover, such indicators as greater involvement of the population into sporting activities and physical training, an improvement of the country’s image abroad and an increase in the share of people feeling proud for their country are very difficult to integrate into numerical analysis. The purpose of this paper is to estimate the influence of large-scale sporting events on the economic growth in the hosting countries. Based on the extended Solow model we do the empirical research using the database on 50 countries, 24 of which hosted 48 major sport events during 1970–2015. Exploring the effects for the developed and developing (transition) economies, we couldn’t find a stable relationship between hosting large-scale events and economic growth in the group of developed countries, while in the group of developing and transition economies we observe that economic growth accelerates both before and after the event. The results of this research may be used to justify bidding for hosting Olympic games, FIFA World Cups or UEFA European Championships, what underlines the practical importance of the research.В настоящее время в современной научной литературе отсутствует консенсус относительно эффектов, возникающих в странах в связи с проведением спортивных мега-событий – Олимпийских игр и чемпионатов мира и Европы по футболу. С макроэкономической точки зрения организация спортивных мега-событий, связанная с крупными инвестициями со стороны государства и бизнеса, может способствовать увеличению темпов экономического роста в стране. Кроме того, спортивные мега-события должны способствовать возникновению положительных эффектов в экономике, вызванных ростом туристических потоков, объемов внешней торговли и иностранных инвестиций. В то же время возникновение положительных эффектов от проведения спортивных мега-событий сдерживается различными обстоятельствами: зачастую отрицательным чистым финансовым результатом для страны-организатора, низкой эффективностью государственных инвестиций, а также невысокой загруженностью спортивных объектов и инфраструктуры после проведения спортивного мероприятия. Кроме того, такие индикаторы, как рост вовлеченности населения в занятия спортом и физической культурой, улучшение имиджа страны за рубежом, увеличение количества людей, испытывающих гордость за свою страну довольно сложно учитывать при количественном анализе. Целью данной статьи является оценка влияния проведения спортивных мега-событий на экономический рост стран-организаторов. Основывая свой анализ на расширенной модели Солоу, авторы осуществляют эмпирическую оценку на базе данных, включающей показатели 50 стран, из которых 24 приняли у себя 48 спортивных мега-событий в период 1970–2015 гг. Рассматривая отдельно страны с развитой и развивающейся (переходной) экономикой, авторы не смогли обнаружить устойчивой взаимосвязи между проведением спортивных мега-событий и экономическим ростом для группы развитых стан, в то время как у группы стран с развивающейся (переходной) экономикой ускорение экономического роста наблюдается как до, так и после проведения спортивного мега-события. Полученные результаты могут быть использованы при обосновании решений о подачи заявок на проведение Олимпийских игр и чемпионатов мира и Европы по футболу, что подчеркивает практическую значимость проведенного исследования.Данное исследование выполнено при поддержке РФФИ (проект «Факторы пространственного развития российской экономики» № 16-06-00144, 2016–2018 гг.

    Inverse spin-s portrait and representation of qudit states by single probability vectors

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    Using the tomographic probability representation of qudit states and the inverse spin-portrait method, we suggest a bijective map of the qudit density operator onto a single probability distribution. Within the framework of the approach proposed, any quantum spin-j state is associated with the (2j+1)(4j+1)-dimensional probability vector whose components are labeled by spin projections and points on the sphere. Such a vector has a clear physical meaning and can be relatively easily measured. Quantum states form a convex subset of the 2j(4j+3) simplex, with the boundary being illustrated for qubits (j=1/2) and qutrits (j=1). A relation to the (2j+1)^2- and (2j+1)(2j+2)-dimensional probability vectors is established in terms of spin-s portraits. We also address an auxiliary problem of the optimum reconstruction of qudit states, where the optimality implies a minimum relative error of the density matrix due to the errors in measured probabilities.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, PDF LaTeX, submitted to the Journal of Russian Laser Researc

    MuSR method and tomographic probability representation of spin states

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    Muon spin rotation/relaxation/resonance (MuSR) technique for studying matter structures is considered by means of a recently introduced probability representation of quantum spin states. A relation between experimental MuSR histograms and muon spin tomograms is established. Time evolution of muonium, anomalous muonium, and a muonium-like system is studied in the tomographic representation. Entanglement phenomenon of a bipartite muon-electron system is investigated via tomographic analogues of Bell number and positive partial transpose (PPT) criterion. Reconstruction of the muon-electron spin state as well as the total spin tomography of composed system is discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX, submitted to Journal of Russian Laser Researc

    Qubit portrait of the photon-number tomogram and separability of two-mode light states

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    In view of the photon-number tomograms of two-mode light states, using the qubit-portrait method for studying the probability distributions with infinite outputs, the separability and entanglement detection of the states are studied. Examples of entangled Gaussian state and Schr\"{o}dinger cat state are discussed.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, TeX file, to appear in Journal of Russian Laser Researc

    Spectra of algebras of symmetric and subsymmetric analytic functions

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    Algebras of symmetric and subsymmetric analytic functions ofbounded type on spaces L1[0,)L[0,)L_1[0,\infty)\cap L_{\infty}[0,\infty) and L[0,1]L_{\infty}[0,1] and their spectra are investigated