163 research outputs found

    Histopathological features of Marek’s disease infections in broiler chicken in Districts of Tasikmalaya and Ciamis West Java

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    An outbreak of Marek’s disease was reported to occur in broiler chicken in Districts of Tasikmalaya and Ciamis. A total number of 58 tissues samples of broiler chicken were collected from 7 flocks of commercial broiler chicken farms in both Districts. The disease affected broiler chicken aged 17 to 24 days. Those chickens had been vaccinated to Newcastle Disease (ND) and at age of 10 days had been vaccinated to Gumboro using blended bursa of fabricius. Tissue samples were fixed in 10% of buffered neutral formalin (BNF) prior to haematoxilin and eosin (H and E) stain using standard procedures. Histopathological features show that out of 58 samples, 32 (55.2%) were infected by Marek’s Disease (19.0% were infected by Marek’s Disease, 20.1% were infected by Marek’s Disease and Gumboro, 16.1% Marek’s Disease and other infections), whereas 44.8% were infected by Gumboro alone or accompanied by other infections, ND and Colibasillosis. The study reveals that Marek’s Disease infection in broiler chicken tends to be mild i.e. infiltration of neoplastic cells (lymphoid, pleomorphic) in proventriculus, intestine, spleen, livers and bursa of fabricius. In addition to this, there were mild non-supurative inflammation in heart, lung, peripheral nerve and brain, as well as a severe demyelination in brain. It is concluded that the histopthological features confirm the diagnosis of Marek’s Disease.   Key words: Histopathology, Marek’s disease, broiler chicken, Districts of Tasikmalaya and Ciamis (West Java

    Pengaruh Temperatur Terhadap Modulus Elastisitas Dan Angka Poisson Beton Aspal Lapis Aus Dengan Bahan Pengisi Kapur

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    Temperature affects the density of asphalt concrete which will ultimately affect the performance of the asphalt concrete. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of temperature variation on the modulus of elasticity and Poisson ratio of asphalt concrete wearing course using hydrated lime as filler material. Lime content variations used in this study were 0 %, 25 %, and 50 %, with temperature of 20 °C, 30 °C, 40 °C, 50 °C, and 60 °C. The modulus of elasticity and the Poisson ratio were measured using the indirect tensile strength test. The results showed that higher temperatures decrease the elastic modulus of asphalt concrete. But the higher the temperature the higher the Poisson ratio, which means asphalt concrete mixtures become more flexible

    Analisis Faktor Eksternal dan Performance Indikator Bprs Indonesia terhadap Pembiayaan Sektor Perdagangan, Hotel dan Restoran

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    The trade, hotels and restaurants sector is one of the economic sectors that have an important role in the growth of the national economy. However, the development of trade, hotels and restaurants are still not optimal, is evidenced by the continued decline in the proportion of financing in this sector. The main problem of the trade, hotels and restaurants in Indonesia is limited access to capital and the regulatory capital faced by the microfinance sector, so that the necessary role of the banking sector one of them through the BPRS. The purpose of this study to analyze performance indicators and external factors affecting BPRS financing for trade, hotels and restaurants in Indonesia. This study uses a model of Vector Error Correction with monthly data from January 2011 to July 2016. The results showed that the BI rate, inflation, PaR and DPK significant effect on the financing of trade, hotels and restaurants, whereas no significant effect Leverage

