20 research outputs found

    Power supply of autonomous systems using solar modules

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    The article shows the methods of constructing autonomous decentralized energy systems from solar modules. It shows the operation of up DC inverter. It demonstrates the effectiveness of DC inverters with varying structure. The system has high efficiency and low level of conductive impulse noise and at the same time the system is practically feasible. Electrical processes have been analyzed to determine the characteristics of operating modes of the main circuit elements. Recommendations on using the converters have been given

    Power supply of autonomous systems using solar modules

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    The article shows the methods of constructing autonomous decentralized energy systems from solar modules. It shows the operation of up DC inverter. It demonstrates the effectiveness of DC inverters with varying structure. The system has high efficiency and low level of conductive impulse noise and at the same time the system is practically feasible. Electrical processes have been analyzed to determine the characteristics of operating modes of the main circuit elements. Recommendations on using the converters have been given

    Analysis of the dynamics and structure of morbidity of athletes of the national teams of Moscow based on the results of medical examination

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    Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze the structure and dynamics of morbidity of athletes, members of sports teams of the city of Moscow based on the results of an in-depth medical examination in the period 2017–2021.Materials and methods: The data of the medical examination of athletes, which took place at the Moscow scientific and Practical Center for Medical Rehabilitation, restorative and sports medicine, including instrumental, functional and laboratory studies from 2017 to 2021, were analyzed. In 2017, 15176 athletes were examined, in 2018 and 2019, 11200, in 2020, 10080 people and in 2021–11922 athletes.Results: The results of the study showed an increase in the proportion of amenorrhea within the triad of athletes, an increase in general therapeutic morbidity, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, among which the proportion of secondary hyperbilirubinemia in 2021 increased 3 times compared to 2020, which, in our opinion, is also due to the impact of the pandemic and quarantine restrictions.The high prevalence of ophthalmological morbidity of athletes and changes in the cardiovascular system is shown. During 2017–2021, a change in the structure of cardiac morbidity was revealed in the form of an increase in the proportion of cardiac arrhythmias and hypertensive response to stress.An increase in the endocrine morbidity of athletes in 2021 was revealed due to an increase in the proportion of hypothyroidism and more frequent detection of hyperthyroidism, possibly related to the COVID-19 pandemic, which requires further research.There was also an increase in diseases of the skin and genitourinary system in athletes. Psychological problems of athletes increased during the observation period from 2017 to 2021. There was no significant dynamics of surgical and traumatological diseases, otolaryngological pathologу.Conclusion: The results of the study indicate the importance of regular full-fledged examination of athletes, identification of various functional disorders and diseases for their timely prevention and treatment in order to preserve the health of athletes and improve athletic performance

    Дуоденэктомия с сохранением перипапиллярного лоскута: новый способ хирургического лечения при опухолевом поражении двенадцатиперстной кишки

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    Currently, with duodenal tumor lesion (duodenum), the possibility of performing economical operations that significantly improve the immediate results and quality of life of patients is increasingly being considered as an alternative to gastropancreatoduodenal resection. using the example of clinical observation, the article presents a new type of economical surgical intervention – duodenectomy with preservation of the peripapillary flap. The operation was performed in a patient with cancer of the resected stomach with a low spread of the tumor along the wall of the duodenum. At the control examination 9 months after the operation, the patient’s condition is satisfactory, without signs of impaired biliodynamics and passage of food through the intestinal tube. The proposed method differs from the existing prototype (papilloservative duodenectomy) by preserving the peripapillary flap of the duodenal wall.The insertion into the jejunum of not the fater papilla, but the surrounding wall of the duodenum eliminates its deformation and violation of patency and provides greater reliability of the formed suture, and the preservation of the small duodenal papilla with an additional pancreatic duct of Santorini can help reduce the frequency of postoperative pancreatitis and pancreonecrosis. In addition to cases of low lesions of the duodenum in gastric cancer, the method can be used in patients with non-epithelial and neuroendocrine tumors, as well as in secondary tumor invasion of the duodenum from the outside. The criterion limiting the performance of this type of operation is the distance from the edge of the tumor to the fater papilla less than 2.0–2.5 cm.Duodenectomy with preservation of the peripapillary flap can be considered as a way to improve the safety and quality of life in the surgical treatment of patients with a tumor lesion of the duodenum.В настоящее время при опухолевом поражении двенадцатиперстной кишки (дПк) в качестве альтернативы гастропанкреатодуоденальной резекции все чаще рассматривается возможность выполнения экономных операций, которые значительно улучшают непосредственные результаты и качество жизни больных.В статье на примере клинического наблюдения представлен новый вид экономного хирургического вмешательства – дуоденэктомия с сохранением перипапиллярного лоскута. Операция выполнена у больного раком резецированного желудка с низким распространением опухоли по стенке дПк. При контрольном обследовании через 9 мес после операции состояние пациента удовлетворительное, без признаков нарушения билиодинамики и прохождения пищи по кишечной трубке. Предлагаемый способ отличается от существующего прототипа (папиллосохраняющей дуоденэктомии) сохранением перипапиллярного лоскута стенки дПк. Вшивание в тощую кишку не фатерова сосочка, а окружающей его стенки дПк исключает его деформацию и нарушение проходимости и обеспечивает большую надежность формируемого шва, а сохранение малого дуоденального сосочка с дополнительным панкреатическим протоком Санторини может способствовать снижению частоты развития послеоперационных панкреатитов и панкреонекрозов. Помимо случаев низкого поражения дПк при раке желудка метод может применяться у больных с неэпителиальными и нейроэндокринными опухолями, а также при вторичной опухолевой инвазии дПк извне. критерием, ограничивающим выполнение операции подобного типа, является расстояние от края опухоли до фатерова сосочка дуоденэктомия с сохранением перипапиллярного лоскута может рассматриваться как способ повышения безопасности и качества жизни при хирургическом лечении больных с опухолевым поражением дПк


