37 research outputs found

    Mast cells in peritoneal fluid in rats with experimentally induced peritoneal adhesions.

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    Mast cells (MC) produce, store and release many biologically active substances, especially inflammatory factors, chemotactic substances for neutrophiles, cytokines and prostaglandins. They play very important role in fibrinosis and they are an important factor in peritoneal adhesions formation and lysis. In this study we tried to evaluate role of mast cells in peritoneal adhesions formation. We estimated number of mast cells in peritoneal fluid in rats with experimentally developed peritoneal adhesions. The number of mast cells per ml was counted in flow cytometry in specimens of peritoneal fluid taken from operated rats. The fluid was taken in standardized conditions the same for each group at the first operation and during reoperation. Peritoneal cavity was washed with 0.9% Saline solution. MC were visualized using indirect immunohistochemical method LSAB with mouse antibody. The animals were divided into 4 groups. 1 st group was control group (n=20) on which the abdomen was opened and closed without any manipulations, and the reoperation was done after 72 hours. The other groups (2, 3, 4; n=20 for each group) were operated and scarification of the partial peritoneum and serosa was performed. The rats were brought back to conscious and then were reoperated respectively after 24, 72 and 168 hours after first surgery. After the laparotomy and damage of the peritoneum we observed formation of the peritoneal adhesions between intestine loops and between intestines and damaged parietal peritoneum. Also the higher number of mast cells was observed in the groups of animals with damaged peritoneum. The highest number of peritoneal adhesions was observed in the group of animals reoperated after 72 hours. After 72 and 168 hours the higher number of MC and neutrophils was observed. The difference was statistically significant. The percentage of mast cells was increasing during the experiment duration. It was different from other cells populations which decreased after 168 hours. The MC and neutrophils were cell population which changed significantly after manipulations in peritoneal cavity. It is very probable that they play an important role in peritoneal adhesions formation

    Mast cells in peritoneal fluid in rats with experimentally induced peritoneal adhesions.

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    Mast cells (MC) produce, store and release many biologically active substances, especially inflammatory factors, chemotactic substances for neutrophiles, cytokines and prostaglandins. They play very important role in fibrinosis and they are an important factor in peritoneal adhesions formation and lysis. In this study we tried to evaluate role of mast cells in peritoneal adhesions formation. We estimated number of mast cells in peritoneal fluid in rats with experimentally developed peritoneal adhesions. The number of mast cells per ml was counted in flow cytometry in specimens of peritoneal fluid taken from operated rats. The fluid was taken in standardized conditions the same for each group at the first operation and during reoperation. Peritoneal cavity was washed with 0.9% Saline solution. MC were visualized using indirect immunohistochemical method LSAB with mouse antibody. The animals were divided into 4 groups. 1 st group was control group (n=20) on which the abdomen was opened and closed without any manipulations, and the reoperation was done after 72 hours. The other groups (2, 3, 4; n=20 for each group) were operated and scarification of the partial peritoneum and serosa was performed. The rats were brought back to conscious and then were reoperated respectively after 24, 72 and 168 hours after first surgery. After the laparotomy and damage of the peritoneum we observed formation of the peritoneal adhesions between intestine loops and between intestines and damaged parietal peritoneum. Also the higher number of mast cells was observed in the groups of animals with damaged peritoneum. The highest number of peritoneal adhesions was observed in the group of animals reoperated after 72 hours. After 72 and 168 hours the higher number of MC and neutrophils was observed. The difference was statistically significant. The percentage of mast cells was increasing during the experiment duration. It was different from other cells populations which decreased after 168 hours. The MC and neutrophils were cell population which changed significantly after manipulations in peritoneal cavity. It is very probable that they play an important role in peritoneal adhesions formation

    Relationships between serum adiponectin and soluble TNF-α receptors and glucose and lipid oxidation in lean and obese subjects

