72 research outputs found


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    Epidemiological and virological investigations were carried out during an outbreak of Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) in Afghan (Bulkhi) sheep in Pakistan. The overall morbidity, mortality and case fatality rates were 41.0, 1.2 and 3.0%, respectively. The epidemic curve was plotted and the values for basic reproductive number (R0) and herd immunity threshold (HIT) for the affected flock were estimated to be 6.85 and 85.4%, respectively. The morbid material analysis by immuno-capture ELISA (Ic-ELISA) and haemagglutination assay (HA) revealed the presence of PPR virus. The PPR virus was isolated and identified through cytopathic effects, Ic-ELISA and transmission electron microscopy (TEM)


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    Epidemiology of a respiratory syndrome was studied at Landhi Dairy Colony (LDC), Karachi, Pakistan and its economic impact was estimated. Among 5889 buffaloes examined, 2.3% animals were suffering from this syndrome. From some of the sick animals, Pasteurella multocida, the causative agent of haemorrhagic septicaemia, was isolated. In the present study, an average loss of Rs. 0.2 million per farm was calculated and the extrapolated values for 0.2 and 0.8 million animals present in LDC and other dairy colonies in Karachi were Rs. 225.6 and Rs. 1128.1 million, respectively

    Multi-scale computational homogenisation to predict the long-term durability of composite structures

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    A coupled hygro-thermo-mechanical computational model is proposed for fibre reinforced polymers, formulated within the framework of Computational Homogenisation (CH). At each macrostructure Gauss point, constitutive matrices for thermal, moisture transport and mechanical responses are calculated from CH of the underlying representative volume element (RVE). A degradation model, developed from experimental data relating evolution of mechanical properties over time for a given exposure temperature and moisture concentration is also developed and incorporated in the proposed computational model. A unified approach is used to impose the RVE boundary conditions, which allows convenient switching between linear Dirichlet, uniform Neumann and periodic boundary conditions. A plain weave textile composite RVE consisting of yarns embedded in a matrix is considered in this case. Matrix and yarns are considered as isotropic and transversely isotropic materials respectively. Furthermore, the computational framework utilises hierarchic basis functions and designed to take advantage of distributed memory high performance computing

    Pavement Testing Facility -- Design and Construction

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    DTFH61-85-C-00149The U.S. Accelerated Loading Facility (ALF), a full-scale accelerated pavement testing machine. has been installed at the Pavement Testing facility (PTF) at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (TFHRC). The report describes the design and construction of the two PTF test pavements, the materials used in their construction. and the associated pavement instrumentation and data acquisition system. The two test pavements contain hot-mix asphalt concrete with a crushed-aggregate base. The pavements were designed to carry 250.000 and 3.500.000 la-kip ESAL. Instrumentation was designed to automatically record pavement deflection. strain. temperature. surface profile, and wheel load. Software modules to acquire. reduce. and store the data in standard computer file format were developed

    Multicentre evaluation of the Boehringer Mannheim / Hitachi 911 Analysis System

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    The analytical performance and practicability of the Boehringer Mannheim (BM)/mtaci 91 analysis system have been assessed in a multicentre evaluation, which involved six laboratories from European countries. Analytes commonly used in classical clinical chemistry were tested in a core programme, which mainlyfollowed lhe ECCLS guidelines. In addition, a satellite programme covered other analytes, such as proteins, drugs and urine analytes. In total, the study comprised more than 100 000 data items collected over a three-month period. The evaluation was supported with 'Computer Aided Evaluation' (CAEv) and telecommunications. Acceptance criteria for the results were established at the beginning ofthe study. Nearly all ofthe analytes met the imprecision limits.' within-run imprecision (as CVs) was 2l/ofor enzyme and substrate assays, l%for ISE methods and 5l/o for immunoassays; between-day imprecision was 3l/ofor enzyme and substrate assays, 2o//o for ISE methods and 10% for immunoassays

