3,140 research outputs found

    Real-Time Cure Monitoring of Unsaturated Polyester Resin from Ultra-Violet Curing

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    Real time Fourier transform infrared (RTFT-IR) spectroscopy reveals the influence of the nature of the photoinitiator on the kinetics for the polymerization reaction. Real time cure monitoring was used to determine the polymerization rate of ultra-violet cured unsaturated polyester resins (UPR1:2-1:5) based on palm oil and containing styrene as a cross-linking agent in the presence of IRGACURE 184 photoinitiator. Firstly, variable types of UPR1:2-1:5 were prepared using various ratios of monoglyceride (MG) monomer to maleic anhydride which used as a source of double bond using polycondensation technique. RTFT-IR spectroscopy was used to characterize the ultra-violet curing kinetics for all the systems. This technique offered a powerful approach for monitoring changes in the chemical properties of the system during the ultra-violet curing. Pseudo first order kinetics for all UPR1:2-1:5 curable systems were determined and the rate constant values and regression coefficients were calculated. Furthermore, the thermal behaviour and morphological features for the photo-fabricated UPR1:2-1:5 systems were examined. The thermal analyses for the cured films were evaluated by TGA, DTG and DSC in nitrogen atmosphere at a heating rate of 10°C/min. All the formulations showed similar degradation pattern at 40 % and 50 % weight losses (Td = 40% and Td =50% respectively) except polymer UPR1:5 which had somewhat lower degree in the same range. In addition, the morphological properties for photo-fabricated UPR1:2,1:3,1:5 were investigated by using scanning electron microscopy.

    Two-pump parametric amplification in the presence of fiber dispersion fluctuations: a comparative study

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    Fiber optical parametric amplifiers (FOPAs) operating based on four-wave mixing (FWM) are versatile devices with increasing applications in optical communication systems. In this paper, the effects of dispersion fluctu�ations on the performance of bandwidth, ripple, parametric gain, and saturation power of a two-pump FOPA based on four-wave and six-wave models are studied and compared. Coupled-amplitude equations representing the non-degenerate FWM process in optical fiber are solved numerically to compute the parametric gain over the communication wavelengths. The behaviors of the performance parameters are critically analyzed and compared with different types of fluctuation strengths (or amplitudes) specified by the combinations of correlation length (Lc) and fluctuation amplitude (σ). Based on the results, it was found that the flat gain bandwidth for the four-wave model remains unchanged and is insensitive to the strengths of fluctuations. The gain ripples, however, get higher as the fluctuation strengths increase. On the other hand, the flat gain bandwidths of the six-wave model are hardly identified due to the tremendous and continuous ripples within the pump wavelengths. In addition, the minimum parametric gain values for both four-wave and six-wave models reduce as the fluctuation strengths increase. Also, the lowest value of parametric gain leads to the highest saturation power and vice versa. The dispersion fluctuations affect the FWM process’s efficiency and deteriorate the overall amplifier performance, particularly for the six-wave model. The numerical analysis obtained via the six-wave model is especially useful since this model closely matches with practical circumstances

    Patterns of acute hospital and specialist palliative care use among people with non-curative upper gastrointestinal cancer

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    Purpose: Upper gastrointestinal (GI) cancers contribute to 16.7% of UK cancer deaths. These patients make high use of acute hospital services, but detail about palliative care use is lacking. We aimed to determine the patterns of use of acute hospital and hospital specialist palliative care services in patients with advanced non-curative upper GI cancer. Methods: We conducted a service evaluation of hospital use and palliative care for all patients with non-curative upper GI cancer seen in one large hospital, using routinely collected data (2019–2022). We report and characterise hospital admissions and palliative care within the study time period, using descriptive statistics, and multivariable Poisson regression to estimate the unadjusted and adjusted incidence rate ratio of hospital admissions. Results: The total with non-curative upper GI cancer was 960. 86.7% had at least one hospital admission, with 1239 admissions in total. Patients had a higher risk of admission to hospital if: aged ≤ 65 (IRR for 66–75 years 0.71, IRR 76–85 years 0.68; IRR > 85 years 0.53; p < 0.05), or lived in an area of lower socioeconomic status (IMD Deciles 1–5) (IRR 0.90; p < 0.05). Over the 4-year period, the rate of re-admission was higher in patients not referred to palliative care (rate 0.52 readmissions/patient versus rate 1.47 readmissions/patient). Conclusion: People with advanced non-curative gastrointestinal cancer have frequent hospital admissions, especially if younger or from areas of lower socioeconomic status. There is clear association between specialist palliative care referral and reduced risk of hospitalisation. This evidence supports referral to specialist palliative care

    Engineering a 3D microfluidic culture platform for tumor-treating field application.

