128 research outputs found

    Statistical models and the theory of hypothesis testing in medicine

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    Purpose: The purpose of this work is to develop statistical approaches for treatment efficiency analysis on a medical case. These methods include the effect evaluation method performed with various preparations in regards to several factors such as the patient‘s blood state and his/her biochemical values. Design/Methodology/Approach: The results of this survey were divided into three groups: the first included the blood biochemistry values before the test, the second — an hour after the test, the the third — two hours after the test. When visually comparing the results of the analyses of the three groups, it was possible to assume that the load of FLC did not significantly affect the biochemistry of the patients' blood. To test this medical assumption, various statistical criteria of the theory of testing statistical hypotheses have been applied. Findings: Statistical analysis of changes in the level of lipase and triglycerides in the biochemical analysis of the blood of patients with chronic pancreatitis after ingestion of food containing medium-chain fatty acids showed that there is no overall disruption in the functioning of the pancreas. Practical implications: Clinical practice has shown that more than 85% of patients tolerated testing with medium chain fatty acids, not experiencing a painful abdominal symptom and other negative consequences of a violation of external secretion of the pancreas. Originality/Value: In clinical practice, the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences for the first time took into account the results of a statistical analysis.peer-reviewe

    Almost quantum correlations

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    Quantum theory is not only successfully tested in laboratories every day but also constitutes a robust theoretical framework: small variations usually lead to implausible consequences, such as faster-than-light communication. It has even been argued that quantum theory may be special among possible theories. Here we report that, at the level of correlations among different systems, quantum theory is not so special. We define a set of correlations, dubbed 'almost quantum', and prove that it strictly contains the set of quantum correlations but satisfies all-but-one of the proposed principles to capture quantum correlations. We present numerical evidence that the remaining principle is satisfied too. © 2015 Macmillan Publishers Limited

    The using of orthogonal basis for the steganographic coding of information in multimedia

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    This article discusses methods for steganographic encoding additional information using three different orthogonal bases. The bases are represented by the functions, which occupies a different bandwidth in the spectrum. There are comparison of the approach to the definition of DCT- coefficients with the approaches used in the methods of the spread spectrum and subband projections. The approaches of the coefficients of the implementation to ensure secrecy by adaptive determination of their value are considere


