363 research outputs found

    Scalability Improvement Of Multicast Source Movement Over Mobile Ipv6 Using Clustering Technique

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    Mobile IPv6 (MIPv6) describes how a mobile node can change its point of attachment to the Internet. While MIPv6 focuses on unicast communications, it also proposes two basic mechanisms, known as bi-directional tunnelling and remote subscription, to handle multicast communications with mobile members. In the mean time, the deployment of Source-Specific Multicast (SSM) is of great interest, using the Protocol Independent Multicast-Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) and Multicast Listener Discovery (MLDv2) protocols. In the particular case of mobile IPv6 SSM sources, the mechanism proposed in MIPv6 to support multicast communications introduced a number of problems that need to be addressed. First, in most scenarios the MIPv6 solution leads to suboptimal routing by setting up a tunnel to forward packets between the home agent in its home network and the current location in the foreign network. The use of a third party when roaming which is the home agent leads to suboptimal routing. Second, it introduces a central point of failure (i.e. the Home Agent (HA)) that is not to be neglected. The proposed MIPv6 solution also induces a great traffic concentration around this central point. Third, the processing task of the central point increases with the number of mobile sources it serves, thus reducing the efficiency of multicast delivery. The objective of this thesis is to remove some of the obstacles encountered in the way of multicast deployment in the Internet, thereby making Mobile IPv6 better equipped to support mobile SSM sources. Recent proposals to provide multicasting over mobile IP focuses mainly on recipient mobility but little attention has been given to the case of source mobility. This thesis attempts to address this problem. The basic essence of the problem is that while the effect of receiver movement on the multicast tree is local, the effect of source movement may be global and it may affect the complete multicast delivery tree. The initial design was motivated by the need to support one-to-many and many-to-many applications in a scalable fashion. Such applications cannot be serviced efficiently with unicast delivery. As the overall problem statement of “Scalability Improvement of Multicast Source Movement over IPv6 Using Clustering Technique” is extremely complex, we divide the problem into the following components: build the multicast delivery tree for source specific multicast which is a routing issue; clustering receivers based on their IPv6 addresses; improve the state scalability of these clusters which is a deployment issue; find an efficient way for service distribution which is a deployment issue as well; and finally, the seamless integration of the work with Mobile IPv6 allowing it to support multicast efficiently for mobile nodes. The combined solution provides a comprehensive procedure for planning and managing a multicast-based IPv6 network. The outcome of this thesis are: a software to represent an architecture of a multicast delivery tree for one-to-many type of group communication, a group management scheme that could handle the end nodes subscription/un-subscription process with the required updates, an average subscription delay of between 0.255 ms-0.530 ms and un-subscription delay of between 0.0456 ms-0.087 ms for up to 50000 nodes, an approach to multicast forwarding state reduction that could support small-size groups as well as large-size groups, and finally the integration of the work with Mobile IPv6 to handle the multicast source movement

    The Antibacterial Activity of Curcuminoid Deliver

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    The antibacterial effect of Curcuminoid extract before and after loading on the gel were tested against some of pathogenic microorganisms, and the result shown that the microbial growth  were inhibited largely by the herbal which loaded on gel

    Awareness of Healthier Lifestyle Change among Patients with Coronary Artery Diseases

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    AbstractObjective: presented study aimed to assess the awareness of healthier lifestyle change among patient with coronary artery disease. Methodology: descriptive design study was conducted at Coronary Care Unit in Marjan hospital in Hillia city, data was gathered by using a questionnaire form the period (June15. 2012 to August 20.2012) . Results:  the results shows that the higher percentage of the sample (53.7%) were male most of   them were smoker 61.1%, and 38% of the sample were hypertensive; most of them didn't applied any change in their lifestyle pattern.Conclusion: Most of the convenient sample of the study was male, illiterate, housewives and city resident. Most of the sample were overweight, with hypertension, smoker, and related to alcohol consuming they were not alcoholicRecommendation: the researchers recommended that there is a serious need to health education, which properly structured to promote patient education in order to enhance their lifestyle pattern, by improving knowledge and bring about a change in attitudes.Key Words: Awareness, Lifestyle, Coronary Artery Disease ,Diet ,physical activitie

    Acute oral toxicity of two products from a microbial pest control agent (Beauveria bassiana) on physiological status aspects of male albino rats

