855 research outputs found

    Aspects of thermal behavior of Amynteo lignites, Northern Greece, determined by thermogravimetry

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    In this study, the burning profiles of seven lignite samples from Amynteo lignite mine, Northern Greece, were obtained using a thermogravimetry technique. The differentiation in the thermal behavior of the samples was investigated using DTG curves. The influence of inorganic constituents (expressed as major oxides content) was evaluated by correlate the major oxides content with burnout time and maximum weight loss rate. Samples from the intermediate lignite beds show a differentiation in their thermal behavior, related to the low sulfur and inorganic constituents content and attributable to their decreased thermal stability. There is a critical value of burnout time when correlate the sum of major oxides with burnout time. The inorganic content has a diverse relationship with burnout time beyond this critical value

    Insulin potentiates the transactivation potency of the glucocorticoid receptor

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    AbstractA single copy of a glucocorticoid-responsive element (GRE) is sufficient in mediating the combinatorial response of a promoter to both glucocorticoids and insulin in HepG2 cells. This requires the presence of active glucocorticoid receptor (GR) since the response is significantly inhibited by the anti-glucocorticoid RU30406. The Nā€²- and Cā€²-terminal parts of the GR protein are not involved in mediating the response. Insulin had no effect on GR binding to GRE but it affected both the level and the phosphorylation state of nuclear-bound GR. Thus, insulin alters the GR transactivation potency while, concomitantly, modifies the molecule at the posttranslational level

    On Making Good Games - Using Player Virtue Ethics and Gameplay Design Patterns to Identify Generally Desirable Gameplay Features

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    This paper uses a framework of player virtues to perform a theoretical exploration of what is required to make a game good. The choice of player virtues is based upon the view that games can be seen as implements, and that these are good if they support an intended use, and the intended use of games is to support people to be good players. A collection of gameplay design patterns, identified through their relation to the virtues, is presented to provide specific starting points for considering design options for this type of good games. 24 patterns are identified supporting the virtues, including RISK/REWARD, DYNAMIC ALLIANCES, GAME MASTERS, and PLAYER DECIDED RESULTS, as are 7 countering three or more virtues, including ANALYSIS PARALYSIS, EARLY ELIMINATION, and GRINDING. The paper concludes by identifying limitations of the approach as well as by showing how it can be applied using other views of what are preferable features in games


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    Four bottom ash samples from the Power Units of the Agios Dimitrios Power Plant were studied by the method of PXRD to determine their semi-quantitative mineralogical composition. Their organic matter content was calculated by a wet chemical process. Also, the loss on ignition was measured. The samples are constituted mainly of calcite, quartz and feldspars, while micas, clays, gehlenite and portlandite were determined in a few samples in smaller quantities. The amorphous material varied between 10-43 wt. %, while organic matter varied between 5-42 wt. %. Measurements of the loss on ignition overestimate the unburned lignite contents in the bottom ash samples. The management of bottom ashes with high contents of unburned lignite should differ to that of the fly ashes. The oxidation of the inorganic compounds of the unburned lignite may lead to environmental degradation of the landfill areas. Samples showing lower values of organic matter are suitable for a series of uses, such as: snow and ice control, as an aggregate in lightweight concrete masonry units,as a raw feed material for portland cement, as an aggregate in cold mix emulsified asphalt mixes, base or sub-base courses, or in shoulder construction. Systematic study of the unburned lignite of bottom ashes is needed for possible re-combustion

    PMI: A Delta Psi(m) Independent Pharmacological Regulator of Mitophagy

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    Mitophagy is central to mitochondrial and cellular homeostasis and operates via the PINK1/Parkin pathway targeting mitochondria devoid of membrane potential (Ī”ĪØm) to autophagosomes. Although mitophagy is recognized as a fundamental cellular process, selective pharmacologic modulators of mitophagy are almost nonexistent. We developed a compound that increases the expression and signaling of the autophagic adaptor molecule P62/SQSTM1 and forces mitochondria into autophagy. The compound, P62-mediated mitophagy inducer (PMI), activates mitophagy without recruiting Parkin or collapsing Ī”ĪØm and retains activity in cells devoid of a fully functional PINK1/Parkin pathway. PMI drives mitochondria to a process of quality control without compromising the bio-energetic competence of the whole network while exposing just those organelles to be recycled. Thus, PMI circumvents the toxicity and some of the nonspecific effects associated with the abrupt dissipation of Ī”ĪØm by ionophores routinely used to induce mitophagy and represents a prototype pharmacological tool to investigate the molecular mechanisms of mitophagy

    Choice and bias in random walks

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    We analyse the following random walk process inspired by the power-of-two-choice paradigm: starting from a given vertex, at each step, unlike the simple random walk (SRW) that always moves to a randomly chosen neighbour, we have the choice between two uniformly and independently chosen neighbours. We call this process the choice random walk (CRW). We first prove that for any graph, there is a strategy for the CRW that visits any given vertex in expected tim

    The relation between sustainability performance and stock market returns: An Empirical analysis of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index Europe

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    This paper investigates the relation between corporate financial performance (CFP) and corporate sustainability performance (CSP). This is done by first analyzing a sample of European stocks that were added to or deleted from the Dow Jones Sustainability Europe Index (DJSI Europe) over the period 2009ā€“2013, and second by analyzing a sample of European stocks that were recognized as industry group leaders in CSP by the DJSI Europe over the same period. The impacts are measured in terms of (abnormal) stock returns. For the first analysis no strong evidence could be found that the announcement of the inclusion and exclusion events has any significant impact on stock return. However, on the day of change (CD) and in the period following CD, index inclusion (exclusion) stocks experience a significant but temporary increase (decrease) in stock return. These results seem to support Harris and Eitanā€™s (1986) price pressure hypothesis, which postulates that event announcement does not carry information and any shift in demand and hence the corresponding price change is temporary. From the second analysis, on industry group leaders, it can be concluded that the market rewards firms with high CSP. In the period after the day of change, industry group leader stocks experience a permanent and significant positive growth in stock returns. This conclusion can be supported by the resource based perspective, which posits that firms capable of investing heavily in CSP have greater underlying resources which in turn should produce higher financial performance (Alexander and Bucholz, 1978; Waddock and Graves, 1997; Clarkson et al., 2006)

    Microbiology and atmospheric processes: Biological, physical and chemical characterization of aerosol particles

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    The interest in bioaerosols has traditionally been linked to health hazards for humans, animals and plants. However, several components of bioaerosols exhibit physical properties of great significance for cloud processes, such as ice nucleation and cloud condensation. To gain a better understanding of their influence on climate, it is therefore important to determine the composition, concentration, seasonal fluctuation, regional diversity and evolution of bioaerosols. In this paper, we will review briefly the existing techniques for detection, quantification, physical and chemical analysis of biological particles, attempting to bridge physical, chemical and biological methods for analysis of biological particles and integrate them with aerosol sampling techniques. We will also explore some emerging spectroscopy techniques for bulk and single-particle analysis that have potential for in-situ physical and chemical analysis. Lastly, we will outline open questions and further desired capabilities (e. g., in-situ, sensitive, both broad and selective, on-line, time-resolved, rapid, versatile, cost-effective techniques) required prior to comprehensive understanding of chemical and physical characterization of bioaerosols
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