1,620 research outputs found

    Highly nonclassical photon statistics in parametric down conversion

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    We use photon counters to obtain the joint photon counting statistics from twin-beam non-degenerate parametric down conversion, and we demonstrate directly, and with no auxiliary assumptions, that these twin beams are nonclassical


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    Objective: Indonesia has one of the highest burdens of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), with 6800 new cases of MDR-TB annually and a previously reported cure rate of 51%. This study aimed to identify the risk factors that affect the development of MDR-TB in the diverse population of West Papua. Methods: A case–control study was conducted in Sorong Regency Regional Hospital, a referral center for MDR-TB in West Papua. Data were obtained from medical records of patients with relapsed TB between January 2014 and September 2017. Extracted data included demographic characteristics, family history, medication history (type of medication and duration), smoking history, supporting examinations (sputum test for acid-fast bacilli [AFB] and radiologist interpretation of thoracic X-ray), and comorbidities (HIV and diabetes mellitus). Results: Among 549 patients with suspected MDR-TB, 45 were confirmed to have MDR-TB. These 45 patients were defined as the case group and compared with a control group of 45 relapsed patients who had drug-sensitive TB. A great number of subjects in both case and control groups (44.4% and 57.8%) were categorized as previously lost to follow-up. Bivariate analysis using the chi-squared test found that an AFB result of+3 (odds ratio [OR]: 5.33, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.76–16.09), diabetes mellitus (OR: 6.14, 95% CI 1.26–29.89), and completion of intensive-phase category I anti-TB therapy (OR: 3.25, 95% CI 1.04–10.07) were associated with MDR-TB. Conclusion: These clinical variables provide initial information about MDR-TB in West Papua and will assist clinicians to manage patients in related populations who have these risk factors

    Millimeter Observations of GRB 030329: Continued Evidence for a Two-Component Jet

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    We present the results of a dedicated campaign on the afterglow of GRB 030329 with the millimeter interferometers of the Owens Valley Radio Observatory (OVRO), the Berkeley-Illinois-Maryland Association (BIMA), and with the MAMBO-2 bolometer array on the IRAM 30-m telescope. These observations allow us to trace the full evolution of the afterglow of GRB 030329 at frequencies of 100 GHz and 250 GHz for the first time. The millimeter light curves exhibit two main features: a bright, constant flux density portion and a steep power-law decline. The absence of bright, short-lived millimeter emission is used to show that the GRB central engine was not actively injecting energy well after the burst. The millimeter data support a model, advocated by Berger et al., of a two-component jet-like outflow in which a narrow angle jet is responsible for the high energy emission and early optical afterglow, and a wide-angle jet carrying most of the energy is powering the radio and late optical afterglow emissionComment: Accepted to ApJ

    Germination differences between seeds from apical and basal fruits of "Camelina microcarpa" Andrz. ex DC. produced in two different climates

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    En el presente trabajo se han estudiado las diferencias de germinación entre semillas de una población de “Camelina microcarpa” Andrz. ex DC. producidas en los frutos apicales y basales de las mismas infrutescencias, y producidas en dos condiciones climáticas diferentes (Lleida y Minnesota). Las semillas apicales germinaron más y antes que las basales, principalmente cuando fueron producidas en Lleida, mientras que estas diferencias se difuminaron en las semillas procedentes de Minnesota; estas últimas semillas también germinaron en mayor medida que las de Lleida. A pesar de las diferencias, los ritmos de germinación fueron similares en casi todos los casos. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la importancia del lugar de producción de las semillas de cara a su posible comercialización como cultivo oleaginoso.Germination characteristics of seeds collected from apical and basal fruits of the infrutescences, and produced in two different climatic conditions (Lleida and Minnesota) were studied. Apical seeds germinated more and earlier than basal seeds, mainly when they were produced in Lleida, while these differences blur between seeds produced in Minnesota, which germinated in a greater amount than those of Lleida. Despite these differences, germination rates were similar in all cases. The results show the importance of the seed production site if these species was considered as a potential commercial oilseed crop

    Comparison of computational codes for direct numerical simulations of turbulent Rayleigh-B\'enard convection

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    Computational codes for direct numerical simulations of Rayleigh-B\'enard (RB) convection are compared in terms of computational cost and quality of the solution. As a benchmark case, RB convection at Ra=108Ra=10^8 and Pr=1Pr=1 in a periodic domain, in cubic and cylindrical containers is considered. A dedicated second-order finite-difference code (AFID/RBflow) and a specialized fourth-order finite-volume code (Goldfish) are compared with a general purpose finite-volume approach (OpenFOAM) and a general purpose spectral-element code (Nek5000). Reassuringly, all codes provide predictions of the average heat transfer that converge to the same values. The computational costs, however, are found to differ considerably. The specialized codes AFID/RBflow and Goldfish are found to excel in efficiency, outperforming the general purpose flow solvers Nek5000 and OpenFOAM by an order of magnitude with an error on the Nusselt number NuNu below 5%5\%. However, we find that NuNu alone is not sufficient to assess the quality of the numerical results: in fact, instantaneous snapshots of the temperature field from a near wall region obtained for deliberately under-resolved simulations using Nek5000 clearly indicate inadequate flow resolution even when NuNu is converged. Overall, dedicated special purpose codes for RB convection are found to be more efficient than general purpose codes.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure