103 research outputs found

    Magnetic Field Effects on the Far-Infrared Absorption in Mn_12-acetate

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    We report the far-infrared spectra of the molecular nanomagnet Mn_12-acetate (Mn_12) as a function of temperature (5-300 K) and magnetic field (0-17 T). The large number of observed vibrational modes is related to the low symmetry of the molecule, and they are grouped together in clusters. Analysis of the mode character based on molecular dynamics simulations and model compound studies shows that all vibrations are complex; motion from a majority of atoms in the molecule contribute to most modes. Three features involving intramolecular vibrations of the Mn_12 molecule centered at 284, 306 and 409 cm-1 show changes with applied magnetic field. The structure near 284 cm1^{-1} displays the largest deviation with field and is mainly intensity related. A comparison between the temperature dependent absorption difference spectra, the gradual low-temperature cluster framework distortion as assessed by neutron diffraction data, and field dependent absorption difference spectra suggests that this mode may involve Mn motion in the crown.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, PRB accepte

    Multi-Gap Superconductivity in MgB2: Magneto-Raman Spectroscopy

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    Electronic Raman scattering studies on MgB2 single crystals as a function of excitation and polarization have revealed three distinct superconducting features: a clean gap below 37 cm-1 and two coherence peaks at 109 cm-1 and 78 cm-1 which we identify as the superconducting gaps in \pi- and \sigma-bands and as the Leggett's collective mode arising from the fluctuation in the relative phase between two superconducting condensates residing on corresponding bands. The temperature and field dependencies of the superconducting features have been established. A phononic Raman scattering study of the E2g boron stretching mode anharmonicity and of superconductivity induced self-energy effects is presented. We show that anharmonic two phonon decay is mainly responsible for the unusually large linewidth of the E2g mode. We observe ~2.5% hardening of the E2g phonon frequency upon cooling into the superconducting state and estimate the electron-phonon coupling strength associated with this renormalization.Comment: Invited review in a special issue "Superconductivity in MgB_2: Physics and Applications

    Multiband model for penetration depth in MgB2

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    The results of first principles calculations of the electronic structure and the electron-phonon interaction in MgB2 are used to study theoretically the temperature dependence and anisotropy of the magnetic field penetration depth. The effects of impurity scattering are essential for a proper description of the experimental results. We compare our results with experimental data and we argue that the two-band model describes the data rather well.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Enhancement of the upper critical field by nonmagnetic impurities in dirty two-gap superconductors

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    Quasiclassic Uzadel equations for two-band superconductors in the dirty limit with the account of both intraband and interband scattering by nonmagnetic impurities are derived for any anisotropic Fermi surface. From these equations the Ginzburg-Landau equations, and the critical temperature TcT_c are obtained. An equation for the upper critical field, which determines both the temperature dependence of Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) and the orientational dependence of Hc2(θ)H_{c2}(\theta) as a function of the angle θ\theta between H{\bf H} and the c-axis is obtained. It is shown that the shape of the Hc2(T)H_{c2}(T) curve essentially depends on the ratio of the intraband electron diffusivities D1D_1 and D1D_1, and can be very different from the standard one-gap dirty limit theory. In particular, the value Hc2(0)H_{c2}(0) can considerably exceed 0.7TcdHc2/dTc0.7T_cdH_{c2}/dT_c, which can have important consequences for applications of MgB2MgB_2. A scaling relation is proposed which enables one to obtain the angular dependence of Hc2(θ)H_{c2}(\theta) from the equation for Hc2H_{c2} at Hc{\bf H}\| c. It is shown that, depending on the relation between D1D_1 and D2D_2, the ratio of the upper critical field Hc2/Hc2H_{c2}^\|/H_{c2}^\perp for Hab{\bf H}\| ab and Hab{\bf H}\perp ab can both increase and decrease as the temperature decreases. Implications of the obtained results for MgB2MgB_2 are discussed

