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    Abstract. This paper is aimed at illustrating the operation workflow to create a BIM model of an existing building, by highlighting its process starting from photogrammetric acquisitions and indicating its critical elements as regards data structure and the following modeling. The subject of this study is a reinforced concrete building of the 1960s on six levels. At present, it is undergoing an extensive refurbishment with the purpose of converting its original function, from the US Navy Hospital into offices. Since it was possible to access archive documents concerning the executive design and to carry out even invasive surveys for acquiring specific data about building details, BIM modeling could refer to a significant amount of qualitative and quantitative data. This circumstance characterized the work steps of a BIM modeling which, although referred to an existing building, may also be applied to new constructions. Building technology has implicitly facilitated the identification of the constructive elements and the creation of a list, although the unusual shape of the structure has caused specific problems differently discussed and documented in the text.</p

    Evidence of positive tectonic inversion in the north-central sector of the Sicily Channel (Central Mediterranean)

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    In order to unravel the tectonic evolution of the north-central sector of the Sicily Channel (Central Mediterranean), a seismo-stratigraphic analysis of single- and multi-channel seismic reflection profiles has been carried out. This allowed to identify, between 20 and 50&nbsp;km offshore the central-southern coast of Sicily, a ~80-km-long deformation belt, characterized by a set of WNW\u2013ESE to NW\u2013SE fault segments showing a poly-phasic activity. Within this belt, we observed: i) Miocene normal faults reactivated during Zanclean\u2013Piacenzian time by dextral strike-slip motion, as a consequence of the Africa\u2013Europe convergence; ii) releasing and restraining bend geometries forming well-developed pull-apart basins and compressive structures. In the central and western sectors of the belt, we identified local transpressional reactivations of Piacenzian time, attested by well-defined compressive features like push-up structures and fault-bend anticlines. The reconstruction of timing and style of tectonic deformation suggest a strike-slip reactivation of inherited normal faults and the local subsequent positive tectonic inversion, often documented along oblique thrust ramps. This pattern represents a key for an improved knowledge of the structural style of foreland fold-and-thrust belts propagating in a preexisting extensional domain. With regard to active tectonics and seismic hazards, recent GPS data and local seismicity events suggest that this deformation process could be still active and accomplished through deep-buried structures; moreover, several normal faults showing moderate displacements have been identified on top of the Madrepore Bank and Malta High, offsetting the Late Quaternary deposits. Finally, inside the northern part of the Gela Basin, multiple slope failures, originated during Pleistocene by the further advancing of the Gela Nappe, reveal tectonically induced potential instability processes

    Wafer-level packaged RF-MEMS switches fabricated in a CMOS fab

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    Reports on wafer-level packaged RF-MEMS switches fabricated in a commercial CMOS fab. Switch fabrication is based on a metal surface micromachining process. A novel wafer-level packaging scheme is developed, whereby the switches are housed in on-chip sealed cavities using benzocyclobutene (BCB) as the bonding and sealing material. Measurements show that the influence of the wafer-level package on the RF performance can be made very small.\ud \u

    Effect of Toothpaste on the Surface Roughness of the Resin-Contained CAD/CAM Dental Materials: A Systematic Review

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    Background: The purpose of this review is to describe the possible effect of toothbrushing on surface roughness of resin-contained CAD/CAM materials. Methods: Systematic literature search for articles published in peer-reviewed journals between January 2000 and February 2020 has been conducted, which evaluated the effect of brushing on surface roughness of resin-contained CAD/CAM dental materials. The research was conducted in Scopus, PubMed/Medline, Web of Science, Embase, and Science Direct using a combination of the following MeSH/Emtree terms: “brushing”, “resin-based”, “dental”, “CAD/CAM”, and “surface roughness”. Results: A total of 249 articles were found in the search during initial screening. Fifty-five articles were selected for the full-text evaluation after the steps of reading of abstract/title and remotion of duplicate. Only six articles fulfilled the inclusion criteria. The Cohen’s Kappa agreement test showed an index of 0.91 for full-text. Discussion: Four of five selected articles identified an increase of surface roughness on resin-contained CAD/CAM materials after toothbrushing. Although all the articles examined used different toothpastes with no homogeneous relative dentine abrasivity (RDA) and cycles of brushing, the findings are about the same. The possible reason is attributable to the compositions of the resin-contained CAD/CAM materials. Conclusions: The surface roughness of most resin-contained CAD/CAM materials was affected by artificial toothbrushing. Correct knowledge of the composition of the dental material and toothpastes is fundamental to avoid an increase of surface roughness on prosthetic rehabilitation

