202 research outputs found

    Sparkling extreme-ultraviolet bright dots observed with Hi-C

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    Observing the Sun at high time and spatial scales is a step toward understanding the finest and fundamental scales of heating events in the solar corona. The high-resolution coronal (Hi-C) instrument has provided the highest spatial and temporal resolution images of the solar corona in the EUV wavelength range to date. Hi-C observed an active region on 2012 July 11 that exhibits several interesting features in the EUV line at 193 Å. One of them is the existence of short, small brightenings "sparkling" at the edge of the active region; we call these EUV bright dots (EBDs). Individual EBDs have a characteristic duration of 25 s with a characteristic length of 680 km. These brightenings are not fully resolved by the SDO/AIA instrument at the same wavelength; however, they can be identified with respect to the Hi-C location of the EBDs. In addition, EBDs are seen in other chromospheric/coronal channels of SDO/AIA, which suggests a temperature between 0.5 and 1.5 MK. Based on their frequency in the Hi-C time series, we define four different categories of EBDs: single peak, double peak, long duration, and bursty. Based on a potential field extrapolation from an SDO/HMI magnetogram, the EBDs appear at the footpoints of large-scale, trans-equatorial coronal loops. The Hi-C observations provide the first evidence of small-scale EUV heating events at the base of these coronal loops, which have a free magnetic energy of the order of 1026 erg. © 2014. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved

    Diagnosing the time-dependence of active region core heating from the emission measure: I. Low-frequency nanoflares

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    Observational measurements of active region emission measures contain clues to the time-dependence of the underlying heating mechanism. A strongly non-linear scaling of the emission measure with temperature indicates a large amount of hot plasma relative to warm plasma. A weakly non-linear (or linear) scaling of the emission measure indicates a relatively large amount of warm plasma, suggesting that the hot active region plasma is allowed to cool and so the heating is impulsive with a long repeat time. This case is called {\it low-frequency} nanoflare heating and we investigate its feasibility as an active region heating scenario here. We explore a parameter space of heating and coronal loop properties with a hydrodynamic model. For each model run, we calculate the slope α\alpha of the emission measure distribution EM(T)TαEM(T) \propto T^\alpha. Our conclusions are: (1) low-frequency nanoflare heating is consistent with about 36% of observed active region cores when uncertainties in the atomic data are not accounted for; (2) proper consideration of uncertainties yields a range in which as many as 77% of observed active regions are consistent with low-frequency nanoflare heating and as few as zero; (3) low-frequency nanoflare heating cannot explain observed slopes greater than 3; (4) the upper limit to the volumetric energy release is in the region of 50 erg cm3^{-3} to avoid unphysical magnetic field strengths; (5) the heating timescale may be short for loops of total length less than 40 Mm to be consistent with the observed range of slopes; (6) predicted slopes are consistently steeper for longer loops

    Observation and Modeling of Coronal "Moss" With the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on Hinode

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    Observations of transition region emission in solar active regions represent a powerful tool for determining the properties of hot coronal loops. In this Letter we present the analysis of new observations of active region moss taken with the Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) on the \textit{Hinode} mission. We find that the intensities predicted by steady, uniformly heated loop models are too intense relative to the observations, consistent with previous work. To bring the model into agreement with the observations a filling factor of about 16% is required. Furthermore, our analysis indicates that the filling factor in the moss is nonuniform and varies inversely with the loop pressure

    Spectroscopic Observations of Hot Lines Constraining Coronal Heating in Solar Active Regions

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    EUV observations of warm coronal loops suggest that they are bundles of unresolved strands that are heated impulsively to high temperatures by nanoflares. The plasma would then have the observed properties (e.g., excess density compared to static equilibrium) when it cools into the 1-2 MK range. If this interpretation is correct, then very hot emission should be present outside of proper flares. It is predicted to be vey faint, however. A critical element for proving or refuting this hypothesis is the existence of hot, very faint plasmas which should be at amounts predicted by impulsive heating. We report on the first comprehensive spectroscopic study of hot plasmas in active regions. Data from the EIS spectrometer on Hinode were used to construct emission measure distributions in quiescent active regions in the 1-5 MK temperature range. The distributions are flat or slowly increasing up to approximately 3 MK and then fall off rapidly at higher temperatures. We show that active region models based on impulsive heating can reproduce the observed EM distributions relatively well. Our results provide strong new evidence that coronal heating is impulsive in nature.Comment: ApJ, 2009, in pres

