758 research outputs found

    Management Control System for Effective Job Performance Among Librarians in Federal And State University Libraries : Evidence From South East Nigeria

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    In this study, we assessed the management control system used for effective job performance among librarians in five federal university libraries and five State university libraries in South East, Nigeria. Our 38-item questionnaire was validated by three experts: one from the Department of Science Education (Education Measurement and Evaluation unit) and two from the Department of Library and Information Science at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Later we used descriptive statistics and found out that the university libraries adopted performance appraisal system, duties rotation system, controlled activities system and regulation of staff attendance to a great extent, and also that the management control system has contributed to the effective job performance since it enables employees to understand their job expectations and to encourage librarians’ positive work attitude. Based on these findings, we recommended that performance appraisal and staff evaluation should be performed from time to time to identify areas which require improvements. Henceforth, federal and state governments in Nigeria should make funds available for university libraries to enable them adopt effective management control system and procure facilities and resources to enhance job performance in their libraries among other

    Is attending a mental process?

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    The nature of attention has been the topic of a lively research programme in psychology for over a century. But there is widespread agreement that none of the theories on offer manage to fully capture the nature of attention. Recently, philosophers have become interested in the debate again after a prolonged period of neglect. This paper contributes to the project of explaining the nature of attention. It starts off by critically examining Christopher Mole’s prominent “adverbial” account of attention, which traces the failure of extant psychological theories to their assumption that attending is a kind of process. It then defends an alternative, process-based view of the metaphysics of attention, on which attention is understood as an activity and not, as psychologists seem to implicitly assume, an accomplishment. The entrenched distinction between accomplishments and activities is shown to shed new light on the metaphysics of attention. It also provides a novel diagnosis of the empirical state of play

    Special edition: The NCLs/Batten disease

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    The MindfulBreather: Motion Guided Mindfulness.

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    For millennia, humans have focused their attention on the breath to develop mindfulness, but finding a scientific way to harness mindful breathing has proven elusive. Existing attempts to objectively measure and feedback on mindfulness have relied on specialist external hardware including electroencephalograms or respirometers that have been impractical for the majority of people learning to meditate. Consequently, training in the key skill of breath-awareness has lacked practical objective measures and guidance to enhance training. Here, we provide a brief technology report on an invention, The MindfulBreather® that addresses these issues. The technology is available to download embedded in a smartphone app that targets, measures and feedbacks on mindfulness of breathing in realtime to enhance training. The current article outlines only the technological concept with future studies quantifying efficacy, validity and reliability to be reported elsewhere. The MindfulBreather works by generating Motion Guided Mindfulness through interacting gyroscopic and touchscreen sensors in a three phase process: Mindfulness Induction (Phase I) gives standardized instruction to users to place their smartphone on their abdomen, breathe mindfully and to tap only at the peak of their inhalation. The smartphone's gyroscope detects periodic tilts during breathing to generate sinusoidal waveforms. Waveform-tap patterns are analyzed to determine whether the user is mindfully tapping only at the correct phase of the breathing cycle, indicating psychobiological synchronization. Mindfulness Maintenance (Phase II) provides reinforcing pleasant feedback sounds each time a breath is mindfully tapped at the right time, and the App records a mindful breath. Lastly, data-driven Insights are fed back to the user (Phase III), including the number of mindful breaths tapped and breathing rate reductions associated with parasympathetic engagement during meditation. The new MGM technology is then evaluated and contrasted with traditional mindfulness approaches and a novel Psychobiological Synchronization Model is proposed. In summary, unlike existing technology, the MindfulBreather requires no external hardware and repurposes regular smartphones to deliver app-embedded Motion-Guided Mindfulness. Technological applications include reducing mindwandering and down-regulation of the brain's default mode through enhanced mindful awareness. By objectively harnessing breath awareness, The MindfulBreather aims to realize the ancient human endeavor of mindfulness for the 21st century

    Collective Narcissism, In-Group Satisfaction, and Solidarity in the Face of COVID-19

