228 research outputs found

    Characteristics and fate of isolated permafrost patches in coastal Labrador, Canada

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    Bodies of peatland permafrost were examined at five sites along a 300&thinsp;km transect spanning the isolated patches permafrost zone in the coastal barrens of southeastern Labrador. Mean annual air temperatures ranged from +1&thinsp;°C in the south (latitude 51.4°&thinsp;N) to −1.1&thinsp;°C in the north (53.7°&thinsp;N) while mean ground temperatures at the top of the permafrost varied respectively from −0.7 to −2.3&thinsp;°C with shallow active layers (40–60&thinsp;cm) throughout. Small surface offsets due to wind scouring of snow from the crests of palsas and peat plateaux, and large thermal offsets due to thick peat are critical to permafrost, which is absent in wetland and forested and forest–tundra areas inland, notwithstanding average air temperatures much lower than near the coast. Most permafrost peatland bodies are less than 5&thinsp;m thick, with a maximum of 10&thinsp;m, with steep geothermal gradients. One-dimensional thermal modelling for two sites showed that they are in equilibrium with the current climate, but the permafrost mounds are generally relict and could not form today without the low snow depths that result from a heaved peat surface. Despite the warm permafrost, model predictions using downscaled global warming scenarios (RCP2.6, RCP4.5, and RCP8.5) indicate that perennially frozen ground will thaw from the base up and may persist at the southern site until the middle of the 21st century. At the northern site, permafrost is more resilient, persisting to the 2060s under RCP8.5, the 2090s under RCP4.5, or beyond the 21st century under RCP2.6. Despite evidence of peatland permafrost degradation in the study region, the local-scale modelling suggests that the southern boundary of permafrost may not move north as quickly as previously hypothesized.</p

    Variability and change in the Canadian cryosphere

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    Abstract During the International Polar Year (IPY), comprehensive observational research programs were undertaken to increase our understanding of the Canadian polar cryosphere response to a changing climate. Cryospheric components considered were snow, permafrost, sea ice, freshwater ice, glaciers and ice shelves. Enhancement of conventional observing systems and retrieval algorithms for satellite measurements facilitated development of a snapshot of current cryospheric conditions, providing a baseline against which future change can be assessed. Key findings include: 1. surface air temperatures across the Canadian Arctic exhibit a warming trend in all seasons over the past 40 years. A consistent pan-cryospheric response to these warming temperatures is evident through the analysis of multi-decadal datasets; 2. in recent years (including the IPY period) a higher rate of change was observed compared to previous decades including warming permafrost, reduction in snow cover extent and duration, reduction in summer sea ice extent, increased mass loss from glaciers, and thinning and break-up of the remaining Canadian ice shelves. These changes illustrate both a reduction in the spatial extent and mass of the cryosphere and an increase in the temporal persistence of melt related parameters. The observed changes in the cryosphere have important implications for human activity including the close ties of northerners to the land, access to northern regions for natural resource development, and the integrity of northern infrastructure

    Heterochrony and Cross-Species Intersensory Matching by Infant Vervet Monkeys

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    Understanding the evolutionary origins of a phenotype requires understanding the relationship between ontogenetic and phylogenetic processes. Human infants have been shown to undergo a process of perceptual narrowing during their first year of life, whereby their intersensory ability to match the faces and voices of another species declines as they get older. We investigated the evolutionary origins of this behavioral phenotype by examining whether or not this developmental process occurs in non-human primates as well.We tested the ability of infant vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops), ranging in age from 23 to 65 weeks, to match the faces and voices of another non-human primate species (the rhesus monkey, Macaca mulatta). Even though the vervets had no prior exposure to rhesus monkey faces and vocalizations, our findings show that infant vervets can, in fact, recognize the correspondence between rhesus monkey faces and voices (but indicate that they do so by looking at the non-matching face for a greater proportion of overall looking time), and can do so well beyond the age of perceptual narrowing in human infants. Our results further suggest that the pattern of matching by vervet monkeys is influenced by the emotional saliency of the Face+Voice combination. That is, although they looked at the non-matching screen for Face+Voice combinations, they switched to looking at the matching screen when the Voice was replaced with a complex tone of equal duration. Furthermore, an analysis of pupillary responses revealed that their pupils showed greater dilation when looking at the matching natural face/voice combination versus the face/tone combination.Because the infant vervets in the current study exhibited cross-species intersensory matching far later in development than do human infants, our findings suggest either that intersensory perceptual narrowing does not occur in Old World monkeys or that it occurs later in development. We argue that these findings reflect the faster rate of neural development in monkeys relative to humans and the resulting differential interaction of this factor with the effects of early experience