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    The paper is devoted to the problem of preventing financial crises in corporate systems, whose activities are becoming more and more complex in the context of globalization. The mechanism of early informing and crisis prevention in corporate systems is proposed, and includes five main modules: an analysis of the financial condition of the corporation, an analysis of the financial condition of subsidiaries, an evaluation of the impact of the financial crisis on a subsidiary on the threat of bankruptcy of the corporation as a whole, forecasting the financial condition of subsidiaries and corporation as a whole, anti-crisis management. The first four modules of the mechanism are the modules of implementation of proactive crisis management in the corporation, aimed at preventing the emergence of a crisis state, both in individual elements and in the corporate system as a whole. The fifth module is used in conditions of the current negative estimation of the financial condition of the corporation, and it is a "response" to existing crisis processes and phenomena in the corporation. After its implementation during the process of monitoring of the financial condition, proactive control modules are started to be used to allow early diagnosis and to prevent a crisis state. Particular attention is paid to such modules of proactive management as the evaluation of the impact of financial crises of subsidiaries on bankruptcy of the corporations as a whole and forecasting financial crises. A model basis for these two modules was developed. Neural networks, the mathematical apparatus of fuzzy logic, and the Caterpillar method were used for developing the models of estimation of the crisis threat in the corporate system. The developed set of models allowed to estimate the threat of financial crises in the parent enterprise and in the subsidiaries of the corporation, not only in the current but also in the perspective periods. The obtained results indicate that the financial condition of the investigated corporation is characterized by low level of the bankruptcy threat. Along with this, there is an increase in the threat of bankruptcy in a number of subsidiaries in the perspective period and the strong impact of local crises on the financial position of the corporation as a whole. The latter leads to the need of implementation of the anti-crisis measures in the corporate structure. An adequate tool for choosing anti-crisis measures and developing scenarios for the implementation of the anti-crisis management strategy is simulation modelling based on the concept of system dynamics.Рассматривается проблема предупреждения финансовых кризисов в корпоративных системах, деятельность которых становится все более сложной в контексте глобализации. Особое внимание уделяется оценке влияния финансовых кризисов дочерних компаний на банкротство корпораций в целом. Для оценки угрозы кризисов в корпоративной системе используются нейронные сети, математический аппарат нечеткой логики, метод «Caterpillar».Розглядається проблема запобігання фінансовим кризам у корпоративних системах, діяльність яких стає дедалі складнішою в контексті глобалізації. Запропоновано механізм раннього інформування і попередження криз у корпоративних системах, який включає п’ять основних модулів: аналіз фінансового стану корпорації, аналіз фінансового стану дочірніх підприємств, оцінка впливу фінансової кризи на дочірньому підприємстві на загрозу банкрутства корпорації в цілому, прогнозування фінансового стану дочірніх підприємств і корпорації в цілому, антикризове управління. Перші чотири модулі механізму є модулями реалізації проактивного антикризового управління в корпорації, спрямованого на недопущення появи кризового стану як в окремих елементах, так і корпоративної системі в цілому. П’ятий модуль використовується при поточній негативній оцінці стану корпорації і є «реакцією» на вже наявні кризові процеси і явища в корпорації. Після його реалізації у процесі моніторингу стану застосовуються модулі проактивного управління, що дозволяють здійснювати ранню діагностику і попереджати кризовий стан. Особливу увагу приділено таким модулям проактивного управління, як оцінка впливу фінансових криз дочірніх компаній на банкрутство корпорацій у цілому, прогнозування фінансових криз. Розроблено модельний базис цих двох модулів. Для побудови моделей оцінки загрози кризи корпоративної системи використовуються нейронні мережі, математичний апарат нечіткої логіки, метод «Caterpillar». Розроблений комплекс моделей дозволив оцінити загрозу формування фінансових криз на головному і дочірніх підприємствах корпорації не тільки в поточному періоді, а й у перспективному. Отримані результати свідчать, що фінансовий стан досліджуваної корпорації характеризується низьким рівнем загрози банкрутства. Поряд із цим спостерігається посилення загрози банкрутства на низці дочірніх підприємств у перспективному періоді і сильний вплив локальних криз на фінансовий стан корпорації в цілому. Останнє призводить до необхідності здійснення антикризових заходів у корпоративній структурі. Адекватним інструментом вибору антикризових заходів і формування сценаріїв реалізації стратегії антикризового управління є імітаційне моделювання, засноване на концепції системної динаміки

    Methods of histogram transformations and control processes of printing image reproduction

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    В статье предлагаются новые методы, позволяющие провести объективную оценку растровых структур по статистическим параметрам гистограммы, и метод коррекции изображения с использованием преобразования гистограммы по нормальному закону распределения, позволяющий автоматизировать процесс коррекции.There are new methods helping to do objective valuation of screen structures on statistical parameters of the histogram and method of image correction using histogram conversion with Gaussian distribution, allowing to automate correction process in our article

    Mechanisms of Regulation Allergic and Autoimmune Reactions by Bacterial Origin Bioregulators

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    Relevance. The increase in allergic and autoimmune diseases observed in recent decades highlights the need for therapy and prevention, which requires detailed research into the mechanisms of their occurrence. The onset and progression of allergic and autoimmune diseases are influenced by genetic predisposition, lifestyle, environmental factors, and disruptions in the coordinated operation of the immune system, and as a consequence of immune homeostasis. Treatment of these diseases is primarily symptomatic and often accompanied by undesirable side effects. Immune system disorders in various pathologies have their own characteristics for each type of disease, and at the same time have common mechanisms. Considering the presence of a large number of various microorganisms in the human body, taking their influence into account is of paramount importance. Microorganisms are a source of biologically active molecules, the action of which can either prevent and reduce the severity of the disease or exacerbate it. The aim of this study was to analyze the cytokine profile of the effects of fragments of cell walls of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria - lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and muramyl peptide (MP), as well as nisin - an antimicrobial peptide of bacterial origin on human mononuclear cells. Materials and Methods. Mononuclear cells were obtained from peripheral blood of healthy volunteers using Cell separation media Lympholyte CL 5015, and were cultured in the presence of LPS, GMDP and bacteriocin nisin. The cytokine activity of LPS, GMDP and bacteriocin nisin was examined using the multiplex cytokine analysis; the analysis of surface markers was determined flow cytometry. Results and Discussion. It was shown that bacterial cell wall fragments to a much greater extent than nisin induce the production of cytokines, chemokines, and growth factors. It was established that LPS and MP increase the expression of CD11c on dendritic cells, while bacteriocin nisin does not affect the increase of CD11c+ DCs. LPS and MP in the conducted ex vivo studies did not affect the emergence of CCR7. Conclusion. Bacterial origin bioregulators trigger a negative feedback mechanism by inducing the synthesis of anti-inflammatory factors, that can prevent the inflammatory process. Understanding the molecular mechanisms of the influence of bacterial origin bioregulators on the human body opens new approaches in the prevention and development of personalized therapy strategies