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    Insulin resistance might be associated with an impaired ability of insulin to stimulate glucose oxidation and inhibit lipid oxidation. Insulin action is also inversely associated with TNF-α system and positively related to adiponectin. The aim of the present study was to analyze the associations between serum adiponectin, soluble TNF-α receptors concentrations and the whole-body insulin sensitivity, lipid and glucose oxidation, non-oxidative glucose metabolism (NOGM) and metabolic flexibility in lean and obese subjects. We examined 53 subjects: 25 lean (BMI < 25 kg × m−2) and 28 with overweight or obesity (BMI > 25 kg × m−2) with normal glucose tolerance. Hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp and indirect calorimetry were performed. An increase in respiratory exchange ratio in response to insulin was used as a measure of metabolic flexibility. Obese subjects had lower insulin sensitivity, adiponectin and higher sTNFR1 (all P < 0.001) and sTNFR2 (P = 0.001). Insulin sensitivity was positively related to adiponectin (r = 0.49, P < 0.001) and negatively related to sTNFR1 (r = −0.40, P = 0.004) and sTNFR2 (r = −0.52, P < 0.001). Adiponectin was related to the rate of glucose (r = 0.47, P < 0.001) and lipid (r = −0.40, P = 0.003) oxidation during the clamp, NOGM (r = 0.41, P = 0.002) and metabolic flexibility (r = 0.36, P = 0.007). Serum sTNFR1 and sTNFR2 were associated with the rate of glucose (r = −0.45, P = 0.001; r = −0.51, P < 0.001, respectively) and lipid (r = 0.52, P < 0.001; r = 0.46, P = 0.001, respectively) oxidation during hyperinsulinemia, NOGM (r = −0.31, P = 0.02; r = −0.43, P = 0.002, respectively) and metabolic flexibility (r = −0.47 and r = −0.51, respectively, both P < 0.001) in an opposite manner than adiponectin. Our data suggest that soluble TNF-α receptors and adiponectin have multiple effects on glucose and lipid metabolism in obesity

    Serum AMH concentration as a marker evaluating gonadal function in boys operated on for unilateral cryptorchidism between 1st and 4th year of life

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    The aim of this study was to measure the serum AMH (anti-Mullerian hormone) concentrations in a group of boys with or without cryptorchidism, evaluation of karyotypes, testicular position, morphology, and major length of the undescended testes. Fifty boys who were 1–4 years old (median = 2.4 years) with unilateral cryptorchidism were evaluated. All of them underwent orchidopexy in 2010. Prior to the procedure, all of the subjects had undergone karyotyping to exclude chromosomal abnormalities. Fifty healthy boys within the same age range (median = 2.1 years) admitted for planned inguinal hernia repair in 2010, served as controls. Blood samples were collected, while obtaining blood for standard laboratory tests routinely performed before the surgeries. Medians of AMH in boys with cryptorchidism were lower than in boys with inguinal hernia and differed significantly between two groups. Undescended testes were generally found in superficial inguinal pouch (n = 46), in two cases were noted to be in the external ring of the inguinal canal, and in another two instances, in the abdominal cavity. The major lengths of the undescended testes were smaller in comparison to the testes positioned normally (mean of 1 cm vs. a mean of 1.5 cm, respectively). In nine of the cases, the testes had turgor deficit, a drop shape, with epididymides that were small, dysplastic, and separated from the testis. The authors found that AMH was lower in boys with unilateral cryptorchidism (also found to have smaller testis) when compared with the control group

    Preparation of CAD data in the process of reverse engineering n sculpture

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    W niniejszym artykule został przedstawiony proces wykonania rzeźby metodą inżynierii odwrotnej, na poziomie CAD. Na ten proces składa się: skanowanie i obróbka uzyskanej siatki. Zaprezentowany został również ostateczny model wirtualny, który następnie jest użyty do wykonania rzeźby metodą CAM.In this article, the process of implementation of sculptures using reverse engineering in CAD modeling level was presented. There is described: the scanning process, the treatment of received grid and finally, the virtual model