3,990 research outputs found

    Livestock rational use of Anaga Rural Park. Preliminary results

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    Anaga Rural Park is a natural protected space that is situated in the northeast of Tenerife isle in Canary Islands. With a 14.224 hectares, it’s characterised by high ecosystems diversity, debt to high incline that condition the coexistence of different ecological floors. This situation has determined the uses types of the local resources and the grazing. In this way, the study in the Anaga Rural Park, try to design specific strategy for the rational use of the natural resources in the zone. The methodology used is based on individuals interwievs and geographic information processing, with purpose to define the average stocking rate, annual distribution of stocking rate and animal production systems characteristics in Anaga Rural Park. After to analyse the secondary information, the interwievs realised and the direct observations of the productions systems, we have obtained enough data to locate the zone breed reality of the zone a make and unreliable outline of the production systems in Anaga.El Parque Rural de Anaga es un espacio natural protegido que se encuentra en el noreste de la Isla de Tenerife, en las Islas Canarias. Con unas dimensiones de 14.000 ha, se caracteriza por una alta diversidad de ecosistemas debido a las altas pendientes que condicionan la existencia de diferentes pisos ecológicos. Esto ha determinado las formas de aprovechamiento de los recursos locales en general y del pastoreo en particular. En este sentido, el estudio en el Parque Rural Anaga, trata de diseñar estrategias concretas para el uso racional de los recursos naturales en la zona. La metodología utilizada se basa en las entrevistas individuales y el tratamiento de información geográfica, con el fin de definir la Carga ganadera promedio, la distribución anual de la Carga ganadera y las características de los sistemas de producción animal en el Parque Rural de Anaga. Tras el análisis de la información secundaria, las entrevistas realizadas y la observación directa de los sistemas de producción, se han obtenido suficientes datos como para ubicarnos en la realidad ganadera de la zona y por tanto hacer un esbozo fiable de la situación de los sistemas de producción en Anaga

    Mecanismos de transducción del lipopolisacárido

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    The lipopolysaccharide, a component of the Gram negative bacteria wall, is the principal agent causing septic shock.Once in the blood stream, the lipopolysaccharide activates contact systems and stimulates different types of cell throughrecognition molecules, such as CD14 and the recently described TLR receptors, triggering diverse interacting transductionpathways. The MAP kinase pathway and the TLR cascade are highlighted as prevalent factors, which in turn, act upontranscription factors. One of the main nuclear factors is NF-κB, which has a fundamental role in the induction ofenzymes involved in the production of cytokins and autacoids, such as inducible nitric oxide synthase or induciblecyclooxygenase. The increase in production of nitric oxide, tromboxanes, prostaglandins and other vasoactive agents,derived from the synthesised enzymes, gives rise to serious cardiovascular disorders characteristic of septic shock.El lipopolisacárido, componente de la pared de las bacterias Gram negativas, es el principal agente causante delshock séptico. Una vez en el torrente sanguíneo, el lipopolisacárido activa los sistemas de contacto y estimuladiferentes tipos celulares mediante moléculas de reconocimiento como el CD14 y los recientemente conocidos receptoresTLR, disparando diversas vías de transducción que interaccionan entre sí. Dentro de éstas destacan la vía delas MAP kinasas y la cascada de los TLR, que a su vez actúan sobre factores de transcripción. Uno de los principalesfactores nucleares es el NF-κB, con un papel fundamental en la inducción de enzimas implicadas en la producciónde citokinas y autacoides, tales como la óxido nítrico sintasa o la ciclooxigenasa inducibles. El aumento en laproducción de óxido nítrico, tromboxanos, prostaglandinas y otros agentes vasoactivos derivados de las enzimassintetizadas da lugar a las graves alteraciones cardiovasculares características del shock séptico

    Living with HIV in Finland: Stigma, Psychosocial Functioning and the Role of Social Support

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    Objectives: The present investigation looks into the levels of perceived stigma, perceived social support and psychosocial functioning of individuals with HIV consulting at an infectious diseases clinic in Helsinki, Finland. Background: The AIDS pandemic continues to be a serious global health concern with an estimated 38 million individuals infected with HIV worldwide the majority of which are in developing countries. In many developed countries, the increased use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has been associated with dramatic health benefits, improving prognosis for HIV-infected individuals. With HIV increasingly regarded as a chronic\u27 disease in developed countries, there is a need to further clarify the psychosocial aspects of HIV/AIDS as disease-related stigma continues to make significant impact on both the individual and the larger society. Design/Methods: HIV-positive individuals consulting at the HIV/AIDS Clinic at the Aurora Hospital (HUCH Division of Infectious Diseases), Helsinki, Finland were recruited within a 1 month period in June 2004. They were asked to complete the HIV Stigma Scale (Berger 1996), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (Zimet et al. 1998) Texas Christian University (TCU) Psychosocial Functioning Scale (Knight et al. 1994). Results/Outcome: Main outcomes: HIV Stigma Scale Score, Psychological Function Score, Perceived Stigma Scale Score. Results: Results show that the respondents in the study may not generally feel stigmatized but that they may have issues with disclosing their HIV status. Respondents show a pattern of good psychosocial functioning. Most respondents feel that they get strong support from friends, family and significant others and they were also satisfied with the kind of healthcare that they receive particularly as a person living with HIV. Conclusion: The small number of participants (n=12) recruited within the 1-month study period precluded any statistically significant results but the study demonstrated that the instruments can be used to investigate psychosocial parameters of HIV among PLWH in Helsinki.\u2

