17 research outputs found

    Absorption of radioiodine through the intact human skin

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    Koža na palmarnoj i dorsalnoj strani lijeve šake kod 29 odraslih osoba obadva pola je kontaminirana otopinom I-131. U toku 48 sati provjeravano je prodiranje joda kroz neoštećenu kožu na dva načina: kompariranjem relativne brzine opadanja radioaktiv nosti na mjestu aplikacije u odnosu na standard i praćenjem količine radiojoda izlučene kroz mokraću. Srednja vrijednost postotaka resorpcije radiojoda kroz košu u toku 48 sati iznosila je 3.4% (s. d.= 2.2), s tim da su srednje vrijednosti resorpcije kod žena bile veće nego kod muškaraca, a srednje vrijednosti resorpcije na dorsalnoj strani šake kod obadva pola i svih pojedinaca bile veće negoli na palmarnoj strani. Relativne količine radiojoda izlučenog kroz bubrege u odnosu na standarde su u cijelosti potvrdite spomenuta zapažanja.The skin on both palmar and dorsal side of the left hand of 29 adult volunteers of both sexes, aged 35 ± 5,5 years, was contaminated with 80-100 µc (I-131 fat the form of Nal) in the course of 48 hours. The technique of radionuclide application was similar to the patch technique used by Tas and Feige (4). Two mutually independent ways of measuring degree and speed of I-131 absorption through the skin were used: measurement of the rate of the reduction of the radioactivity applied, as compared with the standard and the measurement of the radioactivity excreted through the kidneys, again compared with the standard. To prevent the resorption of I-131 in the thyroid, the patients were given 1000 mg sodium-perchlorate daily. Mean values of percentages of cutaneous I-131 absorption in our experiments were 3.4 ± 2,2 for both sexes and both applications, Mean values of absorption for women were in both applications higher than for men as shown in Table 1. Mean values of dorsal absorption were for both sexes higher than those of palmar contamination. Relative quantities of radioiodine excreted through the kidneys, expressed as promille of the standard Followed the above mentioned rates, giving an average 9.2 percent excretion rate of the absorbed radioactivity (Table 2)

    Human errors and reliability of test results in analytical chemistry

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    The present paper is a review of the main theoretical and technical aspects of human error treatment (error modelling, reduction and quantification) as applied in aviation, engineering, medicine and other fields. The aim of the review is to attract the attention of analysts and specialists in metrology and quality in chemistry to the human error problem and its influence on the reliability of test results of chemical composition and associated measurement uncertainty. Therefore, the subject of human error is interpreted in the review in application to the conditions of a chemical analytical laboratory

    Long-term stability study of drug products and out-of-specification test results

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    A metrological approach for investigating out-of-specification (OOS) test results in long-term stability study of drug products was used. It is shown that OOS test results can indicate an actual change in a measured property of a product or be metrologically related with a certain confidence probability, i.e., be caused by the measurement problems, while the product still meets the quality requirements at the time of testing. As examples, results of testing sodium chloride injections in 500-mL plastic containers and of epinephrine (l-adrenaline) injections in 1-mL ampoules were discussed. Regression analysis of the data was performed, as well as warning and action lines for shelf life of the products calculated for relevant measurement uncertainties and confidence probabilities. Producer’s and consumer’s risks of the established shelf life values were also estimated