41 research outputs found


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    Weight reductions, the use of natural materials, and ease of disposal are signs of environmental friendliness in building structures. This article studies designs with indicated features. It also pro-vides the results of experimental studies of U-shaped reinforced concrete frames with pre-stressed reinforcement in posts and beam-column. The specific features of the frame construction are linear pre-stressed wire-rope reinforcement, connections of beam-column joint with a post, and connec-tions with pre-cast reinforced concrete units bearing the moment of flection with foundation mat. The authors analyze the results of measuring the deformation capacity of such connections and their displacement due to vertical deal load

    Arrangement of industrial laboratory control as a stage of occupational risk assessment

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    The analysis of a number of enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region was carried out. It was performed in the scope of an industrial laboratory control of working conditions. The drawbacks affect the assurance of an occupational risk assessment system with the necessary and reliable dataПроведен анализ организации производственного лабораторного контроля за условиями труда на ряде предприятий Свердловской области. Выявлены основные недостатки, влияющие на обеспечение системы оценки профессионального риска необходимой и достоверной информацие


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    Purpose: to study methods of prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in oncologic patients.Materials and methods: results of treatment of 92 patients with various options of an abdominal cancer were analysed. 43 patients (I group) received low-molecular-weight heparin (LMWH) as agent of anticoagulant prevention (enoxaparin 40 mg subcutaneuosly per day for 10 days). The 2nd group was presented by 49 patients, not received anticoagulant therapy. Coagulation profiles, D-dimers and liver function tests were studied.Results: in I group popliteal vein thrombosis was revealed in 2 (4,7%) cases. In two patients (4,7%) varicothromboflebitis was revealed. In 2nd group femoropopliteal thrombosis was diagnosed in 5 patients (10,2%) and thrombosis of superficial veins of lower extremities in 3 patients (6,1%).Summary: it is more preferable to use LMWH for prevention of VTE. An adequate laboratory control in such patients and selection of an individual dose depends on results of APTT (activated partial thromboplastin time). Especially it concerns to patients with metastatic liver cancer and another groups of high-risk cancer patients

    Synthesising dispersed powders of CoZn ferrites for microwave absorption

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    An important task of chemical materials science is to obtain materials with set parameters and to provide a reliable prediction of their properties. At the moment, an important task is to develop promising absorbing coatings based on dispersed magnetic materials. To ensure more effective use of dispersed powders of cobalt-zinc ferrite for fillers absorbing microwave radiation, we studied the changes in their magnetic properties and morphology depending on the conditions of the sol-gel synthesis. In our study, we synthesised Co0.65Zn0.35Fe2O4 ferrite powders of various degree of dispersion using the sol-gel method. The samples were analysed using X-ray diffractometry. The microstructure and the morphology of the nanoparticles were studied by means of scanning electron microscopy. The ratio of the concentration of metal atoms in ferrite powders and the features of their distribution on the surface of the particles were determined by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy. Magnetometry was used to determine the specific saturation magnetization and the coercive force. The study demonstrated that the main factor resulting in low values of the saturation magnetization of the cobalt ferrite nanopaticles is the formation of the magnetic dead layer on their surface. This layer is formed due to a number of factors including noncollinearity of spins, disordering of cations, defectiveness, amorphous state, and the difference in the composition occurring because the processes of reciprocal diffusion of cations during and the formation of the spinel structure during the synthesis are not complete. The study determined the ways to reduce the size of the inactive magnetic layer by controlling the parameters of the solgel synthesis in order to find effective methods of obtaining ferrite powders with increased magnetization, degree of crystallinity and the intermediate particles size between a superparamagnetic and a multidomain state. Such materials can be used as fillers for coating absorbing microwave radiation

    Endoscopic surgery of pituitary adenomas. Historical overview

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    Over the past century pituitary surgery has undergone multiple revolutions in surgical technique and technological advancements that have resulted in what is now recognized as modern transsphenoidal surgery. Although the procedure is well established in the current neurosurgical literature, the historical maze that led to its development continues to be of interest because it allows us to appreciate better the unique contributions made by the pioneers of the technique as well as the innovative spirit that continues to fuel neurosurgery

    Treatment of intraoperative nasal cerebrospinal fluid leak of patients with hormone active pituitary adenomas

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    Intraoperative nasal cerebrospinal fluid leak are common during the transnasal transsphenoidal interven tions. In certain cases, it is a feature of these interventions. However, its amplification needs a mandatory treatment. In this article, we describe the technique for closure dural defects that have developed during the transnasal removal of hormone active pituitary adenomas, using thrombin and fibrinogen containing colla genic sponge

    Принципы построения систем принятия решений на основе интеграции нейросетевых и семантических моделей

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    This article reviews the benefits of integration neural network and semantic models for building decision-making systems. There purposed an approach to the integration of artificial neural networks with knowledge bases by inputs and outputs and the specification of these networks in the knowledge base using the ontology of the respective subject domains. The proposed approach is considered on the real production problem of JSC "Savushkin Product" for quality control of marking on products

    A new method for preparing carbenes

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