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    Background: Synthetic pesticides have accumulated in environment causing harm to humans and ecosystems. As a result, the use of biopesticides in agriculture and public health has expanded as a substitute for traditional pesticides. Purpose: To investigate the acute oral toxicity of Beauveria bassiana, on physiological status aspects of male rats. Material and Methods: Metabolic crude (MC), and wettable powder formulation (2.5% WP) from the local isolate of B. bassiana (AUMC 9896) were tested on adult Sprague Dawley (SD) male rats by single oral dose. Results: There was no evidence of death or toxic symptoms in any of the treated groups. In contrast, each product caused a significant increase in the body weight gain and relative liver weights of B. bassiana-exposed male and reduced the brain somatic index with WP only as compared to the control. The studied bioinsecticide also caused a substantial rise in total erythrocyte and absolute differential leucocyte counts, while red blood cell distribution width (RDW) and platelet count (Plt) were decreased significantly. Furthermore, male rats exposed to both types of B. bassiana, aspartate aminotransferases (AST), total protein (TP), albumin (Alb), AST/ALT, triglyceride, and very low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (VLDL) were elevated compared to the untreated group, whereas alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity, globulin (Glb), Alb/Glb, urea content, and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL) count fluctuated between increased and decreased. Also, B. bassiana-treated rats had lower serum cholesterol and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels (HDL) values.Conclusion: These results suggest that both treatments have slight effects on complete blood count (CBC) of treated male rats and marked effect on liver function, lipid profile, body weight gain and somatic index of the liver and brain


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    Objective: This study aims to explore the adjuvant effect of multi-strain probiotics with either saffron, cardamom, ginger, or cinnamon herbs to achieve synergistic management for controlling type 2 diabetes (T2D). Methods: Eighty-eight adult male, Wistar rats were used. Eight rats were kept as healthy control. Eighty rats were used to induce type 2 diabetic rats (T2DR) and were randomly assigned to ten groups. One group was an offer to 0.2 ml multi-strain probiotics orally. The rest of T2DR were gavage with 100 mg/kg aqueous extract of saffron, cardamom, ginger, or cinnamon without or with 0.2 ml multi-strain probiotics orally. Bodyweight gain (BWG), and feed efficiency ratio (FER) were recorded. Determination of oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), serum insulin, C-peptide, HDL, LDL, HDL/total cholesterol ratio were performed. Serum antioxidant activity, Th1and Th2 cytokines and histopathology of the pancreas were done. Results: Comparable with T2DR, solely multi-strain probiotics or with herbs caused a significant reduction in BWG (P<0.05). Groups fed saffron, cardamom, and ginger and enriched with multi-strain probiotic showed significant improvement in OGTT, serum insulin, C-peptide and lipid abnormalities (P<0.05) compared to T2DR. Besides, they had antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. The group received ginger alone exerted anti-hyperglycemia and anti-inflammatory effects. However, cinnamon had a moderate anti-diabetic effect and solely probiotics did not show a significant benefit for all parameters except BWG. Conclusion: Cardamom, saffron, and ginger enriched with multi-strain probiotics achieve a synergistic relationship for managing T2D. This finding exhibits a possible new hypothesis to manage diabetes that needs further study

    Online health information seeking among patients attending primary care clinics in Bahrain: a cross-sectional study

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    Background: Online health information seeking is prevalent among patients nowadays and this might influence the medical consultation outcome and affect the patient-doctor relationship. Objective was to determine the prevalence of online health information seeking behavior among primary care clinics attendees in Bahrain and the impact on patient-doctor relationship.Methods: Patients attending primary care clinics in Bahrain were asked to complete a previously adapted self-administered questionnaire that studied demographical data, frequency of online use in general and for health-related information and pattern of online health information seeking including reasons searched for and sources used. The logistic regression analysis done to explore respondent’s characteristics with health seeking behavior online.Results: Ninety-seven percent (97%) of the study population used the internet and (94.7%) had searched for online health information. The two main types of information sought were disease-related information (88.7%) and complementary and alternative medicine (55%). Fifty-three percent used reliable sources (i.e., Ministry of Health (43.3%), hospital websites (14.9%), medical encyclopedias (e.g., PubMed and Medline plus) (17.4%).  Approximately (39.3%) use social networks to find information (including Facebook and Twitter). Convenience and usability were the main reasons (88.9%). Fifty-five percent (55%) asked or shared health information they found online with their doctor.Conclusions: Online health information seeking is highly prevalent in Bahrain among primary care clinic attendees. Sources were chosen mainly for their convenience, availability and being easily understood. A good number shared health information found online with their physicians. Physicians should be aware about patients’ online health seeking behavior and address that during consultation

    Analysis of glutathione S-transferase (M1, T1 and P1) gene polymorphisms in Iranian prostate cancer subjects

