55 research outputs found
Research of Magnetizing Roasting of Iron Ore Before Beneficiation and Dephosphorizing
There are quite a lot of iron ore deposits in the world with increased (0.75%) phosphorus content, which is an obstacle to their involving in production. Research of removal of detrimental impurities from such iron ores has a great prospect. On the experimental base of OJSC VNIIMT, it was studied dephosphorizing technology at which after preliminary magnetizing roasting and subsequent dephosphorization of iron ore with aqueous solution of sulfuric acid the least residual phosphorus content in concentrate was observed. Research of influence of temperature and duration of magnetizing roasting on iron content and residual phosphorus content in dephosphorized concentrate was studied. The influence of specific consumption of solid reductant (brown coal) on the quality of magnetite concentrate was also studied. Based on the results of the experiment, the optimal technological parameters of magnetizing roasting of iron ore before beneficiation and subsequentdephosphorization were selected.
Keywords: magnetizing roasting, beneficiation, dephosphorizing, research, rotary furnace, optimal process parameters, iron content, residual phosphorus conten
Iron Ore Dephosphorization of Gara Djebilet Deposit By Hydrometallurgical Method
For industrial use, iron-ore concentrates shall correspond to definite requirements regarding both basic substance content – iron as well as phosphorus content. Decreased phosphorus content in iron-ore concentrate can be received by the method of hydrometallurgy (desalinization of phosphorus by mineral acid). On theexperimental base of OJSC VNIIMT, a laboratory research was carried out regarding iron ore dephosphorization; as a result maximum possible content of phosphorus was obtained in a final product. The optimal technological parameters of sulphuric acid desalinization were defined that have an effect on quality of phosphorus removal of iron ore magnetite concentrate: size degradation of roasted concentrate; phosphorus removal duration; pulp heating temperature effect; sulphuric acid-specific consumption.
Keywords: desalinization, iron ore, concentrate, pulp, sulphuric acid, phosphorus content, optimal parameter
Results of the Application of the Original Method of Surgical Treatment of Patients with Severe Hallux Valgus
Background. Traditional methods of surgical treatment of severe Hallux valgus (HV) lead to a large number of complications and poor results. In order to avoid complications and improve the quality of treatment, an original technique of double osteotomy of the first metatarsal bone has been proposed.The aim of the study was to conduct a comparative assessment of the results of applying the original technique in the treatment of patients with severe Hallux valgus.Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of the treatment of 95 patients operated on at the Seversk Clinical Hospital for severe Hallux valgus in the period from 2008 to 2016 was performed. The study group included 60 patients who underwent surgery according to the original method. In a comparison group of 35 people, Logroshino's surgery was performed. Clinical, radiological, surgical and statistical research methods were used.Results. The final assessment of the results 1 year after the operation showed an unacceptably high number of Hallux valgus relapses, complications, and unsatisfactory results in the comparison group. The use of original approachesfor osteotomy of the first metatarsal bone in patients of the study group allowed to significantly improve treatment results and achieve good results in 85 % of cases.Conclusion. The proposed surgical technique is effective and shows statistically significantly better results 1 year after surgery. Application of the original technique will improve the results of surgical correction of the severe degree of Hallux valgus, which consists in reducing the number of complications and improving functional indicators
Investigation of the relationship between psychological predictors and psychological well-being of students
Объектом исследования явилась взаимосвязь психологических предикторов и психологического благополучия студентов первого и второго курсов высших учебных заведений, возраст 18- 23 года. Предметом исследования стало психологическое благополучие и связь таких факторов как: суверенность психологического пространства, способность к эмпатии, копинг поведение в стрессовых ситуациях. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (116 источников) и приложения, включающего в себя бланки применявшихся методик. Объем магистерской диссертации 102 страница, на которых размещены 5 рисунков и 11 таблиц. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются основная и дополнительные гипотезы, указываются методы и эмпирическая база, а также этапы проведения исследования, научная новизна, теоретическая и практическая значимость работы. Первая глава включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме психологического благополучия, анализ психологического благополучия студентов и рассмотрение психологических предикторов. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования и результатов, полученных по всем использованным методикам: тесту (опроснику) «Шкала психологического благополучия К.Рифф»., «Диагностика эмпатических способностей Бойко», тесту –«Копинг поведение в стрессовых ситуациях», опроснику, тесту «Суверенность психологического пространства. Также в главе представлен корреляционный анализ результатов исследования. Выводы по главе 2 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутым гипотезам, обоснована практическая значимость исследования и описаны возможные перспективы дальнейшей разработки данной проблематики.The object of the study was the relationship of psychological predictors and psychological well-being of first- and second-year students of higher educational institutions, age 18- 23 years. The subject of the study was psychological well-being and the relationship of such factors as: the sovereignty of psychological space, the ability to empathy, coping behavior in stressful situations. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (116 sources) and an appendix, which includes forms of the methods used. The volume of the master's thesis is 102 pages, which contain 5 figures and 11 tables. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the elaboration of the problem, sets the purpose and objectives of the study, defines the object and subject of the study, formulates the main and additional hypotheses, specifies the methods and empirical base, as well as the stages of research, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work. The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the topic of psychological well-being, analysis of psychological well-being of students and consideration of psychological predictors. The conclusions of the first chapter are the results of the study of theoretical material. The second chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It describes the organization and methods of the study and the results obtained by all the methods used: the test (questionnaire) "K.Riff Scale of psychological well–being", "Diagnosis of Boyko's empathic abilities", the test -"Coping behavior in stressful situations", the questionnaire, the test "Sovereignty of psychological space. The chapter also presents a correlation analysis of the results of the study. The conclusions of Chapter 2 include the main results of an empirical study. In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work are summarized, as well as conclusions on the hypotheses put forward, the practical significance of the study is substantiated and possible prospects for further development of this problem are described
lt;100 gt; Dislocations in nickel base superalloys Formation and role in creep deformation
a lt;100 gt; dislocations are observed in nickel base superalloys after creep deformation at high temperatures and low stresses. They are formed in the g g interfaces by a three step mechanism. First primary dislocations with Burgers vector lt;101 gt; and 60 character are left behind in the interfaces when dislocation loops glide through the g channels. The 60 dislocations move into edge orientation and react forming secondary dislocations lt;110 gt;. In the third step new primary dislocations are knit into the already existing meshes of primary and secondary dislocations, which results in hexagonal misfit dislocation networks consisting of secondary dislocations lt;110 gt; and tertiary dislocations a lt;100 gt;, both of edge type. This self organisation process is explained by dislocation theory and crystallography. Creep deformation accelerates when the a lt;100 gt; interfacial dislocations enter the g phase. During their climb towards the opposite interface they attain a characteristic rectangular shape. This shape and the importance of the a lt;100 gt; super dislocations for creep deformation are discussed
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