209 research outputs found

    The Potential of Cacao Agribusiness for Poverty Alleviation in West Sumatra

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    The cacao industry has played an important role in terms of export earnings and employment opportunities in Indonesia since 1980s. It is the main source of income for more than one million smallholder farmers in Indonesia, who are considered poor. Most planted areas of cacao are in Eastern Indonesia; however, cacao production has developed in Western Indonesia recently, with West Sumatra designated as the area of central production. Due to the importance of cacao industry in the Indonesian economy, there is a big opportunity to explore the potential of the industry in poverty alleviation. The study uses the participatory impact pathway analysis (PIPA) method. It is a new approach to formulate a development strategy and policies proposed by the Institutional Learning and Change. This approach is used because it: (1) covers impact analysis in order to investigate the potential contribution of cacao agribusiness development to poverty alleviation, which is not covered by other participatory approaches; and (2) can be used to identify stakeholders‟ relationships for cacao agribusiness development. The use of PIPA in this study involves various tools: a participatory workshop, surveys and semi-structured interviews. Problems facing the cacao industry were identified through the workshop, including low yields and price and price instability. Lack of knowledge by farmers of agronomic practices and low quality of seedlings were considered to be the main causes of low yields by the participants. Low price of cacao beans was thought to be mainly caused by low quality of cacao beans while lack of cooperation between farmers and the village cooperative and lack of a farmers‟ association were considered to be the main factors affecting price instability. Farmer survey data results show slightly different priorities from the workshop. Most cacao farmers disagreed on the problem of low yields and low price of cacao beans but a high proportion agreed on the problem of price instability and confirmed that cacao farmers face a problem of low quality of cacao beans. Most farmers do not know the cause of price instability, while improper fermentation was agreed as the main factor causing the low quality of cacao beans.agribusiness economics and management, international development, farm management., Agribusiness, Farm Management, International Development,


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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the perception of patients or caregivers on drive-thru pharmacy in Raja Perempuan Zainab II Hospital (HRPZ II), Kelantan.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted from July to September 2014 on 387 patients or caregivers recruited from outpatient pharmacy, HRPZ II using a constructed survey form. The questionnaire was validated through a pilot study which yielded a Cronbach's alpha score of 0.897. It comprised common socio-demographic characteristics as well as 3 domains which described subject's experience in outpatient pharmacy, subject's perception of drive-thru pharmacy and subject's willingness to participate in the service.Results: More than half of respondents (n=231, 59.7 %) were aware of the existence of drive-thru pharmacy service. Almost all patients and caregivers (n=349, 90.2 %) perceived the service as useful to the public. Only a handful of them were reluctant to sign up, mainly due to the perception that it would cause lack of interaction between patients and pharmacists (n=16, 4.1%). Nearly three-quarters of participants (n=288; 74.4%) informed that they had never been asked to register as drive-thru pharmacy clients. They claimed that they were willing to use the service should it was offered to them (n=301; 77.8 %).Conclusion: This survey managed to garner positive feedbacks on drive-thru pharmacy. Most of the subjects perceived it as beneficial and were willing to use the service.Â

    A Labdane Diterpene from Enicosanthum congregatum

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    A labdane diterpene was isolated from the air-dried leaves of Enicosanthum congregatum. The structure has been established as 8,I6-dihydroxy-ent-Iabd-13en- 15-oic lactone on the basis of spectroscopic data

    Essential oil constituents of Alpinia mutica Roxb.

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    The oil of Alpinia mutica Roxb was produced by hydrodistillation from fresh rhizomes, collected from cultivated plants in Universiti Pertanian Malaysia. The oil was analyzed by GC/MS and 24 components were identified which constituted 87.5% of the oil. The major components of the oil were camphor (35.6%), 1,8-cineole (9.4%) and borneol (8.3%)

    Perbandingan Sistem Sapaan Kekerabatan Bahasa Banjar dengan Bahasa Melayu Sungai Guntung

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    This study looks at the comparative greeting kinship system with Malay language Banjar Guntung River. This study aimed to describe the system greeting relationship with the Malay language Banjar Guntung River. The method used in this research is descriptive method based on facts and data obtained in the field. Data collection for this research using interview techniques and information from informants and documentation techniques include. The results of the research I have discovered have shown in this study that the relationship greeting Malay language Banjar system and offer guidance to people who are bwlood relations penyapa greet directly or marriage

    Infleksi Bahasa Melayu Riau Dialek Kuantan Singingi Kecamatan Gunung Toar

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    This study discusses the process of word formation inflection inflection and meaning of words contained in the language of the Malay dialect Singingi Kuantan District of Mount Toar. This study aimed to describe the process of word formation inflection and change the meaning of words as a result of the process of inflection in the language of the Malay dialect Singingi Kuantan District of Mount Toar. Helpful research theoretically and practically. This study is a qualitative research and descriptive method. Techniques used in data collection in this research that recording technique and technique refer to note. The data that has been discovered and analyzed by several stages, ie transcribing the data, rewriting the data obtained, classifying the data, analyze the data, and write the results of the analysis. Data sourced words found inflections of speech and folklore where the study was conducted. The object of this study is the language. The results of this study as a contribution for further research regarding inflection


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    Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif yang didukung oleh teori Elimination Likelihood Model (ELM) dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana word of mouth mempengaruhi keputusan pembelian. Subyek penelitian ini adalah pelanggan Dapur Emak Cikarang. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan kuisioner untuk teknik pengumpulan data, uji normalitas, uji regresi linier sederhana, uji t (uji parsial), dan koefisien determinasi (R2) dengan data dari kuesioner, dan digunakan data sebanyak 98 responden . analisis Setelah itu data diolah dengan menggunakan SPSS 22. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa talkers berpengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan pembelian yang ditunjukkan dengan diperolehnya nilai t = 2,576 dan Sig = 0,012. Topics memperoleh nilai t sebesar 2,273 dan nilai sig sebesar 0,025. Dan tools memiliki nilai t sebesar 2,208 dan sig sebesar 0,030 dengan tingkat kepercayaan 0,05

    Majas Sindiran dalam Humor Sby-jk (Susah Bensin Ya Jalan Kaki) Karya Wahyu Untara

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    The title of research is ”Majas Sindiran dalam Humor SBY-JK (Susah Bensin Ya Jalan Kaki) created by Wahyu Untara.” The purpose of the research to describe form and the meaning of irony (majas sindiran) in the humor SBY-JK (Susah Bensin Ya Jalan Kaki) created by Wahyu Untara. The type of the research that used are qualitative research with used descriptive method. The data that used in the research is the shape of irony (majas sindiran) in the book of humor SBY-JK (Susah Bensin Ya Jalan Kaki) created by Wahyu Untara. The result of the research that writer found of in this research there are five form of irony (majas sindiran) that found of iroby (majas sindiran) ij the book of humor SBY-JK (Susah Bensin Ya Jalan Kaki) created by Wahyu Untara are majas sarkasme, irony, sinisme, innuendo, and antiphrasis. Among the form of majas, dominant the form that found is majas sindiran (in form irony). At the study, writer uses analysis method based on the contextual meaning to study the meaning of each the majas sindiran