    Pemanfaatan Hasil Pengupasan Aspal Untuk Daur Ulang Campuran Beton Aspal

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    One for maintenance and rehabilitation of roads damaged is to give a new pavement layer (overlay) on top of the old pavement. However, this method requires so much road materials (aggregates and asphalt) so that make the old pavement to be unused. This research aims to introduce one method of repair pavement that utilizing the recycled materials of the old pavement, that can be use to a new pavement, to get the physical and mechanical properties concrete mixes hot asphalt as a result of recycling of the old pavement and to get the best quality of bitumen on mix hot asphalt and concrete from the recycled of old pavement. The independent variable in this research is a variation of asphalt content 5.0; 5; 5; 6.0; 6.5; and 7%, while the addition of bitumen content variation are 0.0, 0:25, 0:50, 0.75, and 1.0% of the chunks of asphalt concrete. Results of this research, performance of the mixed concrete with the recycled asphalt (RAP) and the standard mixed, indicates that the density, the percentage of voids of the aggregate (VMA), stability, flow, marshall quotient, percentage of voids of mixture (VIM) and percentage of voids that filled with bitumen (VFB) meet the specifications of Bina Marga 2010, the Optimum Asphalt Content obtained from the Marshall test of RAP and the standard mixture each by 6.79% and 6.9%. Keywords: Recycling, Asphalt Concrete, stability, flo

    Penggunaan Bahan Anti Stripping Untuk Campuran Beton Aspal

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    This Research is Using Anti Stripping material to add roughness Asphalt Concrete mixture The purpose of this research was to obtain Marshall Properties Values On Asphalt Concrete Mixture, and determine levels of Anti Stripping Material Optimum Asphalt concrete misture based on Bina Marga spesification.Variation Asphalt content to Mixture are 5.0%; 5.5%; 6.0%; 6.5%; and Anti Stripping material variation are 0.2%; 0.3%; 0.4% to Optimum Asphalt Content.Marshall Testing Method Based on SNI 06-2489-1991.The result of Using anti stripping Material for Asphalt concrete mixture showed that with Optimum asphalt content 6% and addition of Wetfix Be 0.3% from the weight of asphalt can increase % voids mineral aggregate,% voids in material, Marshall Quotient and Marshall stability for 1.34%; 2.89%; 3.34% and 6.72%. Besides the addition of anti-stripping materials can also reduce % voids filled with bitumen (VFB), stability and fatigue of 0.82%; 2.85% and 12.72%.With the value of stability Masrshall The remaining 96.90% is a mixture of asphalt concrete has a high resistance to damage caused by the influence of water.For all characteristics confirm to specifications Marshall properties based on Specifications Asphalt concrete RSNI3 mix XXXX-2014

    Analisa Kinerja Pembangkit Turbin Gas PT Pjb Unit Pembangkitan Muara Tawar Menggunakan Generating Availability Data System

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    Tenaga listrik sudah menjadikebutuhan utama bagi masyarakat Indonesia, tetapi tidak dapat dihasilkan secara instan melainkan melalui suatu proses produksi pembangkitan energi listrik di pembangkit listrik. PT PJB Unit Pembangkitan Muara Tawar merupakan salah satu unit pembangkit di Kabupaten Bekasi dengan daya terpasang 2,062 MW, produksi listrik disalurkan melalui SUTET 500 KV ke Gardu Induk Cibatu dan Cawang. Permasalahannya adalah sering terjadi gangguan yang mengakibatkan kerugian produksi dan ketidakandalan sistem jaringan. Tujuan penelitian ini melakukan evaluasi pembangkit gas turbin dengan menggunakan Generating Availability Data System (GADS), analisis probabilitas dan reliability menggunakan distribusi weibull. Aplikasi Failure Modes Efect Analisys dilakukan untuk mendapatkan nilai Risk Prioritas Number (RPN) prioritas dan strategi pemeliharaan guna melakukan perbaikan kinerja. Hasil analisa kesiapan unit pembangkit diperoleh hasil antara 88,16 - 88,24 persen, nilai capacity factor (CF) antara 58,44 - 65,59 persen. Jumlah kegagalan gas turbin GT11 sebanyak 19 kali dan menghasilkan parameter beta sebesar 0,6096 dan eta sebesar 1133,6664; gas turbin GT 12 kegagalan sebanyak 15 kali menghasilkan parameter mean sebesar 5,6919 dan standar deviasi sebesar 2,6612; sementara kegagalan gas turbin GT 13 dengan parameter lamda sebesar 0,0003 dengan jumlah kegagalan 10 kali. Hasil analisis Pareto ditemukan lima peralatan kritikal, selanjutnya dilakukan Failure Mode Efect Analisys untuk rekomendasi pemeliharaan