    BSL2-compliant lethal mouse model of SARS-CoV-2 and variants of concern to evaluate therapeutics targeting the Spike protein

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    Since first reported in 2019, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) is rapidly acquiring mutations, particularly in the spike protein, that can modulate pathogenicity, transmission and antibody evasion leading to successive waves of COVID19 infections despite an unprecedented mass vaccination necessitating continuous adaptation of therapeutics. Small animal models can facilitate understanding host-pathogen interactions, target selection for therapeutic drugs, and vaccine development, but availability and cost of studies in BSL3 facilities hinder progress. To generate a BSL2-compatibl

    Cloning, purification and characterisation of a recombinant purine nucleoside phosphorylase from Bacillus halodurans Alk36

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    A purine nucleoside phosphorylase from the alkaliphile Bacillus halodurans Alk36 was cloned and overexpressed in Escherichia coli. The enzyme was purified fivefold by membrane filtration and ion exchange. The purified enzyme had a Vmax of 2.03 × 10−9 s −1 and a Km of 206 μM on guanosine. The optimal pH range was between 5.7 and 8.4 with a maximum at pH 7.0. The optimal temperature for activity was 70°C and the enzyme had a half life at 60°C of 20.8 h

    Phosphorylation controls autoinhibition of cytoplasmic linker protein-170

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    Author Posting. © American Society for Cell Biology, 2010. This article is posted here by permission of American Society for Cell Biology for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Molecular Biology of the Cell 21 (2010): 2661-2673, doi:10.1091/mbc.E09-12-1036.Cytoplasmic linker protein (CLIP)-170 is a microtubule (MT) plus-end-tracking protein that regulates MT dynamics and links MT plus ends to different intracellular structures. We have shown previously that intramolecular association between the N and C termini results in autoinhibition of CLIP-170, thus altering its binding to MTs and the dynactin subunit p150Glued (J. Cell Biol. 2004: 166, 1003–1014). In this study, we demonstrate that conformational changes in CLIP-170 are regulated by phosphorylation that enhances the affinity between the N- and C-terminal domains. By using site-directed mutagenesis and phosphoproteomic analysis, we mapped the phosphorylation sites in the third serine-rich region of CLIP-170. A phosphorylation-deficient mutant of CLIP-170 displays an "open" conformation and a higher binding affinity for growing MT ends and p150Glued as compared with nonmutated protein, whereas a phosphomimetic mutant confined to the "folded back" conformation shows decreased MT association and does not interact with p150Glued. We conclude that phosphorylation regulates CLIP-170 conformational changes resulting in its autoinhibition.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grant GM-25062 (to G.G.B.); Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research grants (to A. A. and N. G.); a Cancer Genomics Centre grant (to J.v.H.); and Presidential Program of Russian Academy of Sciences and RFBP grant 05-04-4915 (to E.S.N.)

    Limited release of previously-frozen C and increased new peat formation after thaw in permafrost peatlands

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    Permafrost stores globally significant amounts of carbon (C) which may start to decompose and be released to the atmosphere in form of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and methane (CH 4 ) as global warming promotes extensive thaw. This permafrost carbon feedback to climate is currently considered to be the most important carbon-cycle feedback missing from climate models. Predicting the magnitude of the feedback requires a better understanding of how differences in environmental conditions post-thaw, particularly hydrological conditions, control the rate at which C is released to the atmosphere. In the sporadic and discontinuous permafrost regions of north-west Canada, we measured the rates and sources of C released from relatively undisturbed ecosystems, and compared these with forests experiencing thaw following wildfire (well-drained, oxic conditions) and collapsing peat plateau sites (water-logged, anoxic conditions). Using radiocarbon analyses, we detected substantial contributions of deep soil layers and/or previously-frozen sources in our well-drained sites. In contrast, no loss of previously-frozen C as CO 2 was detected on average from collapsed peat plateaus regardless of time since thaw and despite the much larger stores of available C that were exposed. Furthermore, greater rates of new peat formation resulted in these soils becoming stronger C sinks and this greater rate of uptake appeared to compensate for a large proportion of the increase in CH 4 emissions from the collapse wetlands. We conclude that in the ecosystems we studied, changes in soil moisture and oxygen availability may be even more important than previously predicted in determining the effect of permafrost thaw on ecosystem C balance and, thus, it is essential to monitor, and simulate accurately, regional changes in surface wetness