    A ten-year (2009–2018) database of cancer mortality rates in Italy

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    In Italy, approximately 400.000 new cases of malignant tumors are recorded every year. The average of annual deaths caused by tumors, according to the Italian Cancer Registers, is about 3.5 deaths and about 2.5 per 1,000 men and women respectively, for a total of about 3 deaths every 1,000 people. Long-term (at least a decade) and spatially detailed data (up to the municipality scale) are neither easily accessible nor fully available for public consultation by the citizens, scientists, research groups, and associations. Therefore, here we present a ten-year (2009–2018) database on cancer mortality rates (in the form of Standardized Mortality Ratios, SMR) for 23 cancer macro-types in Italy on municipal, provincial, and regional scales. We aim to make easily accessible a comprehensive, ready-to-use, and openly accessible source of data on the most updated status of cancer mortality in Italy for local and national stakeholders, researchers, and policymakers and to provide researchers with ready-to-use data to perform specific studies

    The spatial association between environmental pollution and long-term cancer mortality in Italy

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    Tumours are nowadays the second world-leading cause of death after cardiovascular diseases. During the last decades of cancer research, lifestyle and random/genetic factors have been blamed for cancer mortality, with obesity, seden-tary habits, alcoholism, and smoking contributing as supposed major causes. However, there is an emerging consensus that environmental pollution should be considered one of the main triggers. Unfortunately, all this preliminary scien-tific evidence has not always been followed by governments and institutions, which still fail to pursue research on can-cer's environmental connections. In this unprecedented national-scale detailed study, we analyzed the links between cancer mortality, socio-economic factors, and sources of environmental pollution in Italy, both at wider regional and finer provincial scales, with an artificial intelligence approach. Overall, we found that cancer mortality does not have a random or spatial distribution and exceeds the national average mainly when environmental pollution is also higher, despite healthier lifestyle habits. Our machine learning analysis of 35 environmental sources of pollution showed that air quality ranks first for importance concerning the average cancer mortality rate, followed by sites to be reclaimed, urban areas, and motor vehicle density. Moreover, other environmental sources of pollution proved to be relevant for the mortality of some specific cancer types. Given these alarming results, we call for a rearrangement of the priority of cancer research and care that sees the reduction and prevention of environmental contamination as a priority action to put in place in the tough struggle against cancer

    Unilateral condylar hyperplasia: a thee-dimensional CBCT morphometric and volumetric evaluation of mandibular condyle by open-source softwares : Hiperplasia condilar unilateral: Evaluación morfométrica y volumétrica en TCHC tridimensional del cóndilo mandibular mediante softwares de código abierto

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    SUMMARY: Unilateral condylar hyperplasia (UCH) is an alteration of the mandibular condyle growth. The aim of this study was to evaluate condyle volume, surface area, and Morphological Index (MI) differences between the affected condyle and an unaffected one in patients with UCH, evaluated through 3D reconstructions cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images by two open-source softwares. A retrospective cross-sectional study of 16 patients with a certain UCH, 9 females and 7 males with mean age 25.13 ± 6.8 years was made. The image obtained from the CBCT of each condyle were reconstructed using the open-source software 3D SLICER 4.6 ®. The volumetric and area measurements of the 3D reconstruction of the mandibular condyle were made using the open-source software NETFABB basic 5.0 ®. The mean condylar volume of the hyperplastic condyles was 2.07 ± 1.51 cm3 and the non-hyperplastic condyles was 1.16 ± 0.82 cm3 (p&lt;0.05). The mean area surface of the hyperplastic condyle was 11.77 ± 3.71 cm2 and the non-hyperplasic condyle mean was 8.05 ± 2.17 cm2 (p &lt; 0.05). The mean area surface difference was 3.72 ± 3.57 cm2 (28.0 %). The MI of the hyperplastic condyle was 1.8 ± 0.3 mm and the non-affected condyle was 1.3 ± 0.6 mm (p &lt; 0.05). The use of open-source software for 3D reconstruction with manual segmentation for evaluation of the volume and the condylar surface is a valid tool available to the clinic in the diagnosis and monitoring of patients with condylar hyperplasia. © 2021, Universidad de la Frontera. All rights reserved

