302 research outputs found

    The dynamic crossover in water does not require bulk water

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    Many of the anomalous properties of water may be explained by invoking a second critical point that terminates the coexistence line between the low- and high-density amorphous states in the liquid. Direct experimental evidence of this point, and the associated polyamorphic liquid–liquid transition, is elusive as it is necessary for liquid water to be cooled below its homogeneous-nucleation temperature. To avoid crystallization, water in the eutectic LiCl solution has been studied but then it is generally considered that “bulk” water cannot be present. However, recent computational and experimental studies observe cooperative hydration in which case it is possible that sufficient hydrogen-bonded water is present for the essential characteristics of water to be preserved. For femtosecond optical Kerr-effect and nuclear magnetic resonance measurements, we observe in each case a fractional Stokes–Einstein relation with evidence of the dynamic crossover appearing near 220 K and 250 K respectively. Spectra obtained in the glass state also confirm the complex nature of the hydrogen-bonding modes reported for neat room-temperature water and support predictions of anomalous diffusion due to “worm-hole” structure

    Dielectric spectroscopy of water at low frequencies: The existence of an isopermitive point

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    We have studied the real part of the dielectric constant of water from 100 Hz to 1 MHz. We have found that there is a frequency where the dielectric constant is independent of temperature, and called this the isopermitive point. Below this point the dielectric constant increases with temperature, above, it decreases. To understand this behavior, we consider water as a system of two species: ions and dipoles. The first give rise to the so called Maxwell-Wagner-Sillars effect, the second obey the Maxwell-Boltzmann statistics. At the isopermitive point the effect of both mechanisms in the dielectric response compensate each other.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Chem. Phys. Let

    Transitions between Inherent Structures in Water

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    The energy landscape approach has been useful to help understand the dynamic properties of supercooled liquids and the connection between these properties and thermodynamics. The analysis in numerical models of the inherent structure (IS) trajectories -- the set of local minima visited by the liquid -- offers the possibility of filtering out the vibrational component of the motion of the system on the potential energy surface and thereby resolving the slow structural component more efficiently. Here we report an analysis of an IS trajectory for a widely-studied water model, focusing on the changes in hydrogen bond connectivity that give rise to many IS separated by relatively small energy barriers. We find that while the system \emph{travels} through these IS, the structure of the bond network continuously modifies, exchanging linear bonds for bifurcated bonds and usually reversing the exchange to return to nearly the same initial configuration. For the 216 molecule system we investigate, the time scale of these transitions is as small as the simulation time scale (1\approx 1 fs). Hence for water, the transitions between each of these IS is relatively small and eventual relaxation of the system occurs only by many of these transitions. We find that during IS changes, the molecules with the greatest displacements move in small ``clusters'' of 1-10 molecules with displacements of 0.020.2\approx 0.02-0.2 nm, not unlike simpler liquids. However, for water these clusters appear to be somewhat more branched than the linear ``string-like'' clusters formed in a supercooled Lennar d-Jones system found by Glotzer and her collaborators.Comment: accepted in PR

    A Raman spectroscopic study of arsenite and thioarsenite species in aqueous solution at 25°C

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    The Raman spectra of thioarsenite and arsenite species in aqueous solution were obtained at room temperature. Solutions at constant ΣAs + ΣS of 0.1 and 0.5 mol kg(-1 )were prepared with various ΣS/ΣAs ratios (0.1–9.0) and pH values (~7–13.2). Our data suggest that the speciation of As under the conditions investigated is more complicated than previously thought. The Raman measurements offer evidence for at least six separate S-bearing As species whose principal bands are centered near 365, 385, 390, 400, 415 and 420 cm(-1). The data suggest that at least two different species may give rise to bands at 385 cm(-1), bringing the probable minimum number of species to seven. Several additional species are possible but could not be resolved definitively. In general, the relative proportions of these species are dependent on total As concentration, ΣS/ΣAs ratio and pH. At very low ΣS/ΣAs ratios we also observe Raman bands attributable to the dissociation products of H(3)AsO(3)(aq). Although we were unable to assign precise stoichiometries for the various thioarsenite species, we were able to map out general pH and ΣS/ΣAs conditions under which the various thioarsenite and arsenite species are predominant. This study provides a basis for more detailed Raman spectroscopic and other types of investigations of the nature of thioarsenite species

    G-CSFR Ubiquitination Critically Regulates Myeloid Cell Survival and Proliferation