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    Puspose: to develop a method for the prevention of scarring of filter pads in patients with glaucoma using Ahmed Glaucoma Valve. patients and methods: We developed modification of the techniques Ahmed drainage implantation using a PTFE membrane. We covered Ahmed drainage with PTFE membrane and implanted it according to standard method, recommended by manufacturer. There were 149 patients with the different forms of refractive glaucoma in the study (93 (59%) — men, 64 (41%) — women. Average age was 64 years (from 22 to 88 years old). Patients were divided in two groups. 54 patents (59 eyes) were in the first group, 95 (98 eyes) in the second. Ahmed drainage with PTFE membrane was implanted according to proposed method in the first group; traditional method was used in the control group. Results and discussion: visual acuity was higher and intraocular pressure was lower during all follow-up period in patients received modificated surgical treatment. 3 patients (5%) from the main group and 11 (11%) from the control group were operated repeatedly. Conclusion: Offered method of Ahmed drainage’s implantation using a PTFE membrane is more effective than standard method and reduces complications associated with excessive scarring of the filter pads, that requires the repeated of the surgical treatment. The results of the study allow to recommend this method for ophthalmological practice


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    Subject of Research. The research is dedicated to the analysis of sensitivity change patterns of the cameras based on silicon CMOS-matrixes in various ambient temperatures. This information is necessary for the correct camera application for photometric measurements in-situ. The paper deals with studies of sensitivity variations of two digital cameras with different silicon CMOS matrixes in visible and near IR regions of the spectrum at temperature change. Method. Due to practical restrictions the temperature changes were recorded in separate spectral intervals important for practical use of the cameras. The experiments were carried out with the use of a climatic chamber, providing change and keeping the temperature range from minus 40 to plus 50 °C at a pitch of 10 о С. Two cameras were chosen for research: VAC-135-IP with OmniVision OV9121 matrix and VAC-248-IP with OnSemiconductor VITA2000 matrix. The two tested devices were placed in a climatic chamber at the same time and illuminated by one radiation source with a color temperature about 3000 K in order to eliminate a number of methodological errors. Main Results. The temperature dependence of the signals was shown to be linear and the matrixes sensitivities were determined. The results obtained are consistent with theoretical views, in general. The coefficients of thermal sensitivity were computed by these dependencies. It is shown that the greatest affect of temperature on the sensitivity occurs in the area (0.7–1.1) mkm. Temperature coefficients of sensitivity increase with the downward radiation wavelength increase. The experiments carried out have shown that it is necessary to take into account the changes in temperature sensitivity of silicon matrixes in the red and near in IR regions of the spectrum. The effect reveals itself in a clearly negative way in cameras with an amplitude resolution of 10-12 bits used for aerospace and space spectrozonal photography. Practical Relevance. The obtained values of temperature sensitivity coefficients enable to correct the received signals by means of a calculation and to obtain more reliable information on the photometric properties of scenes and objects

    Detection of water leakage into sodium with respect to acoustic noise

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    DNAaseI-hypersensitive minichromosomes of SV40 possess an elastic torsional strain in DNA.

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    Previously, we have shown that DNA in a small fraction (2-5%) of SV40 minichromosomes was torsionally strained and could be relaxed by treating minichromosomes with topoisomerase I. This fraction was enriched with endogeneous RNA polymerase II (Luchnik et al., 1982, EMBO J., 1, 1353). Here we show that one and the same fraction of SV40 minichromosomes is hypersensitive to DNAase I and is relaxable by topoisomerase I. Moreover, this fraction completely loses its hypersensitivity to DNAase I upon relaxation. The possibility that this fraction of minichromosomes can be represented by naked DNA is ruled out by the results of studying the kinetics of minichromosome digestion by DNAase I in comparison to digestion of pure SV40 DNA and by measuring the buoyant density of SV40 chromatin in equilibrium CsCl gradient. Our data obtained with SV40 minichromosomes may be relevant to the mechanism responsible for DNAase I hypersensitivity in the loops or domains of cellular chromatin


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    Beckwith - Wiedemann syndrome (ICD-10 code: Q 87.3) is a congenital disease characterized by macrosomia, macroglossia, hernia umbilical cord, overgrowth in the first few years of life, asymmetry of the body and a predisposition to embryonal tumor development. The disease was first described by American pathologist J.V. Beckwith in 1963 and, independently of him, by the German pediatrician H.R. Wiedemann in 1964. Thereafter, it was named the Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome to honor of these scientists [1--4]