    Pengembangan Modul Pemilihan Karir untuk Siswa Kelas IX SMPN 3 Babat Lamongan

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    Berdasarkan studi pendahuluan di SMPN 3 Babat Lamongan dengan menggunakan angket kebutuhan masalah siswa BK di bidang karier untuk siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama, di temukan sebanyak 38% mengenai tentang pendidikan lanjutan, 33% mengenai langkah-langkah memasuki pendidikan lanjutan, dan 33% mengenai pemahaman penyaluran bakat dan minat data tersebut diperoleh bersifat segera. Hal ini juga dipekuat data wawancara dengan Guru bimbingan dan konseling terkait tentang pemilihan Karier siswa kelas IX, Guru bimbingan dan konseling menyatakan bahwa siswa masih kebingungan dalam memilih sekolah maupun karier setelah lulus Sekolah Menengah Pertana, Melihat fenomena yang ada maka perlu mengembangkan sebuah media yang bisa memberikan informasi untuk keseluruhan siswa. Media yang dirasa sesuai adalah modul, karena pada modul dapat dipaparkan materi secara lengkap sesuai dengan kebutuhan siswa, modul memfasilitasi penggunaannya untuk belajar secara mandiri, terdapat evaluasi dan refleksi untuk mengukur pemahaman siswa, praktis digunakan karena tidak membutuhkan listrik dan dapat dibawa kemana-mana. Penelitian pengembangan modul pemilihan karier untuk siswa kelas IX SMPN 3 Babat Lamongan bertujuan untuk bisa memenuhi aspek akseptabilitas yaitu, kegunaan, kelayakan, ketepatan dan kepatutan. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan Borg and Gall. Uji validasi Ahli terdiri dari satu ahli materi, satu ahli media dan satu ahli lapangan. Sementara uji coba lapangan skala kecil terdiri dari enam siswa kelas IX. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan angket untuk menghimpun data kuantitatif dan data kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil kriteria akseptabilitas mendapatkan nilai 87% untuk ahli materi, ahli media diperoleh 80 %, ahli calon pegguna Guru Bimbingan dan Konseling diperoleh 87,12%, sementara uji calon pengguna skala lapangan kecil diperoleh nilai 83,21%, dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan media modul pemilihan Karier memenuhi kategori sangat baik tidak perlu revisi digunakan sebagai media Bimbingan dan Konseling

    Insomnia Levels In Elderly At Griya Santo Yosef And Panti Surya Before And After The Lavender Aromatherapy Treatment

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    Introduction: The process of aging that occurs in elders will decrease their physiology functions, such as their lack of sleep, both timewise and quality-wise. This situation will cause sleep problems in elders, such as insomnia. Insomnia could be treated by using both pharmacology and non-pharmacology. Lavender aromatherapy treatment is one of the nonpharmacology relaxation therapies that could help manage insomnia in older adults. Aim: Knowing the difference of insomnia levels before and after the lavender aromatherapy treatment in elders. Methods: This examination is using Quasi Experiment of the treatment group and the control group. Furthermore, the idea of this experiment is to use a pre-test and post-test control group design approach. For sample earnings, consecutive sampling technique is used by picking a sample that is qualified for inclusion criteria, and that is not included in the exclusion criteria. Thus, the minimum sample could be fulfilled. The statistics test is using a Chi-Square test. Result: The result of insomnia level before and after aromatherapy treatment using the ChiSquare analysis (p=0,000) shows that there isa difference that is due to the intervention. In the treatment group, there were 14 participants with mild insomnia and seven participants with severe insomnia. The result shows that 14 participants did not have insomnia, and seven other participants have mild insomnia. Meanwhile, the control group shows no difference in their insomnia, but decreasing in their score. Conclusion: Elders with lavender aromatherapy treatment for one week have shown declining insomnia level from severe to mild, and for the mild level of insomnia problems become cured, However, those who were given placebo shows no difference
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