1,578 research outputs found

    Dark Energy and the Hubble Age

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    I point out that an effective upper limit of approximately 20 Gyr (for a Hubble constant of 72 km/s/Mpc) or alternatively on the H0H_0-independent quantity H0t0<1.47H_0t_0 < 1.47, exists on the age of the Universe, essentially independent of the unknown equation of state of the dominant dark energy component in the Universe. Unless astrophysical constraints on the age of the Universe can convincingly reduce the upper limit to below this value no useful lower limit on the equation of state parameter ww for this component can be obtained. Direct dating by stars does not provide a useful constraint, but model-dependent cosmological limits from supernovae and the CMB observations may. For a constant value of ww, a bound H0t01.5H_0t_0 -1.5Comment: 4 pages, submitted to Ap. J. Lett (analytic asymptotic upper bound now added

    Structure in a Loitering Universe

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    We study the formation of structure for a universe that undergoes a recent loitering phase. We compare the nonlinear mass distribution to that in a standard, matter dominated cosmology. The statistical aspects of the clustered matter are found to be robust to changes in the expansion law, an exception being that the peculiar velocities are lower by a factor of 3\sim 3 in the loitering model. Further, in the loitering scenario, nonlinear growth of perturbation occurs more recently (z35z\sim 3-5) than in the matter dominated case. Differences in the high redshift appearances of the two models will result but observable consequences depend critically on the chosen form, onset and duration of the loitering phase.Comment: 8 pages, (uses revtex.sty), 5 figures not included, available on request, UM AC 92-

    The Effects of Clumping and Substructure on ICM Mass Measurements

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    We examine an ensemble of 48 simulated clusters to determine the effects of small-scale density fluctuations and large-scale substructure on X-ray measurements of the intracluster medium (ICM) mass. We measure RMS density fluctuations in the ICM which can be characterized by a mean mass-weighted clumping factor C = /^2 between 1.3 and 1.4 within a density contrast of 500 times the critical density. These fluctuations arise from the cluster history of accretion shocks and major mergers, and their presence enhances the cluster's luminosity relative to the smooth case. We expect, therefore, that ICM mass measurements utilizing models which assume uniform density at a given radius carry a bias of order sqrt(C) = 1.16. We verify this result by performing ICM mass measurements on X-ray images of the simulations and finding the expected level of bias. The varied cluster morphologies in our ensemble also allow us to investigate the effects of departures from spherical symmetry on our measurements. We find that the presence of large-scale substructure does not further bias the resulting gas mass unless it is pronounced enough to produce a second peak in the image of at least 1% the maximum surface brightness. We analyze the subset of images with no secondary peaks and find a bias of 9% and a Gaussian random error of 4% in the derived mass.Comment: To appear in ApJ

    Velocity bias in a LCDM model

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    We use N-body simulations to study the velocity bias of dark matter halos, the difference in the velocity fields of dark matter and halos, in a flat low- density LCDM model. The high force, 2kpc/h, and mass, 10^9Msun/h, resolution allows dark matter halos to survive in very dense environments of groups and clusters making it possible to use halos as galaxy tracers. We find that the velocity bias pvb measured as a ratio of pairwise velocities of the halos to that of the dark matter evolves with time and depends on scale. At high redshifts (z ~5) halos move generally faster than the dark matter almost on all scales: pvb(r)~1.2, r>0.5Mpc/h. At later moments the bias decreases and gets below unity on scales less than r=5Mpc/h: pvb(r)~(0.6-0.8) at z=0. We find that the evolution of the pairwise velocity bias follows and probably is defined by the spatial antibias of the dark matter halos at small scales. One-point velocity bias b_v, defined as the ratio of the rms velocities of halos and dark matter, provides a more direct measure of the difference in velocities because it is less sensitive to the spatial bias. We analyze b_v in clusters of galaxies and find that halos are ``hotter'' than the dark matter: b_v=(1.2-1.3) for r=(0.2-0.8)r_vir, where r_vir is the virial radius. At larger radii, b_v decreases and approaches unity at r=(1-2)r_vir. We argue that dynamical friction may be responsible for this small positive velocity bias b_v>1 found in the central parts of clusters. We do not find significant difference in the velocity anisotropy of halos and the dark matter. The dark matter the velocity anisotropy can be approximated as beta(x)=0.15 +2x/(x^2+4), where x is measured in units of the virial radius.Comment: 13 pages, Latex, AASTeXv5 and natbi

    Mass Estimates of X-Ray Clusters

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    We use cosmological gas dynamic simulations to investigate the accuracy of galaxy cluster mass estimates based on X-ray observations. The experiments follow the formation of clusters in different cosmological models and include the effects of gravity, pressure gradients, and hydrodynamical shocks. A subset of our ensemble also allows for feedback of mass and energy from galactic winds into the intracluster medium. We find that mass estimates based on the hydrostatic, isothermal beta-model are remarkably accurate when evaluated at radii where the cluster mean density is between 500-2500 times the critical density. Applied to 174 artificial ROSAT images constructed from the simulations, the distribution of the estimated-to-true mass ratio is nearly unbiased and has a standard deviation of 14-29%. The scatter can be considerably reduced (to 8-15%) by using an alternative mass estimator that exploits the tightness of the mass-temperature relation found in the simulations. The improvement over beta-model estimates is due to the elimination of the variance contributed by the gas outer slope parameter. We discuss these findings and their implications for recent measurements of cluster baryon fractions.Comment: TeX, 24p; 11 Postscript figs. Submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Gravitational Lensing Limits on the Average Redshift of Submillimeter Sources

