72 research outputs found

    Cross sections for the excitation of isovector charge-exchange resonances in 208Tl

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    The Glauber approximation for the treatment of heavy-ion scattering, has already been shown to give reliable predictions for the reaction cross section in the particular case of intermediate energy charge-exchange processes. In the present work, we couple a Glauber-type model to microscopic Random Phase Approximation calculations of the charge-exchange excitations of 208^{208}Pb. The aim is to solve the longstanding question whether the very elusive charge-exchange isovector monopole has been really identified in the past experiments, or other multipoles were prevalent in the observed spectra.Comment: text + 4 figures; accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Splitting of the Dipole and Spin-Dipole Resonances

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    Cross sections for the 90,92,94Zr(p,n) reactions were measured at energies of 79.2 and 119.4 MeV. A phenomenological model was developed to describe the variation with bombarding energy of the position of the L=1 peak observed in these and other (p,n) reactions. The model yields the splitting between the giant dipole and giant spin dipole resonances. Values of these splittings are obtained for isotopes of Zr and Sn and for 208Pb.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Complete Set of Polarization Transfer Observables for the 12C(p,n)^{12}{\rm C}(p,n) Reaction at 296 MeV and 0^{\circ}

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    A complete set of polarization transfer observables has been measured for the 12C(p,n)^{12}{\rm C}(p,n) reaction at Tp=296MeVT_p=296 {\rm MeV} and θlab=0\theta_{\rm lab}=0^{\circ}. The total spin transfer Σ(0)\Sigma(0^{\circ}) and the observable f1f_1 deduced from the measured polarization transfer observables indicate that the spin--dipole resonance at Ex7MeVE_x \simeq 7 {\rm MeV} has greater 22^- strength than 11^- strength, which is consistent with recent experimental and theoretical studies. The results also indicate a predominance of the spin-flip and unnatural-parity transition strength in the continuum. The exchange tensor interaction at a large momentum transfer of Q3.6fm1Q \simeq 3.6 {\rm fm}^{-1} is discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Schwarz type preconditioners for the neutron diffusion equation

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    [EN] Domain decomposition is a mature methodology that has been used to accelerate the convergence of partial differential equations. Even if it was devised as a solver by itself, it is usually employed together with Krylov iterative methods improving its rate of convergence, and providing scalability with respect to the size of the problem. In this work, a high order finite element discretization of the neutron diffusion equation is considered. In this problem the preconditioning of large and sparse linear systems arising from a source driven formulation becomes necessary due to the complexity of the problem. On the other hand, preconditioners based on an incomplete factorization are very expensive from the point of view of memory requirements. The acceleration of the neutron diffusion equation is thus studied here by using alternative preconditioners based on domain decomposition techniques inside Schur complement methodology. The study considers substructuring preconditioners, which do not involve overlapping, and additive Schwarz preconditioners, where some overlapping between the subdomains is taken into account. The performance of the different approaches is studied numerically using two-dimensional and three-dimensional problems. It is shown that some of the proposed methodologies outperform incomplete LU factorization for preconditioning as long as the linear system to be solved is large enough, as it occurs for three-dimensional problems. They also outperform classical diagonal Jacobi preconditioners, as long as the number of systems to be solved is large enough in such a way that the overhead of building the pre-conditioner is less than the improvement in the convergence rate. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.The work has been partially supported by the spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad under projects ENE 2014-59442-P and MTM2014-58159-P, the Generalitat Valenciana under the project PROMETEO II/2014/008 and the Universitat Politècnica de València under the project FPI-2013. The work has also been supported partially by the Swedish Research Council (VR-Vetenskapsrådet) within a framework grant called DREAM4SAFER, research contract C0467701.Vidal-Ferràndiz, A.; González Pintor, S.; Ginestar Peiro, D.; Verdú Martín, GJ.; Demazière, C. (2017). Schwarz type preconditioners for the neutron diffusion equation. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 309:563-574. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cam.2016.02.056S56357430

    Bioclimatic Architecture and Urban Morphology. Studies on Intermediate Urban Open Spaces

