37 research outputs found

    Biochemical composition and quality dining sorts of potatoes grown in the light-brown soils Astrakhan region drip irrigation

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    Potatoes - one of the most important human food. It has high taste and nutritional properties. The optimum ratio in potato tubers of organic and mineral substances essential to man, determines its value as food. The tuber contains on average 76-78% of water and from 13 to 36% solids, of which 12-15% is starch, 1-3% protein and about 1% - mineral compounds. Proteins potatoes have a very high biological value because they contain a set of essential amino acids that are not synthesized in the human body and must be obtained from food. The potato is the most important source of vitamin C. Potato protein is extremely biological value through the optimal ratio of essential amino acids, surpassing peas and beans on the content of methionine and grains - on the content of lysine. The aim of research was to evaluate cultivated on light-brown soils under drip irrigation of potato varieties biochemical indicators and dining. As a result of under drip irrigation on light-brown soils of the Astrakhan region studying the collection of early and Medium early varieties for a number of biochemical parameters were identified early varieties - Dolphin Karatop, good luck, and is mid - Innovator, Resource, The blue, effect, Nevsky, cover, Zhukov Jubilee. Indicators on the table were the best varieties Dolphin Resource The blue, Nevsky Innovator

    Influence growth stimulants on productivity and fraction of tubers of different varieties of potatoes on light-brown soils Lower Volga region

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    The article discusses the impact of Baikal EM - 1, Epin-extra, humate +7 micronutrients on yield and fractional composition of 9 varieties of potato cultivation on light-brown soils under drip irrigation in the steppe zone of the Lower Volga region

    Effect of Heavy Metals on Ecosystems

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    The most effective methods of cucumber yield increasing are growth regulators and mineral fertilizers applications, which are important in arid conditions of the Lower Volga region. The field experiments were carried out in Caspian scientific research institute of arid agriculture, Astrakhan region, Chernoyarsky district in 2014-2016. The purpose of the study was to study fertilizers and growth regulators influence on productivity of cucumber grown in light chestnut soils with drip irrigation. On the whole, fertilizers and growth regulators application increased cucumber yield. The highest yield was obtained in hybrid ‘Russky stil F1’ in variants N110P105K75 + Megafol (136.5 t/ha) and N110P105K75 + Vitazim (96.3 t/ha), so yield increase was 84.9 t/ha and 44.7 t/ha, respectively. On, for all hybrids, average mass per plant increased by 378.7 g in variant N110P105K75, in variant N110P105K75 + Vitazim - by 842.2 g, in variant N110P105K75 + Megafol - by 1013.9 g. Cucumber yield in all hybrids on average increased by 14.5 t/ha in variant N110P105K75, by 27.0 t/ha in variant N110P105K75 + Vitazim, by 35.3 t/ha in variant N110P105K75 + Megafol. According to the results, application of fertilizers in the dose of N110P105K75 and leaf treatments with growth regulators Megafol or Vitazim increased cucumber productivity and yield reached more than 100.0 t/ha in the open field under drip irrigation. The profitability amounted to 134.1-159.3% and payback was 2.34-2.59 rub/rub

    Research of influence of various methods of crops zhitnyaka on efficiency of the improved pastures in the arid zone of Northern Prikaspiya