    The Physics of Liquid Para-Hydrogen

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    Macroscopic systems of hydrogen molecules exhibit a rich thermodynamic phase behavior. Due to the simplicity of the molecular constituents a detailed exploration of the thermal properties of these boson systems at low temperatures is of fundamental interest. Here,we report theoretical and experimental results on various spatial correlation functions and corresponding distributions in momentum space of liquid para-hydrogen close to the triple point. They characterize the structure of the correlated liquid and provide information on quantum effects present in this Bose fluid. Numerical calculations employ Correlated Density-Matrix(CDM)theory and Path-Integral Monte-Carlo(PIMC)simulations. A comparison of these theoretical results demonstrates the accuracy of CDM theory. This algorithm therefore permits a fast and efficient quantitative analysis of the normal phase of liquid para-hydrogen.We compare and discuss the theoretical results with available experimental data.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Livestock use research in canary protected areas. Methodology

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    Rural Parks are protected natural space included in the Protected Spaces Canary Law. Rural Park condition obliges to planning sustentable development, where the productivity and profitability complement with the sustentability, stability and equity. Anaga is situated in the Tenerife Isle northeast. With surface of 14.000 ha, is characterised by the high ecosystem diversity. Valle Gran Rey is situated in La Gomera Isle southeast. With surface approximately of 2.000 ha, is characterised by the presence of high productivity potential tableland. The study final result is strategy planning to adjust between livestock resources use and those resources potential with economical and ecological guidelines. Methodology is based on meticulous interview to farmers of each Park, to determine the Average Stocking Rate, its annual distribution and classification of production systems. Stoking Rate calculate is realised by livestock needs determination and supplementation determination, combined with treatment of geographical information to study of grazing zones. By unpredictable cuts, exclusion squares, transects and forage analysis is determined the Charge Capacity.Los Parques Rurales son espacios naturales protegidos recogidos en la Ley Canaria de Espacios Protegidos. La condición de Parque Rural obliga a plantear el desarrollo de forma sostenible, donde la productividad y rentabilidad se complementen con la sustentabilidad, estabilidad y equidad. Anaga está situado en el nordeste de la Isla de Tenerife. Con una superficie de aproximadamente 14.000 ha, se caracteriza por la alta diversidad de ecosistemas. Valle Gran Rey está situado en el suroeste de la Isla de la Gomera. Con una superficie aproximada de 2.000 ha, se caracteriza por la presencia de mesetas de alto potencial productivo. El resultado final del estudio es la definición de estrategias para el ajuste entre el uso de los recursos ganaderos y las posibilidades de dichos recursos con criterios de carácter económico y de carácter ecológico. La metodología se basa en la entrevista minuciosa de los ganaderos de cada uno de los Parques, haciendo hincapié en aquellos que realizan pastoreo, con el fin de determinar la carga ganadera promedio, su distribución anual y la caracterización de los sistemas de producción. El cálculo de la Carga ganadera se realiza mediante la determinación de las necesidades animales y la suplementación aportada, combinado con el tratamiento de información geográfica para el estudio de las zonas de pastoreo. Mediante la realización de cortes aleatorios, cuadros de exclusión, transectos y posterior analítica de muestras de plantas forrajeras, se determina la Capacidad de Carga ganadera

    Datos cariológicos y taxonómicos sobre el género "Teucrium L. labiatae" en la Península Ibérica.

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    Se estudian cariológicamente 52 poblaciones españolas correspondientes a 28 taxones del género Teucrium L., dándose a conocer por primera vez los números cromosómicos de los siguientes taxones: Tfruticans L., (2n = 30); T pseudochamaepitys L. (2n = 60); T webbianzím Boiss., (2n = 32 + 0-iB, 48 + O-2B); Tfragile Boiss., (2n = 32); T libanitis Sebreber, (2n = 26); T carohpaui C. Vicioso ex Pau, (2n = 26); T. carob~aui subsp.fontqueri (Sennen) Rivas-Martínez, (2n = 26) T. lepicephalum Pau, (2n = 26); T turredanum Losa & Rivas Goday, (2n = 26); T capiíatum subsp. gracillimum (Rouy) Valdés-Bermejo, (2n = 26); T expansum Pau, (2n = 26 + 0-2B, 52 + 0-2B); T lusi/anicum Sebreber subsp. azíreofonnís (Rouy) ValdésBermejo, (2n = 52); T haenseleri Boiss. (2n = 26); 1? chrysotrichzím Lange, (2n = 26), T. lan!gerum Lag. (2n = 26), y los niveles triploide para T. capiat¡ím (3x = 39) y diploide para T azíreum subsp. angust~folium (Willk.) Puech (2x = 26). Se establece el número básico para las distintas secciones del género e incluimos en ellas las distintas especies Ibéricas y Baleáricas, y se emite hipótesis sobre el número básico originario. En lo nomenclatural se proponen las siguientes combinaciones: T capitatzím L. subsp. gracilimiím (Rouy) Valdés-Bermejo y T lusitanicíím Schreber szíbsp. azíreoformis (Rouy) ValdésBermejo

    Extended sources in the XMM-Newton slew survey

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    The low background, good spatial resolution and great sensitivity of the EPIC-pn camera on XMM-Newton give useful limits for the detection of extended sources even during the short exposures made during slewing maneouvers. In this paper we attempt to illustrate the potential of the XMM-Newton slew survey as a tool for analysing flux-limited samples of clusters of galaxies and other sources of spatially extended X-ray emission.Comment: 2 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of "The X-ray Universe 2005", San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Spain), 26-30 September 200