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    This paper deals with the interactions between biophysical and microclimatic factors on the one hand with, on the other, the urban morphology of intermediate urban open spaces, the relationship between environmental and bioclimatic thermal comfort, and the implementation of innovative materials and the use of greenery, aimed at the users’ well-being. In particular, the thermal comfort of the open spaces of the consolidated fabrics of the city of Rome is studied, by carrying out simulations of cooling strategies relating to two scenarios applied to Piazza Bainsizza. The first scenario involves the use of cool materials for roofs, cladding surfaces, and pavement, while the second scenario, in addition to the cool materials employed in the first scenario, also includes the use of greenery and permeable green surfaces. The research was performed using summer and winter microclimatic simulations of the CFD (ENVI-met v. 3.1) type, in order to determine the dierent influences of the materials with cold colors, trees, and vegetated surfaces on the thermal comfort of the urban morphology itself. Meanwhile, the comfort assessment was determined through the physiological equivalent temperature (PET) calculated with the RayMan program. The first scenario, with the use of cool materials, improves summer conditions and reduces the urban heat island eect but does not eliminate thermal discomfort due to the lack of shaded surfaces and vegetation. The second scenario, where material renovations is matched with vegetation improvements, has a slightly bad eect on winter conditions but drastically ameliorates the summer situation, both for direct users and, thanks to the strong reduction of the urban heat island eect, to urban inhabitants as a whole

    Estudo de conforto em espaços abertos em região de clima temperado: o caso de Glasgow, Reino Unido

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    O estudo da sensação de conforto térmico em espaços abertos deve ser entendido como primordial para o planejamento climaticamente adequado de áreas urbanas. Através do aumento da atratividade das àreas abertas e do incentivo às atividades ao ar livre, o planejamento urbano norteado do pelas preferências térmicas da população torna-se um agente facilitador do uso desses espaços. O presente trabalho analisa a sensação térmica de moradores de Glasgow, Reino Unido, localizada em região temperada, comparando respostas obtidas por meio de entrevistas estruturadas a índices utilizados pela meteorologia (Wind Chill e THSW) e em estudos de conforto (PET e PMV). Os dados foram coletados em 19 campanhas de monitoramento, no período do inverno ao verão de 2011. Para a coleta de dados, foi utilizada uma estação Davis Vantage Pro2, contendo sensores de temperatura e umidade relativa, anemômetro e piranômetro. Foi confeccionado um termômetro de globo, utilizado para obtenção da temperatura radiante média (TRM), equipado com um data logger (Tinytag-TGP-4500). Os resultados indicam que os índices THSW e PET foram os que mais se aproximaram da resposta térmica dos entrevistados, podendo ser aplicados no entendimento das condições do clima na cidade e entorno de Glasgow

    Environmental design solutions for existing concrete flat roofs in low-cost housing to improve passive cooling in western Mexico

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    The development of real estate in Mexico has largely ruled out the comfort of users that focused on economic matters and made it difficult to make substantial progress in adopting measures to improve indoor environmental quality. Current research projects in Mexico found that roof construction in low-cost housing struggles to meet the requirements of the indoor climate. Passive cooling strategies are techniques to control heat gain and heat dissipation in buildings to maximise the comfort and health of building users while minimising energy use. Passive cooling systems recognize climate conditions and utilise renewable sources of energy such as the sun and wind to provide cooling and ventilation. Therefore, this study aims to develop a green and sustainable solution for existing concrete flat roofs with no major interventions and investments to save energy. The design of a passive device was tested to assess its effectiveness to protect flat roofs from shortwave radiation and to allow for heat dissipation in Mexican buildings. The study used a quantitative approach based on experiments and simulation tests to evaluate design efficiency. The results showed that a perforated device with an opening percentage of 88% and a cavity of 0.05m between the roof and the device provided effective protection. Also, the device with blinds of 45° showed lower operative temperatures within a range of mean values between 0.8°C and 0.9°C compared to a roof with a full shade cover in the hot and humid season. However, the perforated device with blinds of 90° in black colour delivered the best performance compared to other models and recorded a mean value of 1.13°C in the hot sub-humid season. The results revealed the efficiency of the proposed device that can be observed within different geometric configurations, surface properties as well as the use of the nocturnal radiative cooling potential in blocking solar radiation in Mexican buildings