617 research outputs found

    Neutrino Mixing and Neutrino Telescopes

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    Measuring flux ratios of ultra-high energy neutrinos is an alternative method to determine the neutrino mixing angles and the CP phase delta. We conduct a systematic analysis of the neutrino mixing probabilities and of various flux ratios measurable at neutrino telescopes. The considered cases are neutrinos from pion, neutron and muon-damped sources. Explicit formulae in case of mu-tau symmetry and its special case tri-bimaximal mixing are obtained, and the leading corrections due to non-zero theta_{13} and non-maximal theta_{23} are given. The first order correction is universal as it appears in basically all ratios. We study in detail its dependence on theta_{13}, theta_{23} and the CP phase, finding that the dependence on theta_{23} is strongest. The flavor compositions for the considered neutrino sources are evaluated in terms of this correction. A measurement of a flux ratio is a clean measurement of the universal correction (and therefore of theta_{13}, theta_{23} and delta) if the zeroth order ratio does not depend on theta_{12}. This favors pion sources over the other cases, which in turn are good candidates to probe theta_{12}. The only situations in which the universal correction does not appear are certain ratios in case of a neutron and muon-damped source, which depend mainly on theta_{12} and receive only quadratic corrections from the other parameters. We further show that there are only two independent neutrino oscillation probabilities, give the allowed ranges of the considered flux ratios and of all probabilities, and show that none of the latter can be zero or one.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures. Minor changes, to appear in JCA

    Carbon Isotopes Near Drip Lines in the Relativistic Mean-Field Theory

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    We have investigated the ground-state properties of carbon isotopes in the framework of the relativistic mean-field (RMF) theory. RMF calculations have been performed with the non-linear scalar self-coupling of the σ\sigma meson using an axially symmetric deformed configuration. We have also introduced the vector self-coupling of the ω\omega meson for the deformed mean-field calculations. The results show that the RMF predictions on radii and deformations are in good agreement with the available experimental data. It is shown that several carbon isotopes possess a highly deformed shape akin to a superdeformation. The single-particle structure of nuclei away from the stability line has been discussed with a view to understand the properties near the neutron drip line. Predictions of properties of carbon isotopes away from the stability line are made.Comment: Revtex, 29 pages, 11 postscript figures include

    Fabrication of Isolated Iron Nanowires

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    Nanoscale interconnects are an important component of molecular electronics. Here we use X-ray spectromicroscopy techniques as well as scanning probe methods to explore the self-assembled growth of insulated iron nanowires as a potential means of supplying an earth abundant solution. The intrinsic anisotropy of a TiO2(110) substrate directs the growth of micron length iron wires at elevated temperatures, with a strong metal-support interaction giving rise to ilmenite (FeTiO3) encapsulation. Iron nanoparticles that decorate the nanowires display magnetic properties that suggest other possible applications

    Building development and roads: implications for the distribution of stone curlews across the Brecks

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    Background: Substantial new housing and infrastructure development planned within England has the potential to conflict with the nature conservation interests of protected sites. The Breckland area of eastern England (the Brecks) is designated as a Special Protection Area for a number of bird species, including the stone curlew (for which it holds more than 60% of the UK total population). We explore the effect of buildings and roads on the spatial distribution of stone curlew nests across the Brecks in order to inform strategic development plans to avoid adverse effects on such European protected sites. Methodology: Using data across all years (and subsets of years) over the period 1988 – 2006 but restricted to habitat areas of arable land with suitable soils, we assessed nest density in relation to the distances to nearest settlements and to major roads. Measures of the local density of nearby buildings, roads and traffic levels were assessed using normal kernel distance-weighting functions. Quasi-Poisson generalised linear mixed models allowing for spatial auto-correlation were fitted. Results: Significantly lower densities of stone curlew nests were found at distances up to 1500m from settlements, and distances up to 1000m or more from major (trunk) roads. The best fitting models involved optimally distance-weighted variables for the extent of nearby buildings and the trunk road traffic levels. Significance : The results and predictions from this study of past data suggests there is cause for concern that future housing development and associated road infrastructure within the Breckland area could have negative impacts on the nesting stone curlew population. Given the strict legal protection afforded to the SPA the planning and conservation bodies have subsequently agreed precautionary restrictions on building development within the distances identified and used the modelling predictions to agree mitigation measures for proposed trunk road developments

    A Pilot Study of Human Interferon beta Gene Therapy for Patients with Advanced Melanoma by in vivo Transduction Using Cationic Liposomes

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    This is a pre-copy-editing, auyhor-produced PDF of an article forpublication in JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY following peer review. The definitive publisher-authenticated version JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 38(12):849-856 (2008) is available online at 10.1093/jjco/hyn114JAPANESE JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ONCOLOGY. 38(12):849-856 (2008)journal articl

    Spectroscopic factors for bound s-wave states derived from neutron scattering lengths

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    A simple and model-independent method is described to derive neutron single-particle spectroscopic factors of bound s-wave states in A+1Z=AZn^{A+1}Z = ^{A}Z \otimes n nuclei from neutron scattering lengths. Spectroscopic factors for the nuclei ^{13}C, ^{14}C, ^{16}N, ^{17}O, ^{19}O, ^{23}Ne, ^{37}Ar, and ^{41}Ar are compared to results derived from transfer experiments using the well-known DWBA analysis and to shell model calculations. The scattering length of ^{14}C is calculated from the ^{15}C_{g.s.} spectroscopic factor.Comment: 9 pages (uses revtex), no figures, accepted for publication in PRC, uuencoded tex-files and postscript-files available at ftp://is1.kph.tuwien.ac.at/pub/ohu/Thermal.u