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    The present study explored the antecedents of solidarity amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Given that solidarity during mass emergencies involves the development of a social identity encompassing those facing a common fate, we examined how national in-group satisfaction (a belief that the national in-group and one’s membership in it are of high value) versus national collective narcissism (a belief that the national in-group is exceptional and entitled to privileged treatment, but not sufficiently recognized by others) predicted solidarity with those affected by the pandemic in Poland. The results of cross-sectional and dynamic analyses from a panel study on a representative sample of Polish adults indicate that in-group satisfaction predicted greater COVID-19 solidarity, whereas collective narcissism predicted reduced COVID-19 solidarity

    Assessing the effectiveness of business support services in England: evidence from a theory based evaluation

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    In England, publicly supported advisory services for small firms are organised primarily through the Business Link (BL) network. Based on the programme theory underlying this business support services we develop four propositions and test these empirically using data from a new survey of over 3,000 English small firms. Our empirical results provide a broad validation of the programme theory underlying BL assistance for small firms in England during 2003, and more limited support for its effectiveness. More specifically, we find strong support for the value of BL operators maintaining a high profile as a way of boosting take-up. We also find some support for the approach to market segmentation adopted by BL allowing more intensive assistance to be targeted on younger firms and those with limited liability status. In terms of the outcomes of BL support, and allowing for issues of sample selection, we find no significant effects on growth from ‘other’ assistance but do find positive and significant employment growth effects from intensive assistance. This provides partial support for the programme theory assertion that BL support will lead to improvements in business growth performance and stronger support for the proposition that there would be differential outcomes from intensive and other assistance. The positive employment growth outcomes identified here from intensive assistance, even allowing for sample selection, suggest something of an improvement in the effectiveness of the BL network since the late 1990s

    Evaluation of a rapid screening test for rifampicin resistance in re-treatment tuberculosis patients in the Eastern Cape

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    Background and objectives. Patients with multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis (TB) are at high risk of treatment failure. It is anticipated that early identification of MDR-TB and appropriate treatment will improve patient outcome and disease control. We evaluated the rapid detection of rifampicin resistance in previously treated TB patients, directly from acidfast bacilli (AFB)-positive sputum using a phage-based test, FASTPlaque-Response (Biotec Laboratories Ltd, Ipswich, UK). The ability of rifampicin resistance to predict MDR-TB was also determined. Design. A prospective study was done comparing performance of the rapid phage test with conventional culture and drug susceptibility testing (DST) in AFB-positive TB patients. Setting. Five primary health clinics and one TB referral centre in the Port Elizabeth Metropolitan area, Eastern Cape. Outcome measures. Sensitivity, specificity and overall accuracy of the phage test were determined compared with gold standard culture and DST. Discrepant results were resolved by molecular detection of mutations conferring rifampicin resistance. The proportion of rifampicin-resistant strains that were MDR was also determined. Results. Previously treated patients were at a high risk of MDRTB (35.7%). Sensitivity, specificity and overall accuracy of FASTPlaque-Response for rifampicin resistance determination were 95.4% (95% confidence interval (CI): 91.0 - 99.8%), 97.2% (95% CI: 94.5 - 99.9%) and 96.5% (95% CI: 94.1 - 98.9%) respectively compared with conventional DST (unresolved), calculated for specimens that had both FASTPlaque-Response and conventional DST results available. FASTPlaque-Response results were available in 2 days instead of 28 - 85 days with conventional DST. However, only 70.6% of FASTPlaque- Response results were interpretable compared with 86.3% of conventional DST results. The majority (95.5%) of rifampicin resistant strains were MDR-TB. Conclusions. Rapid detection of rifampicin resistance using FASTPlaque-Response could contribute to improved management of patients at risk of MDR-TB, such as previously treated patients. However, improvement in control of specimen-related contamination is needed to ensure that a higher proportion of FASTPlaque-Response results are interpretable. Where indicated, early modification of therapy could improve patient prognosis and reduce disease transmission