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    The granulocyte colony-stimulating factor receptor (G-CSFR) is a critical regulator of granulopoiesis. Mutations in the G-CSFR in patients with severe congenital neutropenia (SCN) transforming to acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) have been shown to induce hypersensitivity and enhanced growth responses to G-CSF. Recent studies have demonstrated the importance of the ubiquitin/proteasome system in the initiation of negative signaling by the G-CSFR. To further investigate the role of ubiquitination in regulating G-CSFR signaling, we generated a mutant form of the G-CSFR (K762R/G-CSFR) which abrogates the attachment of ubiquitin to the lysine residue at position 762 of the G-CSFR that is deleted in the Δ716 G-CSFR form isolated from patients with SCN/AML. In response to G-CSF, mono-/polyubiquitination of the G-CSFR was impaired in cells expressing the mutant K762R/G-CSFR compared to cells transfected with the WT G-CSFR. Cells stably transfected with the K762R/G-CSFR displayed a higher proliferation rate, increased sensitivity to G-CSF, and enhanced survival following cytokine depletion, similar to previously published data with the Δ716 G-CSFR mutant. Activation of the signaling molecules Stat5 and Akt were also increased in K762R/G-CSFR transfected cells in response to G-CSF, and their activation remained prolonged after G-CSF withdrawal. These results indicate that ubiquitination is required for regulation of G-CSFR-mediated proliferation and cell survival. Mutations that disrupt G-CSFR ubiquitination at lysine 762 induce aberrant receptor signaling and hyperproliferative responses to G-CSF, which may contribute to leukemic transformation

    Productive Parvovirus B19 Infection of Primary Human Erythroid Progenitor Cells at Hypoxia Is Regulated by STAT5A and MEK Signaling but not HIFα

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    Human parvovirus B19 (B19V) causes a variety of human diseases. Disease outcomes of bone marrow failure in patients with high turnover of red blood cells and immunocompromised conditions, and fetal hydrops in pregnant women are resulted from the targeting and destruction of specifically erythroid progenitors of the human bone marrow by B19V. Although the ex vivo expanded erythroid progenitor cells recently used for studies of B19V infection are highly permissive, they produce progeny viruses inefficiently. In the current study, we aimed to identify the mechanism that underlies productive B19V infection of erythroid progenitor cells cultured in a physiologically relevant environment. Here, we demonstrate an effective reverse genetic system of B19V, and that B19V infection of ex vivo expanded erythroid progenitor cells at 1% O2 (hypoxia) produces progeny viruses continuously and efficiently at a level of approximately 10 times higher than that seen in the context of normoxia. With regard to mechanism, we show that hypoxia promotes replication of the B19V genome within the nucleus, and that this is independent of the canonical PHD/HIFα pathway, but dependent on STAT5A and MEK/ERK signaling. We further show that simultaneous upregulation of STAT5A signaling and down-regulation of MEK/ERK signaling boosts the level of B19V infection in erythroid progenitor cells under normoxia to that in cells under hypoxia. We conclude that B19V infection of ex vivo expanded erythroid progenitor cells at hypoxia closely mimics native infection of erythroid progenitors in human bone marrow, maintains erythroid progenitors at a stage conducive to efficient production of progeny viruses, and is regulated by the STAT5A and MEK/ERK pathways

    HIV-1 Vpu Neutralizes the Antiviral Factor Tetherin/BST-2 by Binding It and Directing Its Beta-TrCP2-Dependent Degradation

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    Host cells impose a broad range of obstacles to the replication of retroviruses. Tetherin (also known as CD317, BST-2 or HM1.24) impedes viral release by retaining newly budded HIV-1 virions on the surface of cells. HIV-1 Vpu efficiently counteracts this restriction. Here, we show that HIV-1 Vpu induces the depletion of tetherin from cells. We demonstrate that this phenomenon correlates with the ability of Vpu to counteract the antiviral activity of both overexpressed and interferon-induced endogenous tetherin. In addition, we show that Vpu co-immunoprecipitates with tetherin and β-TrCP in a tri-molecular complex. This interaction leads to Vpu-mediated proteasomal degradation of tetherin in a β-TrCP2-dependent manner. Accordingly, in conditions where Vpu-β-TrCP2-tetherin interplay was not operative, including cells stably knocked down for β-TrCP2 expression or cells expressing a dominant negative form of β-TrCP, the ability of Vpu to antagonize the antiviral activity of tetherin was severely impaired. Nevertheless, tetherin degradation did not account for the totality of Vpu-mediated counteraction against the antiviral factor, as binding of Vpu to tetherin was sufficient for a partial relief of the restriction. Finally, we show that the mechanism used by Vpu to induce tetherin depletion implicates the cellular ER-associated degradation (ERAD) pathway, which mediates the dislocation of ER membrane proteins into the cytosol for subsequent proteasomal degradation. In conclusion, we show that Vpu interacts with tetherin to direct its β-TrCP2-dependent proteasomal degradation, thereby alleviating the blockade to the release of infectious virions. Identification of tetherin binding to Vpu provides a potential novel target for the development of drugs aimed at inhibiting HIV-1 replication