    Simulated Time Lags of Hinode/XRT and SDO/AIA Lightcurves as an Indication of Loop Heating Scenario

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    The precise nature of the heating mechanism in coronal loops is still a matter of enormous research. We present the results from a 1D hydrodynamic loop simulation of a coronal loop which was run using different parameters such as loops length (50, 200 and 500 Mm), maximum temperature reached (3MK and 10 MK0, and abundances. For each scenario the model outputs were used to calculate the corresponding lightcurves as seen by XRT/Be-thin and various EUV AIA channels. The lag time between the peak of these lightcurves was computed and tested using cross-correlation and plotted as a function of loop length

    Structure of solar coronal loops: from miniature to large-scale

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    We will use new data from the High-resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) with unprecedented spatial resolution of the solar corona to investigate the structure of coronal loops down to 0.2 arcsec. During a rocket flight Hi-C provided images of the solar corona in a wavelength band around 193 A that is dominated by emission from Fe XII showing plasma at temperatures around 1.5 MK. We analyze part of the Hi-C field-of-view to study the smallest coronal loops observed so far and search for the a possible sub-structuring of larger loops. We find tiny 1.5 MK loop-like structures that we interpret as miniature coronal loops. These have length of the coronal segment above the chromosphere of only about 1 Mm and a thickness of less than 200 km. They could be interpreted as the coronal signature of small flux tubes breaking through the photosphere with a footpoint distance corresponding to the diameter of a cell of granulation. We find loops that are longer than 50 Mm to have a diameter of about 2 arcsec or 1.5 Mm, consistent with previous observations. However, Hi-C really resolves these loops with some 20 pixels across the loop. Even at this greatly improved spatial resolution the large loops seem to have no visible sub-structure. Instead they show a smooth variation in cross-section. The fact that the large coronal loops do not show a sub-structure at the spatial scale of 0.1 arcsec per pixel implies that either the densities and temperatures are smoothly varying across these loops or poses an upper limit on the diameter of strands the loops might be composed of. We estimate that strands that compose the 2 arcsec thick loop would have to be thinner than 15 km. The miniature loops we find for the first time pose a challenge to be properly understood in terms of modeling.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (Jun 19, 2013), 11 pages, 10 figure

    On the nature of spectral line broadening in solar coronal dimmings

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    We analyze the profiles of iron emission lines observed in solar coronal dimmings associated with coronal mass ejections, using the EUV Imaging Spectrometer on board Hinode. We quantify line profile distortions with empirical coefficients (asymmetry and peakedness) that compare the fitted Gaussian to the data. We find that the apparent line broadenings reported in previous studies are likely to be caused by inhomogeneities of flow velocities along the line of sight, or at scales smaller than the resolution scale, or by velocity fluctuations during the exposure time. The increase in the amplitude of Alfv\'en waves cannot, alone, explain the observed features. A double-Gaussian fit of the line profiles shows that, both for dimmings and active region loops, one component is nearly at rest while the second component presents a larger Doppler shift than that derived from a single-Gaussian fit.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures - Accepted for publication in Ap

    Hi-C Observations of an Active Region Corona, and Investigation of the Underlying Magnetic Structure

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    The solar corona is much hotter (>=10(exp 6) K) than its surface (approx 6000 K), puzzling astrophysicists for several decades. Active region (AR) corona is again hotter than the quiet Sun (QS) corona by a factor of 4-10. The most widely accepted mechanism that could heat the active region corona is the energy release by current dissipation via reconnection of braided magnetic field structure, first proposed by E. N. Parker three decades ago. The first observational evidence for this mechanism has only recently been presented by Cirtain et al. by using High-resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C) observations of an AR corona at a spatial resolution of 0.2 arcsec, which is required to resolve the coronal loops, and was not available before the rocket flight of Hi-C in July 2012. The Hi-C project is led by NASA/MSFC. In the case of the QS, work done by convection/granulation on the inter-granular feet of the coronal field lines translates into the heat observed in the corona. In the case of the AR, as here, there could be flux emergence, cancellation/submergence, or shear flows generating large stress and tension in coronal field loops which is released as heat in the corona. We are currently investigating the changes taking place in photospheric feet of the magnetic field involved with brightenings in the Hi-C AR corona. For this purpose, we are also using SDO/AIA data of +/- 2 hours around the 5 minutes Hi-C flight. In the present talk, I will first summarize some of the results of the Hi-C observations and then present some results from our recent analysis on what photospheric processes feed the magnetic energy that dissipates into heat in coronal loops