2,628 research outputs found

    The Mars ancient cratered terrain, smooth plains boundary: Implications of Viking color data for evolution of the Amenthes Region

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    The global color set compiled by the Mars Consortium was investigated. The problem of application of the martian surface color data to geologic interpretation are atmospheric contributions which increase with latitude, and the high correlation among the three color bands. In southern Amenthes the classified units show areas of possible mixing between cratered tarrain and smooth plains. It is suggested that some geologically meaningful correlation exists between surface units and the transformed color data in the Amenthes region. The knobby terrain protruding through the plains units appears to be remnants of ancient cratered terrain extending northward beneath the more youthful smooth plains

    Wrinkle ridges in the floor material of Kasei Valles, Mars: Nature and origin

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    Wrinkle ridges on Mars occur almost exclusively in smooth plains material referred to as ridged plains. One of the largest contiguous units of ridged plains occurs on Lunae Planum on the eastern flank of the Tharsis rise. The eastern, western, and northern margins of the ridged plains of Lunae Planum suffered extensive erosion in early Amazonian channel-forming events. The most dramatic example of erosion in early Amazonian plains is in Kasei Valles. The nature an origin of the wrinkle ridges in the floor material of Kasei Valles are discussed

    The NASA-JAXA Global Precipitation Measurement mission – part I: New frontiers in precipitation

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    The Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Core Observatory measuring over a mid-latitude storm. The red, white, magenta, maroon and blue lines indicate the flight path, satellite altitude, GPM Microwave Imager swath, Dual-frequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) Ku-band (KuPR) swath and DPR Ka-band (KaPR) swath, respectively. The rainfall is heaviest where red and lightest where dark blue; 3-dimensional measurements are only available from the DPR segment of the swath. Credit: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio; adapted from original image

    Reconstruction of eolian bed forms and paleocurrents from cross-bedded strata at Victoria Crater, Meridiani Planum, Mars

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    Outcrop exposures imaged by the Opportunity rover at Victoria Crater, a 750 m diameter crater in Meridiani Planum, are used to delineate sedimentary structures and further develop a dune-interdune depositional model for the region. The stratigraphy at Victoria Crater, observed during Opportunity's partial traverse of its rim, includes the best examples of meter-scale eolian cross bedding observed on Mars to date. The Cape St. Mary promontory, located at the southern end of the rim traverse, is characterized by meter-scale sets of trough cross bedding, suggesting northward migrating sinuous-crested bed forms. Cape St. Vincent, which is located at the opposite end of the traverse, shows tabular-planar stratification indicative of climbing bed forms with meter- to decameter-scale dune heights migrating southward. Promontories located between Cape St. Mary and Cape St. Vincent contain superposed stratigraphic units with northward and southward dipping beds separated by outcrop-scale bounding surfaces. These bounding surfaces are interpreted to be either reactivation and/or superposition surfaces in a complex erg sea. Any depositional model used to explain the bedding must conform to reversing northward and southward paleomigration directions and include multiple scales of bed forms. In addition to stratified outcrop, a bright diagenetic band is observed to overprint bedding and to lie on an equipotential parallel to the preimpact surface. Meter-scale cross bedding at Victoria Crater is similar to terrestrial eolian deposits and is interpreted as a dry dune field, comparable to Jurassic age eolian deposits in the western United States

    Spatial Variation in Erosion Rates in Mars Equatorial Regions Inferred from Ejecta Retention of 1-3 Km Diameter Craters

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    The modification of impact craters has long been used to infer the geomorphic forcing on Mars [1], as well as estimate the spatial and temporal variability of this erosion and gradation [e.g., 2]. Here, we studied the population of small primary craters (1-3 km) to understand differences in ejecta retention across equatorial Mars. Specifically, we evaluated whether craters in our study population had observable ejecta deposits (defined on the basis of distinct tone or texture with respect to their surroundings).This is a proxy for the resurfacing rate because only relatively fresh craters retain their ejecta deposits. More broadly, this is part of a larger project we are undertaking [3] to examine crater morphometry and other characteristics from CTX-derived digital terrain models (DTMs), augmented by qualitative observations

    Potent CRISPR-Cas9 inhibitors from Staphylococcus genomes.

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    Anti-CRISPRs (Acrs) are small proteins that inhibit the RNA-guided DNA targeting activity of CRISPR-Cas enzymes. Encoded by bacteriophage and phage-derived bacterial genes, Acrs prevent CRISPR-mediated inhibition of phage infection and can also block CRISPR-Cas-mediated genome editing in eukaryotic cells. To identify Acrs capable of inhibiting Staphylococcus aureus Cas9 (SauCas9), an alternative to the most commonly used genome editing protein Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 (SpyCas9), we used both self-targeting CRISPR screening and guilt-by-association genomic search strategies. Here we describe three potent inhibitors of SauCas9 that we name AcrIIA13, AcrIIA14, and AcrIIA15. These inhibitors share a conserved N-terminal sequence that is dispensable for DNA cleavage inhibition and have divergent C termini that are required in each case for inhibition of SauCas9-catalyzed DNA cleavage. In human cells, we observe robust inhibition of SauCas9-induced genome editing by AcrIIA13 and moderate inhibition by AcrIIA14 and AcrIIA15. We also find that the conserved N-terminal domain of AcrIIA13-AcrIIA15 binds to an inverted repeat sequence in the promoter of these Acr genes, consistent with its predicted helix-turn-helix DNA binding structure. These data demonstrate an effective strategy for Acr discovery and establish AcrIIA13-AcrIIA15 as unique bifunctional inhibitors of SauCas9