    Infrared optical properties of Pr2CuO4

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    The ab-plane reflectance of a Pr2CuO4 single crystal has been measured over a wide frequency range at a variety of temperatures, and the optical properties determined from a Kramers-Kronig analysis. Above ~ 250 K, the low frequency conductivity increases quickly with temperature; the resistivity follows the form e^(E_a/k_BT), where E_a ~ 0.17 eV is much less than the inferred optical gap of ~ 1.2 eV. Transport measurements show that at low temperature the resistivity deviates from activated behavior and follows the form e^[(T_0/T)^1/4], indicating that the dc transport in this material is due to variable-range hopping between localized states in the gap. The four infrared-active Eu modes dominate the infrared optical properties. Below ~ 200 K, a striking new feature appears near the low-frequency Eu mode, and there is additional new fine structure at high frequency. A normal coordinate analysis has been performed and the detailed nature of the zone-center vibrations determined. Only the low-frequency Eu mode has a significant Pr-Cu interaction. Several possible mechanisms related to the antiferromagnetism in this material are proposed to explain the sudden appearance of this and other new spectral features at low temperature.Comment: 11 pages, 7 embedded EPS figures, REVTeX

    Solar flare-related eruptions followed by long-lasting occultation of the emission in the He II 304 A line and in microwaves

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    Plasma with a temperature close to the chromospheric one is ejected in solar eruptions. Such plasma can occult some part of emission of compact sources in active regions as well as quiet solar areas. Absorption phenomena can be observed in the microwave range as the so-called 'negative bursts' and also in the He II 304 A line. The paper considers three eruptive events associated with rather powerful flares. Parameters of absorbing material of an eruption are estimated from multi-frequency records of a 'negative burst' in one event. 'Destruction' of an eruptive filament and its dispersion like a cloud over a huge area observed as a giant depression of the 304 A line emission has been revealed in a few events. One such event out of three ones known to us is considered in this paper. Another event is a possibility.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures, submitted for publication in Astronomy Report

    Особенности ДНК-идентификации потожировых следов на кожных покровах трупов

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    The paper presents the results of a pilot molecular genetic study of sweat and oil residue left by the fingertips and hand palms of male volunteers (donors) on various regions of the skin surface of dead bodies (recipients) of both sexes. In cases of contact with female recipients donor-specific allele combinations were obtained for only 11.6% of autosomal loci and 12.9% of Y-chromosomal loci. Donor-specific traits were absent in 68.4% of autosomal loci and 87.1% of Y-chromosomal loci. In cases of contact with male recipients the full genetic profile was obtained for 18.6% of autosomal loci, and 64.2% of loci showed a lack of donor-specific alleles. Meanwhile, allelic combinations specific to female recipients were encountered in 40.5% of autosomal loci, and to male recipients – in 34.2% of autosomal loci. Results demonstrate poor adhesion of sweat and oil compounds from donors’ hands to the corpses’ skin, probably due to significant temperature differences between contact surfaces. Представлены результаты экспериментального молекулярно-генетического исследования следов потожирового вещества, оставленного подушечками пальцев рук и ладонями добровольцев (доноров) мужского пола на кожных покровах различных частей тел трупов (реципиентов) обоего пола. Аллельные комбинации, свойственные донорам, при контакте с реципиентами женского пола получены только для 11,6 % аутосомных локусов и 12,9 % локусов Y-хромосомы. В 68,4 % аутосомных и 87,1 % локусов Y-хромосомы отсутствовали генетические признаки, присущие донорам. В случае контакта доноров с реципиентами мужского пола полный генетический профиль получен для 18,6 % аутосомных локусов, а в 64,2 % отсутствовали свойственные донорам аллели. При этом аллельные комбинации, свойственные реципиентам женского пола, встречались в 40,5 %, а реципиентам мужского пола – в 34,2 % аутосомных локусов. Полученные результаты могут свидетельствовать о слабой адгезии потожирового вещества доноров на кожных покровах трупов, вероятно, из-за высокой разницы температур контактирующих поверхностей