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    Article tells that experiment of crops of a Agropyrum for improvement of an unproductive pasture is made. Agropyrum - the most perspective fodder culture possessing steady harvests, high fodder advantages is steady against salty lands, durability, drought resistance and winter hardiness which is used for improvement of natural fodder grounds in arid regions of Russia. The sowed material - mix of three types Agropyrum: Siberian (Agropyrum Sibiricum, Willa), desert (Agropyrum desertozum, Figeh) and pectineal (Agropyrum pectiniforme, Sehuet), the pastures of the Astrakhan region collected on natural the sukhostepnykh. The purpose of researches - to study influence of sowing time (autumn, spring) and the directions of crops (the North-South, the West-East) of a Agropyrum on efficiency of a new pasture in arid conditions of Northern Prikaspiya. When carrying out researches popular methods of crops and a research of pastures have been used. Results of researches have shown: seeds of different types of a Agropyrum were similar on the weight and viability; at crops in the spring in the first year of life the most part of a new pasture was occupied by different herbs, and at autumn crops - the most part of a pasture was occupied Agropyrum; crops with the direction the West-East were optimum for development of herbs on a new pasture since the harvest at crops was more in the spring, than a crops harvest with the direction the North-South on 0,5 tons from 1 hectare, and at autumn sowing time - on 0,9 tons from 1 hectare (according to the second year of life of a Agropyrum); autumn sowing time - optimum for crops of a Agropyrum at restoration of arid pastures because the productivity of a new pasture (the second year of life of a Agropyrum) was higher, than at crops in the spring on 0,8 tons from 1 hectare (at the direction of crops the West-East) and on 0,4 tons from 1 hectare (North-South). Thus, at the first stage of long-term experience we have created new agronomical ecosystems - the improved arid pastures and have reached in two years of their higher efficiency in comparison with natural steppe ecosystems. At the following stages researches of stability of these agronomical ecosystems, including their longevity and maintaining efficiency are planned

    The studies of the reaction to the salt stress of varieties of fodder crops for formation of pastures in the conditions of North Western Caspian

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    On the territory of the North-Western Caspian, significant areas occupy soils with varying degrees of salinity, therefore, to form pastures in these areas, it is necessary to select species and varieties of crops that tolerate salt stress. We conducted expeditionary studies on the study of floristic composition, as well as phenological, biometric observation and thoroughly studied the soil cover of pasture communities. As a result, plant species from these communities were selected, which were the most adapted to the unfavorable conditions of the Northwest Caspian region, and other species and cultivars were added from the world collection of All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Plant Growing of other ecogeographical regions. Expeditionary research on the selection of species of pasture plants was carried out on the territory of the West Ilmenno-hillock landscape area, and laboratory studies in the laboratory of the All-Russian Research Institute of Veterinary Research in the period 2011-2017. The purpose of the study is to select varieties and species of perennial pasture crops that are most resistant to high salt content in the soil. When studying the ability of species and varieties to tolerate salt stress, plants were isolated according to their fitness for stress. The most adapted plants, where the percentage of viable seeds was from 24% to 30%, the average ability to tolerate salt stress with germination in seeds of 15%, and varieties and species with an germination from 0.1% to 0% - are unsuitable. To very adapted to salt stress include species and varieties of the plant: Elytrigia elongate (Host.) Nevski, var. Salt - 30%; Elymus novae-angliae (Scribn.) Tzvelev) Ozernensky variety - 28%; elongated elm (Elytrigia elongate (Host.) Nevski) variety Stavropol 10 - 28%; elongated elm (Elytrigia elongate (Host.) Nevski) sort Argonaut - 27%; Agropyron pectinatum (M. Bieb.) Variety - 26%, Bromopsis inermis (Leyss.) Holub, cultivar Stavropol 31 - 24%


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    Potatoes are high-plastic plants that can be grown in almost all climates. In the Lower Volga, in the conditions of strong spring drought, high temperatures and soil throughout the growing season, lack of rainfall, potatoes can be grown only for irrigation. To obtain high and stable yields in these difficult conditions it is necessary to research varieties and its adaptation.Картофель - высокопластичное растение, способное произрастать практически во всех климатических зонах. В условиях Нижнего Поволжья, при часто случающихся сильных весенних засухах, высоких температурах воздуха и почвы на протяжении всей вегетации, отсутствии необходимого количества атмосферных осадков, картофель можно выращивать только на орошении. Для получения высоких и стабильных урожаев в этих сложных условиях необходимо проводить сортоизучение и адаптацию сортов картофеля