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    Glutathione S-transferase enzymes are active in detoxifying a wide number of endogenous and exogenous chemical carcinogens and subsequently, are crucial in protecting the DNA. Several studies show some differences in association of glutathione S-transferase M1, T1 and P1 genetic polymorphisms with the risk of prostate cancer in various populations. The current study was done with Iranian subjects to evaluate the association of the polymorphism of glutathione S-transferase subtypes (T, M and P) and the susceptibility of prostate cancer in Iranian patients as compared to controls. Blood samples were collected from 65 prostate cancer patients and 65 unrelated health individuals as controls from Milad hospital, Tehran, Iran. The polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) method was used to determine the polymorphism of glutathione S-transferase pi (GSTP1) -313 A/G gene, while multiplex PCR method was utilized to detect the glutathione S-transferase teta (GSTT) 1 and glutathione S-transferase mμ (GSTM) 1 null allele. There was no significant association in the -313 G allele (Val) of GSTP1 gene  olymorphism and prostate cancer risk (odds ratio 0.61, 95% confidence intervals (CI) 0.08 - 4.60, p = 0.627). Moreover, no relationship was found between the polymorphism of GSTT1 (odds ratio 0.66, 95% CI 0.27 - 1.62) and GSTM1 (odds ratio 0.54, 95% CI 0.27 - 1.08) genes and higher risk of prostate cancer among Iranian subjects (p > 0.05). This study showed that either GSTP1-313 G polymorphism or GSTT1 and GSTM1 genes cannot be predisposing risk factors for prostate cancer among Iranian subjects.Key words: Glutathione S-transferase, prostate cancer, polymorphism

    Negative impact of COVID-19 pandemic on sleep quantitative parameters, quality, and circadian alignment

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has spread worldwide, affecting millions of people and exposing them to home quarantine, isolation, and social distancing. While recent reports showed increased distress and depressive/anxiety state related to COVID-19 crisis, we investigated how home quarantine affected sleep parameters in healthy individuals. 160 healthy individuals who were in home quarantine in April 2020 for at least one month participated in this study. Participants rated and compared their quantitative sleep parameters (time to go to bed, sleep duration, getting-up time) and sleep quality factors, pre-and during home quarantine due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Furthermore, participants’ chronotype was determined to see if sleep parameters are differentially affected in different chronotypes. Time to fall asleep and get-up in the morning were significantly delayed in all participants, indicating a significant circadian misalignment. Sleep quality was reported to be significantly poorer in all participants and chronotypes. Poor sleep quality included more daily disturbances (more sleep disturbances, higher daily dysfunctions due to low quality of sleep) and less perceived sleep quality (lower subjective sleep quality, longer time taken to fall asleep at night, more use of sleep medication for improving sleep quality) during home quarantine. Home quarantine due to COVID-19 pandemic has a detrimental impact on sleep quality. Online interventions including self-help sleep programs, stress management, relaxation practices, stimulus control, sleep hygiene, and mindfulness training are available interventions in the current situation

    Pilot-Scale Investigation of Forward/Reverse Osmosis Hybrid System for Seawater Desalination Using Impaired Water from Steel Industry

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    This paper was focused on the investigation of a forward osmosis- (FO-) reverse osmosis (RO) hybrid process to cotreat seawater and impaired water from steel industry. By using this hybrid process, seawater can be diluted before desalination, hence reducing the energy cost of desalination, and simultaneously contaminants present in the impaired water are prevented from migrating into the product water through the FO and RO membranes. The main objective of this work was to investigate on pilot-scale system the performance of the combined FO pretreatment and RO desalination hybrid system and specifically its effects on membrane fouling and overall solute rejection. Firstly, optimization of the pilot-scale FO process to obtain the most suitable and stable operating conditions for practical application was investigated. Secondly, pilot-scale RO process performance as a posttreatment to FO process was evaluated in terms of water flux and rejection. The results indicated that the salinity of seawater reduced from 35000 to 13000 mg/L after 3 hrs using FO system, while after 6 hrs it approached 10000 mg/L. Finally, FO/RO system was tested on continuous operation for 15 hrs and it was demonstrated that no pollutant was detected neither in draw solution nor in RO permeate after the end of operating time

    Risk Factors Associated With Hip Fractures among Adult People in Babylon City, Iraq

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    BACKGROUND: The fractures of hip joint considered as a serious problem in public health in the medical and socioeconomic issues, the incidence of the fracture neck femur is significantly increased with the increment of general population life span. AIM: The goal of this study is to highlight and focus on the most important risk factor for the hip fractures in our Babylon society, and to improve our understanding of the medical and social aspects of these predisposing factors. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A case-control study of older adults (above 60 years old). The study was done on tow samples. First, one consisting of 75 cases those having fracture neck femur considered as cases, and second sample as a control group, consisting of 150 people as a healthy control group having no fracture. A pre-tested questionnaire was prepared to collect data from both samples; the questionnaire included demographic data and information about potential risk factors of hip fracture. RESULTS: Most of the people in the study samples in both groups were, married women, housekeepers, illiterate and from urban dwellers. There was highly significant association between case-control groups regarding, Continuous using of medication such as cortisone which was found to be a potential risk factor of hip fracture (Unadjusted OR = 3.636), low income was positively associated risk factor of hip fracture in this study (OR = 2.377), low milk intake, low sun exposure, tobacco smoking were positively associated with this health problem (OR = 1.794), while physical exercise was protective factor (OR = 0.489). CONCLUSION: The highest risk factors associated with increased occurrence of hip fracture were using cortisone, Osteoporosis, tobacco smoking, consuming soft drinks, and less exposure to sunlight