82,631 research outputs found

    Room-temperature InAs0.89Sb0.11 photodetectors for CO detection at 4.6 mu m. .

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    An InAs0.89Sb0.11 photovoltaic detector that operates at room temperature in the 2.5-5 mu m mid-infrared wavelength region is reported. The photodiode has an extended spectral response compared with other currently available III-V room-temperature detectors. In order to accommodate the large lattice mismatch between the InAs0.89Sb0.11 active region and the InAs substrate, a buffer layer with an intermediate composition was introduced into the structure. In this way, we obtained room-temperature photodiodes with a cutoff wavelength near 5 mu m, a peak responsivity of 0.8 A/W, and a detectivity of 1.26 x 10(9) cm Hz(1/2)/W. These devices could be effectively used as the basis of an optical sensor for the environmental monitoring of carbon monoxide at 4.6 mu m, or as a replacement for PbSe photoconductors. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0003-6951(00)02332-9]

    Constricted channel flow with different cross-section shapes

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    Pressure driven steady flow through a uniform circular channel containing a constricted portion is a common problem considering physiological flows such as underlying human speech sound production. The influence of the constriction’s cross-section shape (circle, ellipse, circular sector) on the flow within and downstream from the constriction is experimentally quantified. An analytical boundary layer flow model is proposed which takes into account the hydraulic diameter of the cross-section shape. Comparison of the model outcome with experimental and three-dimensional numerically simulated flow data shows that the pressure distribution within the constriction can be modeled accurately so that the model is of interest for analytical models of fluid–structure interaction without the assumption of two-dimensional flow

    Description of Charged Particle Pseudorapidity Distributions in Pb+Pb Collisions with Tsallis Thermodynamics

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    The centrality dependence of pseudorapidity distributions for charged particles produced in Au+Au collisions at sNN=130\sqrt{s_{NN}}=130 GeV and 200 GeV at RHIC, and in Pb+Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{NN}}=2.76 TeV at LHC are investigated in the fireball model, assuming that the rapidity axis is populated with fireballs following one distribution function. We assume that the particles in the fireball fulfill the Tsallis distribution. The theoretical results are compared with the experimental measurements and a good agreement is found. Using these results, the pseudorapidity distributions of charged particles produced in Pb+Pb central collisions at sNN=5.02\sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.02 TeV and 10 TeV are predicted.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    Holistic Influence Maximization: Combining Scalability and Efficiency with Opinion-Aware Models

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    The steady growth of graph data from social networks has resulted in wide-spread research in finding solutions to the influence maximization problem. In this paper, we propose a holistic solution to the influence maximization (IM) problem. (1) We introduce an opinion-cum-interaction (OI) model that closely mirrors the real-world scenarios. Under the OI model, we introduce a novel problem of Maximizing the Effective Opinion (MEO) of influenced users. We prove that the MEO problem is NP-hard and cannot be approximated within a constant ratio unless P=NP. (2) We propose a heuristic algorithm OSIM to efficiently solve the MEO problem. To better explain the OSIM heuristic, we first introduce EaSyIM - the opinion-oblivious version of OSIM, a scalable algorithm capable of running within practical compute times on commodity hardware. In addition to serving as a fundamental building block for OSIM, EaSyIM is capable of addressing the scalability aspect - memory consumption and running time, of the IM problem as well. Empirically, our algorithms are capable of maintaining the deviation in the spread always within 5% of the best known methods in the literature. In addition, our experiments show that both OSIM and EaSyIM are effective, efficient, scalable and significantly enhance the ability to analyze real datasets.Comment: ACM SIGMOD Conference 2016, 18 pages, 29 figure