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    The submillimeter universe has now been explored with the Submillimeter Common User Bolometer Array (SCUBA) camera on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope, and a claim has been made to the presence of a new population of optically unidentified starforming galaxies at high redshifts (z \gtrsim 3). Such a population dramatically alters current views on the star formation history of the universe as well as galaxy formation and evolution. Recently, new radio identifications of the Hubble Deep Field submm sources have led to the suggestion that some of these sources are at low redshifts, however, submm source redshift distribution is still not well determined. Here, we present an upper limit to the average redshift by comparing the expected number of gravitationally lensed submm sources due to foreground cluster potentials to current observed statistics of such lensed sources. The upper limit depends on the cosmological parameters, and at the 68% confidence level, < 3.1, 4.8, 5.2, or 8.0 for (Omega,Lambda) values of (0.3,0.7), (0.5,0.5), (0.3,0.0) or (1.0,0.0) respectively. These upper limits are consistent with redshift distribution for 850 micron sources implied by starformation history models based on measured background radiation at far-infrared and submm wavelengths.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters (4 pages, including 1 table

    Red Sequence Cluster Finding in the Millennium Simulation

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    We investigate halo mass selection properties of red-sequence cluster finders using galaxy populations of the Millennium Simulation (MS). A clear red sequence exists for MS galaxies in massive halos at redshifts z < 1, and we use this knowledge to inform a cluster-finding algorithm applied to 500 Mpc/h projections of the simulated volume. At low redshift (z=0.4), we find that 90% of the clusters found have galaxy membership dominated by a single, real-space halo, and that 10% are blended systems for which no single halo contributes a majority of a cluster's membership. At z=1, the fraction of blends increases to 22%, as weaker redshift evolution in observed color extends the comoving length probed by a fixed range of color. Other factors contributing to the increased blending at high-z include broadening of the red sequence and confusion from a larger number of intermediate mass halos hosting bright red galaxies of magnitude similar to those in higher mass halos. Our method produces catalogs of cluster candidates whose halo mass selection function, p(M|\Ngal,z), is characterized by a bimodal log-normal model with a dominant component that reproduces well the real-space distribution, and a redshift-dependent tail that is broader and displaced by a factor ~2 lower in mass. We discuss implications for X-ray properties of optically selected clusters and offer ideas for improving both mock catalogs and cluster-finding in future surveys.Comment: final version to appear in MNRAS. Appendix added on purity and completeness, small shift in red sequence due to correcting an error in finding i

    Gravitational Lensing as a Probe of Quintessence

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    A large number of cosmological studies now suggest that roughly two-thirds of the critical energy density of the Universe exists in a component with negative pressure. If the equation of state of such an energy component varies with time, it should in principle be possible to identify such a variation using cosmological probes over a wide range in redshift. Proper detection of any time variation, however, requires cosmological probes beyond the currently studied range in redshift of \sim 0.1 to 1. We extend our analysis to gravitational lensing statistics at high redshift and suggest that a reliable sample of lensed sources, out to a redshift of \sim 5, can be used to constrain the variation of the equation of state, provided that both the redshift distribution of lensed sources and the selection function involved with the lensed source discovery process are known. An exciting opportunity to catalog an adequate sample of lensed sources (quasars) to probe quintessence is now available with the ongoing Sloan Digital Sky Survey. Writing w(z)w0+z(dw/dz)0w(z)\approx w_0 + z (dw/dz)_0, we study the expected accuracy to which the equation of state today w0w_0 and its rate of change (dw/dz)0(dw/dz)_0 can simultaneously be constrained. Such a determination can rule out some missing-energy candidates, such as classes of quintessence models or a cosmological constant.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letters (4 pages, including 4 figures

    The X-ray Size-Temperature Relation for Intermediate Redshift Galaxy Clusters

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    We present the first measurements of the X-ray size-temperature (ST) relation in intermediate redshift (z~0.30) galaxy clusters. We interpret the local ST relation (z~0.06) in terms of underlying scaling relations in the cluster dark matter properties, and then we use standard models for the redshift evolution of those dark matter properties to show that the ST relation does not evolve with redshift. We then use ROSAT HRI observations of 11 clusters to examine the intermediate redshift ST relation; for currently favored cosmological parameters, the intermediate redshift ST relation is consistent with that of local clusters. Finally, we use the ST relation and our evolution model to measure angular diameter distances; with these 11 distances we evaluate constraints on Omega_M and Omega_L which are consistent with those derived from studies of Type Ia supernovae. The data rule out a model with Omega_M=1 and Omega_L=0 with 2.5 sigma confidence. When limited to models where Omega_M+Omega_L=1, these data are inconsistent with Omega_M=1 with 3 sigma confidence.Comment: ApJ: submitted April 7, accepted June 28, to appear Dec 1 (vol 544