    The second law and beyond in microscopic quantum setups

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    The Clausius inequality (CI) is one of the most versatile forms of the second law. Although it was originally conceived for macroscopic steam engines, it is also applicable to quantum single particle machines. Moreover, the CI is the main connecting thread between classical microscopic thermodynamics and nanoscopic quantum thermodynamics. In this chapter, we study three different approaches for obtaining the CI. Each approach shows different aspects of the CI. The goals of this chapter are: (i) To show the exact assumptions made in various derivations of the CI. (ii) To elucidate the structure of the second law and its origin. (iii) To discuss the possibilities each approach offers for finding additional second-law like inequalities. (iv) To pose challenges related to the second law in nanoscopic setups. In particular, we introduce and briefly discuss the notions of exotic heat machines (X machines), and "lazy demons".Comment: As a chapter of: F. Binder, L. A. Correa, C. Gogolin, J. Anders, and G. Adesso (eds.), "Thermodynamics in the quantum regime - Recent Progress and Outlook", (Springer International Publishing). v1 does not include references to other book chapter

    Применение инновационной методики математического моделирования при разработке нормативов обеспечения врачами амбулаторного звена в России

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    The work presents data on the relationship between the regional incidence of gastrointestinal tract diseases and the number of medical personnel in various regions of the Russian Federation. Indicators for all federal districts for 2013-2017 have been studied. Mathematical models describing this relationship have been proposed. It has been shown that regional morbidity correlates with the number of medical personnel, as well as with attendance at treatment and prevention institutions. The average number of gastroenterologists from 1.3 to 1.5 per 100,000 inhabitants of the region is optimal for the timely detection of gastroenterology diseases. The data obtained can be used in management decisions to optimize the burden on the healthcare system in each region. The introduction of the standards into clinical practice under the established procedure will help to improve the quality of specialized care for patients with gastroenterological problems.В работе представлены данные о связи между региональной заболеваемостью населения болезнями ЖКТ и количеством медицинского персонала в субъектах Российской Федерации. Изучены показатели впервые выявленной заболеваемости по всем федеральным округам за 2013-2017 гг. Предложены математические модели, описывающие такую взаимосвязь. Показано, что региональная заболеваемость коррелирует с количеством медицинского персонала, а также с посещаемостью лечебно-профилактических учреждений. Для своевременного выявления заболеваний ЖКТ среднее число врачей-гастроэнтерологов от 1,3 до 1,5 на 100 тыс. жителей региона является оптимальным. Полученные данные можно использовать при принятии управленческих решений по оптимизации нагрузки на систему здравоохранения в каждом конкретном регионе. Внедрение разработанных штатных нормативов в клиническую практику в установленном порядке будет способствовать повышению качества оказания специализированной помощи пациентам гастроэнтерологического профиля

    Measuring the thermodynamic cost of timekeeping

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    All clocks, in some form or another, use the evolution of nature toward higher entropy states to quantify the passage of time. Because of the statistical nature of the second law and corresponding entropy flows, fluctuations fundamentally limit the performance of any clock. This suggests a deep relation between the increase in entropy and the quality of clock ticks. Indeed, minimal models for autonomous clocks in the quantum realm revealed that a linear relation can be derived, where for a limited regime every bit of entropy linearly increases the accuracy of quantum clocks. But can such a linear relation persist as we move toward a more classical system? We answer this in the affirmative by presenting the first experimental investigation of this thermodynamic relation in a nanoscale clock. We stochastically drive a nanometer-thick membrane and read out its displacement with a radio-frequency cavity, allowing us to identify the ticks of a clock. We show theoretically that the maximum possible accuracy for this classical clock is proportional to the entropy created per tick, similar to the known limit for a weakly coupled quantum clock but with a different proportionality constant. We measure both the accuracy and the entropy. Once nonthermal noise is accounted for, we find that there is a linear relation between accuracy and entropy and that the clock operates within an order of magnitude of the theoretical bound