    Photoinduced Electron Pairing in a Driven Cavity

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    We demonstrate how virtual scattering of laser photons inside a cavity via two-photon processes can induce controllable long-range electron interactions in two-dimensional materials. We show that laser light that is red (blue) detuned from the cavity yields attractive (repulsive) interactions whose strength is proportional to the laser intensity. Furthermore, we find that the interactions are not screened effectively except at very low frequencies. For realistic cavity parameters, laser-induced heating of the electrons by inelastic photon scattering is suppressed and coherent electron interactions dominate. When the interactions are attractive, they cause an instability in the Cooper channel at a temperature proportional to the square root of the driving intensity. Our results provide a novel route for engineering electron interactions in a wide range of two-dimensional materials including AB-stacked bilayer graphene and the conducting interface between LaAlO3 and SrTiO3

    A laser-driven target of high-density nuclear polarized hydrogen gas

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    We report the best figure-of-merit achieved for an internal nuclear polarized hydrogen gas target and a Monte Carlo simulation of spin-exchange optical pumping. The dimensions of the apparatus were optimized using the simulation and the experimental results were in good agreement with the simulation. The best result achieved for this target was 50.5% polarization with 58.2% degree of dissociation of the sample beam exiting the storage cell at a hydrogen flow rate of 1.1×10181.1\times 10^{18} atoms/s.Comment: Accepted as a Rapid Communication article in Phys. Rev.


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    Seasonal price premiums have been proposed as a means of dampening the highly seasonal patterns of milk production in Florida. A Markov decision bio-economic model of the breeding and replacement decisions was solved via stochastic dynamic programming and used to analyze the potential supply response to seasonal price premiums. The results of the analysis suggest that the seasonal milk supply in Florida is highly price inelastic.Demand and Price Analysis,

    Water-soluble SOA from Alkene ozonolysis: composition and droplet activation kinetics inferences from analysis of CCN activity

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    Cloud formation characteristics of the water-soluble organic fraction (WSOC) of secondary organic aerosol (SOA) formed from the ozonolysis of alkene hydrocarbons (terpinolene, 1-methlycycloheptene and cycloheptene) are studied. Based on size-resolved measurements of CCN activity (of the pure and salted WSOC samples) we estimate the average molar volume and surface tension depression associated with the WSOC using Köhler Theory Analysis (KTA). Consistent with known speciation, the results suggest that the WSOC are composed of low molecular weight species, with an effective molar mass below 200 g mol^(−1). The water-soluble carbon is also surface-active, depressing surface tension 10–15% from that of pure water (at CCN-relevant concentrations). The inherent hygroscopicity parameter, κ, of the WSOC ranges between 0.17 and 0.25; if surface tension depression and molar volume effects are considered in κ, a remarkably constant "apparent" hygroscopicity ~0.3 emerges for all samples considered. This implies that the volume fraction of soluble material in the parent aerosol is the key composition parameter required for prediction of the SOA hygroscopicity, as shifts in molar volume across samples are compensated by changes in surface tension. Finally, using "threshold droplet growth analysis", the water-soluble organics in all samples considered do not affect CCN activation kinetics

    Depinning exponents of the driven long-range elastic string

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    We perform a high-precision calculation of the critical exponents for the long-range elastic string driven through quenched disorder at the depinning transition, at zero temperature. Large-scale simulations are used to avoid finite-size effects and to enable high precision. The roughness, growth, and velocity exponents are calculated independently, and the dynamic and correlation length exponents are derived. The critical exponents satisfy known scaling relations and agree well with analytical predictions.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Simultaneous eigenstates of the number-difference operator and a bilinear interaction Hamiltonian derived by solving a complex differential equation

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    As a continuum work of Bhaumik et al who derived the common eigenvector of the number-difference operator Q and pair-annihilation operator ab (J. Phys. A9 (1976) 1507) we search for the simultaneous eigenvector of Q and (ab-a^{+}b^{+}) by setting up a complex differential equation in the bipartite entangled state representation. The differential equation is then solved in terms of the two-variable Hermite polynomials and the formal hypergeometric functions. The work is also an addendum to Mod. Phys. Lett. A 9 (1994) 1291 by Fan and Klauder, in which the common eigenkets of Q and pair creators are discussed