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    The limitations of current cancer therapies highlight the urgent need for a more effective therapeutic strategy. One promising approach uses an alternating electric field; however, the mechanisms involved in the disruption of the cancer cell cycle as well as the potential adverse effects on non-cancerous cells must be clarified. In this study, we present a novel microfluidic device with embedded electrodes that enables the application of an alternating electric field therapy to cancer cells in a 3D extracellular matrix. To demonstrate the potential of our system to aid in designing and testing new therapeutic approaches, cancer cells and cancer cell aggregates were cultured individually or co-cultured with endothelial cells. The metastatic potential of the cancer cells was reduced after electric field treatment. Moreover, the proliferation rate of the treated cancer cells was lower compared with that of the untreated cells, whereas the morphologies and proliferative capacities of the endothelial cells were not significantly affected. These results demonstrate that our novel system can be used to rapidly screen the effect of an alternating electric field on cancer and normal cells within an in vivo-like microenvironment with the potential to optimize treatment protocols and evaluate synergies between tumor-treating field treatment and chemotherapy

    Exact Markovian kinetic equation for a quantum Brownian oscillator

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    We derive an exact Markovian kinetic equation for an oscillator linearly coupled to a heat bath, describing quantum Brownian motion. Our work is based on the subdynamics formulation developed by Prigogine and collaborators. The space of distribution functions is decomposed into independent subspaces that remain invariant under Liouville dynamics. For integrable systems in Poincar\'e's sense the invariant subspaces follow the dynamics of uncoupled, renormalized particles. In contrast for non-integrable systems, the invariant subspaces follow a dynamics with broken-time symmetry, involving generalized functions. This result indicates that irreversibility and stochasticity are exact properties of dynamics in generalized function spaces. We comment on the relation between our Markovian kinetic equation and the Hu-Paz-Zhang equation.Comment: A few typos in the published version are correcte

    Chinese and African migrant entrepreneur's articulation shaped by African agency

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    Much has been written on the relationship of China and Africa in the past decade. However, the subject of Chinese migrant entrepreneurs in Africa and their articulation with African counterparts was little explored up to the early 2010s. Apparently, this research gap has been closed, as shown by four publications in recent years: three edited volumes and one monography, focusing on this subject. In view of early prejudices on the passive or even disapproving reception of Chinese migrants by Africans, the state of the art underlines the importance and scope of African agency vis à vis Chinese migrant entrepreneurs in Africa. This has been underlined unison in the four books under review. Book review of:(1) Giese, Karsten, Marfaing, Laurence (eds) (2016): Entrepreneurs Africains et Chinois. Les impacts sociaux d’une rencontre particulière. Paris: Karthala. (2) Gadzala, Aleksandra W. (ed) (2015): Africa and China: how Africans and their governments are shaping relations with China. Lanham/Md.: Rowman & Littlefield. (3) Mohan, Giles, Lampert, Ben et al (eds) (2014): Chinese Migrants and Africa's Development: new imperialists or agents of change? London: Zed books. (4) French, Howard W. (2015): China's Second Continent: how a million migrants are building a new empire in Africa. London: Penguin Random House / New York: Knopf.On a beaucoup écrit sur la relation entre la Chine et l'Afrique dans la dernière décennie. Cependant, le sujet des entrepreneurs migrants chinois en Afrique et leur articulation avec leurs homologues africains a été peu exploré jusqu'au début des années 2010. Apparemment, cet écart de recherche a été fermé, comme indiqué par quatre publications au cours des dernières années: trois volumes édités et une monographie, en se concentrant sur ce sujet. Compte tenu des premiers préjugés sur la réception passive ou même désapprobateur des migrants chinois par les Africains, l'état de l'art souligne l'importance et la portée de l'agence africaine vis-à-vis des entrepreneurs migrants chinois en Afrique

    Transition Matrix Monte Carlo Reweighting and Dynamics

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    We study an induced dynamics in the space of energy of single-spin-flip Monte Carlo algorithm. The method gives an efficient reweighting technique. This dynamics is shown to have relaxation times proportional to the specific heat. Thus, it is plausible for a logarithmic factor in the correlation time of the standard 2D Ising local dynamics.Comment: RevTeX, 5 pages, 3 figure

    Comparative Genomics of Leuconostoc carnosum

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    Leuconostoc carnosum is a known colonizer of meat-related food matrices. It reaches remarkably high loads during the shelf life in packaged meat products and plays a role in spoilage, although preservative effects have been proposed for some strains. In this study, the draft genomes of 17 strains of L. carnosum (i.e., all the strains that have been sequenced so far) were compared to decipher their metabolic and functional potential and to determine their role in food transformations. Genome comparison and pathway reconstruction indicated that L. carnosum is a compact group of closely related heterofermentative bacteria sharing most of the metabolic features. Adaptation to a nitrogen-rich environment, such as meat, is evidenced by 23 peptidase genes identified in the core genome and by the autotrophy for nitrogen compounds including several amino acids, vitamins, and cofactors. Genes encoding the decarboxylases yielding biogenic amines were not present. All the strains harbored 1–4 of 32 different plasmids, bearing functions associated to proteins hydrolysis, transport of amino acids and oligopeptides, exopolysaccharides, and various resistances (e.g., to environmental stresses, bacteriophages, and heavy metals). Functions associated to bacteriocin synthesis, secretion, and immunity were also found in plasmids. While genes for lactococcin were found in most plasmids, only three harbored the genes for leucocin B, a class IIa antilisterial bacteriocin. Determinants of antibiotic resistances were absent in both plasmids and chromosomes