    Multicentre evaluation of the Boehringer Mannheim/Hitachi 917 analysis system

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    The new selective access analysis system BM/Hitachi 917 was evaluated in an international multicentre study, mainly according to the ECCLS protocol for the evaluation of analysers in clinical chemistry. Forty-three different analytes, covering 56 different methods enzymes, substrates, electrolytes, specific proteins, drugs and urine applications were tested in seven European clinical chemistry laboratories. Additionally, the practicability of the BM/ Hitachi 917 was tested according to a standardized questionnaire. Within-run CVs (median of 3 days) for enzymes, substrates and electrolytes were <2% except for creatine-kinase MB isoform and lipase at low concentration. For proteins, drugs and urine analytes the within-run CVs were < 4% except for digoxin and albumin in urine. Between-day median CVs were generally < 3% for enzymes, substrates and electrolytes, and < 6% for proteins, drugs and urine analytes, except for lipase, creatine kinase and MB isoform, D-dimer, glycosylated haemoglobin, rheumatoid factors, digoxin, digitoxin, theophylline and albumin in urine in some materials. Linearity was found according to the test specifications or better and there were no relevant effects seen in drift and carry-over testing. The interference results clearly show that also for the BM/Hitachi 917 interference exists sometimes, as could be expected because of the chemistries applied. It is a situation that can be found in equivalent analysers as well. The accuracy is acceptable regarding a 95–105% recovery in standard reference material, with the exception of the creatinine Jaffé method. Most of the 160 method comparisons showed acceptable agreement according to our criteria: enzymes, substrates, urine analytes deviation of slope ± 5%, electrolytes ± 3%, and proteins and drugs ± 10%. The assessment of practicability for 14 groups of attributes resulted in a grading of one–three scores better for the BM/Hitachi 917 than the present laboratory situation. In conclusion, the results of the study showed good analytical performance and confirmed the usefulness of the system as a consolidated workstation in medium-sized to large clinical chemistry laboratories

    Rapid in vivo analysis of synthetic promoters for plant pathogen phytosensing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We aimed to engineer transgenic plants for the purpose of early detection of plant pathogen infection, which was accomplished by employing synthetic pathogen inducible promoters fused to reporter genes for altered phenotypes in response to the pathogen infection. Toward this end, a number of synthetic promoters consisting of inducible regulatory elements fused to a red fluorescent protein (RFP) reporter were constructed for use in phytosensing.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For rapid analysis, an <it>Agrobacterium</it>-mediated transient expression assay was evaluated, then utilized to assess the inducibility of each synthetic promoter construct <it>in vivo</it>. Tobacco (<it>Nicotiana tabacum </it>cv. Xanthi) leaves were infiltrated with <it>Agrobacterium </it>harboring the individual synthetic promoter-reporter constructs. The infiltrated tobacco leaves were re-infiltrated with biotic (bacterial pathogens) or abiotic (plant defense signal molecules salicylic acid, ethylene and methyl jasmonate) agents 24 and 48 hours after initial agroinfiltration, followed by RFP measurements at relevant time points after treatment. These analyses indicated that the synthetic promoter constructs were capable of conferring the inducibility of the RFP reporter in response to appropriate phytohormones and bacterial pathogens, accordingly.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These observations demonstrate that the <it>Agrobacterium</it>-mediated transient expression is an efficient method for <it>in vivo </it>assays of promoter constructs in less than one week. Our results provide the opportunity to gain further insights into the versatility of the expression system as a potential tool for high-throughput <it>in planta </it>expression screening prior to generating stably transgenic plants for pathogen phytosensing. This system could also be utilized for temporary phytosensing; e.g., not requiring stably transgenic plants.</p

    How to Circumvent the Two-Ciphertext Lower Bound for Linear Garbling Schemes

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    At EUROCRYPT 2015, Zahur et al.\ argued that all linear, and thus, efficient, garbling schemes need at least two kk-bit elements to garble an AND gate with security parameter kk. We show how to circumvent this lower bound, and propose an efficient garbling scheme which requires less than two kk-bit elements per AND gate for most circuit layouts. Our construction slightly deviates from the linear garbling model, and constitutes no contradiction to any claims in the lower-bound proof. With our proof of concept construction, we hope to spur new ideas for more practical garbling schemes. Our construction can directly be applied to semi-private function evaluation by garbling XOR, XNOR, NAND, OR, NOR and AND gates in the same way, and keeping the evaluator oblivious of the gate function

    Optimizing Authenticated Garbling for Faster Secure Two-Party Computation

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    Wang et al. (CCS 2017) recently proposed a protocol for malicious secure two-party computation that represents the state-of-the- art with regard to concrete efficiency in both the single-execution and amortized settings, with or without preprocessing. We show here several optimizations of their protocol that result in a significant improvement in the overall communication and running time. Specifically: - We show how to make the “authenticated garbling” at the heart of their protocol compatible with the half-gate optimization of Zahur et al. (Eurocrypt 2015). We also show how to avoid sending an information-theoretic MAC for each garbled row. These two optimizations give up to a 2.6x improvement in communication, and make the communication of the online phase essentially equivalent to that of state-of-the-art semi-honest secure computation. - We show various optimizations to their protocol for generating AND triples that, overall, result in a 1.5x improvement in the communication and a 2x improvement in the computation for that step