    Natural boundaries for the Smoluchowski equation and affiliated diffusion processes

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    The Schr\"{o}dinger problem of deducing the microscopic dynamics from the input-output statistics data is known to admit a solution in terms of Markov diffusions. The uniqueness of solution is found linked to the natural boundaries respected by the underlying random motion. By choosing a reference Smoluchowski diffusion process, we automatically fix the Feynman-Kac potential and the field of local accelerations it induces. We generate the family of affiliated diffusions with the same local dynamics, but different inaccessible boundaries on finite, semi-infinite and infinite domains. For each diffusion process a unique Feynman-Kac kernel is obtained by the constrained (Dirichlet boundary data) Wiener path integration.As a by-product of the discussion, we give an overview of the problem of inaccessible boundaries for the diffusion and bring together (sometimes viewed from unexpected angles) results which are little known, and dispersed in publications from scarcely communicating areas of mathematics and physics.Comment: Latex file, Phys. Rev. E 49, 3815-3824, (1994


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    22q11 deletion syndrome (22q11DS) frequently accompanies psychiatric conditions, some of which are classified as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder in the current diagnostic categorization. However, it remains elusive how the chromosomal microdeletion leads to the mental manifestation at the mechanistic level. Here we show that a 22q11DS mouse model with a deletion of 18 orthologous genes of human 22q11 (Df1/+ mice) has deficits in migration of cortical interneurons and hippocampal dentate precursor cells. Furthermore, Df1/+ mice show functional defects in Chemokine receptor 4/Chemokine ligand 12 (Cxcr4/Cxcl12; Sdf1) signaling, which reportedly underlie interneuron migration. Notably, the defects in interneuron progenitors are rescued by ectopic expression of Dgcr8, one of the genes in 22q11 microdeletion. Furthermore, heterozygous knockout mice for Dgcr8 show similar neurodevelopmental abnormalities as Df1/+ mice. Thus, Dgcr8-mediated regulation of microRNA is likely to underlie Cxcr4/Cxcl12 signaling and associated neurodevelopmental defects. Finally, we observe that expression of CXCL12 is decreased in olfactory neurons from sporadic cases with schizophrenia compared with normal controls. Given the increased risk of 22q11DS in schizophrenia that frequently shows interneuron abnormalities, the overall study suggests that CXCR4/CXCL12 signaling may represent a common downstream mediator in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia and related mental conditions.博士(医学)・乙1331号・平成26年3月17

    Observation by an Air-Shower Array in Tibet of the Multi-TeV Cosmic-Ray Anisotropy due to Terrestrial Orbital Motion Around the Sun

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    We report on the solar diurnal variation of the galactic cosmic-ray intensity observed by the Tibet III air shower array during the period from 1999 to 2003. In the higher-energy event samples (12 TeV and 6.2 TeV), the variations are fairly consistent with the Compton-Getting anisotropy due to the terrestrial orbital motion around the sun, while the variation in the lower-energy event sample (4.0 TeV) is inconsistent with this anisotropy. This suggests an additional anisotropy superposed at the multi-TeV energies, e.g. the solar modulation effect. This is the highest-precision measurement of the Compton-Getting anisotropy ever made.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, includes .bbl fil

    Increased circulating ANG II and TNF-α represents important risk factors in obese Saudi adults with hypertension irrespective of diabetic status and BMI

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    Central adiposity is a significant determinant of obesity-related hypertension risk, which may arise due to the pathogenic inflammatory nature of the abdominal fat depot. However, the influence of pro-inflammatory adipokines on blood pressure in the obese hypertensive phenotype has not been well established in Saudi subjects. As such, our study investigated whether inflammatory factors may represent useful biomarkers to delineate hypertension risk in a Saudi cohort with and without hypertension and/or diabetes mellitus type 2 (DMT2). Subjects were subdivided into four groups: healthy lean controls (age: 47.9±5.1 yr; BMI: 22.9±2.1 Kg/m2), non-hypertensive obese (age: 46.1±5.0 yr; BMI: 33.7±4.2 Kg/m2), hypertensive obese (age: 48.6±6.1 yr; BMI: 36.5±7.7 Kg/m2) and hypertensive obese with DMT2 (age: 50.8±6.0 yr; BMI: 35.3±6.7 Kg/m2). Anthropometric data were collected from all subjects and fasting blood samples were utilized for biochemical analysis. Serum angiotensin II (ANG II) levels were elevated in hypertensive obese (p<0.05) and hypertensive obese with DMT2 (p<0.001) compared with normotensive controls. Systolic blood pressure was positively associated with BMI (p<0.001), glucose (p<0.001), insulin (p<0.05), HOMA-IR (p<0.001), leptin (p<0.01), TNF-α (p<0.001) and ANG II (p<0.05). Associations between ANG II and TNF-α with systolic blood pressure remained significant after controlling for BMI. Additionally CRP (p<0.05), leptin (p<0.001) and leptin/adiponectin ratio (p<0.001) were also significantly associated with the hypertension phenotype. In conclusion our data suggests that circulating pro-inflammatory adipokines, particularly ANG II and, TNF-α, represent important factors associated with a hypertension phenotype and may directly contribute to predicting and exacerbating hypertension risk