    Proteolytic and lipolytic starter cultures and their effect on traditional fermented sausages ripening and sensory traits

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    In this study, three starter formulations including Lactobacillus curvatus and Staphylococcus xylosus strains selected in vitro on the basis of their lipolytic and proteolytic activities were employed for the manufacture of traditional fermented sausages of southern Italy. Microbial population, proteolysis, lipolysis, changes in free amino acids (FAA) and free fatty acids (FFA) and development of characteristic taste and flavor of the final product were investigated. Proteolysis and lipolysis were observed in sausages inoculated with proteolytic and lipolytic S. xylosus coupled with L. curvatus, while the sausage started with only S. xylosus without lactobacilli was identical to the non-inoculated control, indicating that the proteolysis could be due to both microbial activity and endogenous proteases activated by the decrease in pH. The statistical analysis applied to the instrumental and sensory data showed that there was an effect of the starter used on the characteristics of the sausage obtained. In particular, the control samples showed very close features different from the sausages obtained by adding starter cultures. Finally, analyzing the sensory parameters the sausages ripened without starter addition and those started without the L. curvatus AVL3 showed similar features indicating an influence of the presence of the lactobacilli on the final organoleptic quality of the sausages. An appropriate choice of a combination of strains in a starter formulation is fundamental to obtain products of the expected quality

    Nanostructured zirconia-based ceramics and composites in dentistry: A state-of-the-art review

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    The objective of this paper is to review the current knowledge on the development of nanostructured zirconia-based ceramics and composites suitable for application in dentistry. Isi Web of Science, Science Direct, Scientific.net databases, and Google were searched electronically for the period of 1980 to the present, matching the keywords \u201cnano\u201d with the keywords: \u201cZirconia, ZrO2, Y-TZP, and dental, dentistry\u201d. A total of 74 papers were found, with the majority coming from Asia, indicating a more active scientific interest on the topic in this geographic area, followed by Europe, South America, and North America. The research shows, even though the scientific activity on nanostructured ceramics was intense in the last fifteen years, the development of fully dense zirconia-based nanoceramics is yet at an initial stage, most of all from the point of view of the clinical applications. It has been demonstrated that nanostructured ceramics can show improved properties because of the reduction of the grain size to the nanoscale. This is also true for zirconia-based nanoceramics, where some improvements in mechanical, optical, as well as resistance in low-temperature degradation have been observed. Potential applications of this class of material in the dental field are discussed, summarizing the results of the latest scientific research

    Comparison of accuracy of single crowns generated from digital and conventional impressions: An in vivo controlled trial

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    Aim With the advances of digital technology, intraoral digital impression (DI) technique has become a major trend in prosthodontics with respect to traditional impression (TI) techniques; despite that, very few data are available concerning its accuracy. Thus, the purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of DI versus TI considering both marginal and internal gap (MG, IG, respectively) in cobalt-chromium (Co-Cr) single crowns manufactured by mean of computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology. Material and methods Thirty posterior teeth were considered for this study. For each abutment tooth, sixty and thirty copings were produced with the aid of TI and DI, respectively. Thirty of the sixty copings of the TI-group were then randomly selected to be veneered and cemented onto existing abutments. The space existing between the internal surface of the coping and the abutment tooth was evaluated onto an in vitro replica; the MG and IG were measured by Scanning Electron Microscope. The data were analysed by the Wilcoxon test (1-tailed). Results The mean MG was 75.04 μm (SD = 13.12) and 55.01 μm (SD = 7.01) for the TI group and DI group, respectively. As regards the mean IGs, the values recorded were of 78.36 μm (SD = 19.66) for the TI-group and 59.20 μm (SD=3.33) for the DI-group. A statistically significant difference was found between the two groups (p-value = 0.001). Conclusions Copings manufactured from DI showed better MGs and IGs with respect to copings produced from TI. However, both approaches produced clinically acceptable results