4,872 research outputs found

    A visual thesis? techniques for reporting practice-led research

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    This paper describes an approach taken to the use of visual material as a significant part of PhD thesis in an Industrial Design research project. The aspiration to make creative work central to the thesis has been debated in a wide range of disciplines, but there are few examples of successful practice, especially in design. The authors sought to make visual material central to the process of developing a PhD thesis and worked with a research student to put this into practice. The process was beneficial to both the student and his audience and it is hoped that this approach provides a starting point for further development of practice-based research</p

    Show or tell? Opportunities, problems and methods of the exhibition as a form of research dissemination

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    There has a been a good deal of debate about the possible use of exhibitions in disseminating research, as an alternative to conventional text papers where artefacts have a significant role in the research The European Academy of Design has been a pioneer in this area but, so far, there has been little documentation of this practice or constructive reflection to support future development. The authors were responsible for the organisation of an exhibition of research work at the 2002 "Common Ground" Conference of the Design Research Society. Their role included mentoring the exhibitors, making the practical arrangements for the exhibition and organising refereeing of exhibits by an international panel of referees. The exhibition demonstrated the potential for new forms of research dissemination but also highlighted a number of problems and issues which must be dealt with if future exhibitions are to provide a robust and appropriate way to present and record research outcomes. The reflections of the organisers, and comments of referees and exhibitors are employed in this paper to develop guidelines for future practice in research exhibitions, paying particular attention to the importance of providing a full narrative within the exhibit and a permanent record, and ways that exhibitions might change the format of conferences to allow more constructive engagement between participants. </p

    Experimental making in multi-disciplinary research

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    For the past 3 years, Graham Whiteley has been using making in a project to develop a mechanical analogy for the human skeletal arm to inform the future development of prostheses and other artefacts. Other aspects of the work such as use of drawings and the use of a principled approach in the absence of concrete design goals have been documented elsewhere, this paper concentrates on the central role of making in the process. The paper will discuss the role of making in multi-disciplinary research; craft skills and resources appropriate to each stage of a practice centred research project in this area; the use of models in an iterative experimental investigation and the value of models in eliciting knowledge from a broad community of interested parties and experts.</p

    First make something – principled, creative design as a tool for multi-disciplinary research in clinical engineering

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    Design provides a set of tools for exploring our world and these can give very different insights from the tools of the natural scientist or social scientist. The Art and Design Research Centre at Sheffield Hallam University is developing the use of creative practice at the centre of multi-disciplinary research and has demonstrated that this approach can bring significant results in areas of research which are more usually thought of thought of as science or engineering. This paper describes a 3-year project which has provided completely new ideas for the design of artificial limbs based on close analogies with human anatomy. The project was intended to look at very long-term developments but has also resulted in ideas for today's products and has changed the thinking of both clinicians and manufacturers. Investigative methods included iterative cycles of creative development and reflection; work with users including the production of video material to stimulate their thinking beyond the state of the art; and both qualitative and quantitative evaluation of design outcomes with scientific and clinical specialists.</p

    Knowledge and the artefact

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    This paper discusses ways that knowledge may be found in or through artefacts. One purpose is to suggest situations where artefacts might be central to a narrative, rather than secondary to a text. A second purpose is to suggest ways that design and production of artefacts might be instrumental in eliciting knowledge. Four general situations are proposed: (1) Simple Forms - an artefact demonstrates or describes a principle or technique. (2) Communication of Process - artefacts arising from a process make the process explicit. (3) Artefacts Within the Research - artefacts are instrumental in advancing the research by communicating ideas or information. (4) Knowledge Elicited by Artefacts - artefacts provide a stimulus or context which enables information to be uncovered. .</p

    The Resonance Peak in Sr2_2RuO4_4: Signature of Spin Triplet Pairing

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    We study the dynamical spin susceptibility, χ(q,ω)\chi({\bf q}, \omega), in the normal and superconducting state of Sr2_2RuO4_4. In the normal state, we find a peak in the vicinity of Qi≃(0.72π,0.72π){\bf Q}_i\simeq (0.72\pi,0.72\pi) in agreement with recent inelastic neutron scattering (INS) experiments. We predict that for spin triplet pairing in the superconducting state a {\it resonance peak} appears in the out-of-plane component of χ\chi, but is absent in the in-plane component. In contrast, no resonance peak is expected for spin singlet pairing.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, final versio

    Botulinum neurotoxin type C protease induces apoptosis in differentiated human neuroblastoma cells

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    Neuroblastomas constitute a major cause of cancer-related deaths in young children. In recent years, a number of translation-inhibiting enzymes have been evaluated for killing neuroblastoma cells. Here we investigated the potential vulnerability of human neuroblastoma cells to protease activity derived from botulinum neurotoxin type C. We show that following retinoic acid treatment, human neuroblastoma cells, SiMa and SH-SY5Y, acquire a neuronal phenotype evidenced by axonal growth and expression of neuronal markers. Botulinum neurotoxin type C which cleaves neuron-specific SNAP25 and syntaxin1 caused apoptotic death only in differentiated neuroblastoma cells. Direct comparison of translation-inhibiting enzymes and the type C botulinum protease revealed one order higher cytotoxic potency of the latter suggesting a novel neuroblastoma-targeting pathway. Our mechanistic insights revealed that loss of ubiquitous SNAP23 due to differentiation coupled to SNAP25 cleavage due to botulinum activity may underlie the apoptotic death of human neuroblastoma cells

    Contrasting mechanisms of magma fragmentation during coeval magmatic and hydromagmatic activity: the Hverfjall Fires fissure eruption, Iceland

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    Growing evidence for significant magmatic vesiculation prior to magma-water interaction (MWI) has brought into question the use of ‘diagnostic’ features, such as low vesicularities and blocky morphologies, to identify hydromagmatic pyroclasts. We address this question by quantifying co-variations in particle size, shape and texture in both magmatic and hydromagmatic deposits from the Hverfjall Fires fissure eruption, Iceland. Overlapping vesicularity and bubble number density distributions measured in rapidly quenched magmatic and hydromagmatic pyroclasts indicate a shared initial history of bubble nucleation and growth, with substantial vesiculation prior to MWI. Hydromagmatic fragmentation occurred principally by brittle mechanisms, where the length scale and geometry of fracturing was controlled by the bubble population. This suggests that the elevated fragmentation efficiency of hydromagmatic deposits is driven, at least in part, by brittle disintegration of vesicular pyroclasts due to high thermal stress generated during rapid cooling. In this way, the shape and size distributions of hydromagmatic pyroclasts, both critical input parameters for ash dispersion models, are strongly influenced by the dynamics of vesiculation prior to MWI. This result underlines the need to analyse multiple grain-size fractions to characterise the balance between magmatic and hydromagmatic processes. During the Hverfjall Fires eruption, the external water supply was sufficient to maintain MWI throughout the eruption, with no evidence for progressive exhaustion of a water reservoir. We suggest that both the longevity and the spatial distribution of MWI were determined by the pre-existing regional hydrology and represent continuous interaction between a propagating dike and a strong groundwater flow system hosted within permeable basalt lavas
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