247 research outputs found

    The effect of gear geometry on the thickness of tooth face hardened layer

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    This article describes the effect of the geometrical parameters of the standard involute and non-standard convex-concave (C-C) gearing on the thickness of the hardened layer. The thickness of hardened layer is important from the aspect of wear on gearing. In case of involute gearing is the thickness of the hardened layer defined by various authors, what is on the other hand determinated also by the standard STN 01 4686-5. In case of C-C gearing there are not available any standards, and therefore it is possible to determine the thickness of the hardened layer only by the means of modern simulation methods.В статье описывается влияние геометрических параметров стандартных эвольвентных и нестандартных выпукло-вогнутых (CC) зубчатых передач до толщины упрочненного слоя. Толщина упрочненного слоя имеет важное значение для износа зуба. В случае с эвольвентной передачей толщина слоя определяется более авторами, и также использованием стандарта STN 01 4686-5. В случае нестандартных выпукло-вогнутых (C-C) зубчатых передач нет стандартов, поэтому можно определить толщину закаленного слоя только с использованием современных методов моделирования

    Invariance of experimental observables with respect to coarse-graining in standard and many-body dissipative particle dynamics.

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    Dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) is a well-established mesoscale simulation method. However, there have been long-standing ambiguities regarding the dependence of its (purely repulsive) force field parameter on temperature as well as the variation of the resulting experimental observables, such as diffusivity or surface tension, with coarse-graining (CG) degree. Here, we rederive the temperature dependence of DPD interaction parameter and revisit the role of the CG degree in standard DPD simulations. Consequently, we derive a scaling of the input variables that renders the system properties invariant with respect to CG degree and illustrate the versatility of the method by computing the surface tensions of binary solvent mixtures. We then extend this procedure to many-body dissipative particle dynamics and, by computing surface tensions of the same mixtures at a range of CG degrees, demonstrate that this newer method, which has not been widely applied so far, is also capable of simulating complex fluids of practical interest.P.V. and J.A.E. acknowledge support of EPSRC and Johnson Matthey. P.V. acknowledges financial support from a Sir Colin Corness Bursar

    Vaginal Microorganism Pattern in Premature Rupture of Membrane: Pola Mikroorganisme Vagina pada Ketuban Pecah Dini

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    Objective: To determine the pattern of vaginal microorganisms in pregnant women and risk factors for premature rupture of membranes (PROM) in Manado.Methods: This is a case-control study. Samples was 40, divided into 20 pregnant with PROM and 20 control samples. Samples were taken from Kandou Manado Hospital and network hospitals within the inclusion criteria. Samples were taken from vaginal swab for microorganism culture.Results: The highest age distribution in the case of PROM was in the reproductive age group of 20-35 years, 19 people (95%, p = 1,000). Primiparas were dominant in the PROM were 11 people (55%, p = 0.204). The distribution of BMI mostly from the overweight and obesity groups of 11 people (55%, p = 0.527). In the PROM, 19 people (95%, p = 0.605) did not smoke. Escherichia coli was the most microorganisms in swab vaginal of PROM: 7 people  (29.17%).Conclusion: The most microorganisms found in PROM are Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae and Staphyloccocus aureus and in non-PROM are Klebsiella oxytoca, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus and Pseudomonas fluorescens. There was no relationship between BMI, age, parity, smoking, and gestational age with the incidence of PROM in this study.Keywords: PROM , vaginal microorganisms pattern,  vaginal swab.   Abstrak Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui pola mikroorganisme vagina pada kultur vaginal swab wanita hamil dan faktor risiko pada KPD di Kota Manado.Metode : Studi ini bersifat case control. Total sampling 40 sampel dibagi menjadi 20 sampel hamil dengan KPD dan 20 kontrol. Sampel diambil dari RSUP Kandou Manado dan RS jejaring yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Semua pasien dilakukan pengambilan sampel swab vagina untuk dilakukan kultur mikroorganisme.Hasil : Hasil sebaran usia pada KPD paling banyak pada usia reproduksi 20-35 tahun yaitu 19 orang (95%, p = 1,000). Primipara dominan pada KPD yaitu 11 orang (55%, p = 0,204). Hasil sebaran IMT paling banyak kelompok overweight dan obesitas yaitu 11 orang (55%, p = 0,527). Pada KPD sebanyak 19 orang (95%, p = 0,605) tidak merokok. Mikroorganisme terbanyak pada swab vagina KPD adalah Escherichia coli sebanyak 7 orang (29,17%). Kesimpulan: Mikroorganisme terbanyak pada KPD adalah Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae dan Staphyloccocus aureus dan pada non KPD adalah Klebsiella oxytoca, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus  dan Pseudomonas fluorescens. Tidak ada hubungan antara IMT, usia, paritas, merokok, dan umur kehamilan dengan kejadian KPD pada penelitian ini.Kata kunci: pola mikroorganisme vagina, ketuban pecah dini, swab vagina. &nbsp

    Understanding Customer Satisfaction through a Marketing Simulation Tool in a Postgraduate IT Class

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    The paper reviews the issue of understanding customer satisfaction by means of managing customer requirements during marketing strategy execution. For that purpose segment targeting decisions and marketing strategy adoptions through a Marketing Simulation Tool by Postgraduate IT students in four academic classes are represented. The central issue is inductively tackled from the perspective of a simulation-experience-sampled IT student, whose learning insights about the customer satisfaction causality are introduced

    Adopting E-Learning Tools into Marketing Courses to Encourage Students Experience Their Own Decision-Making Attitudes

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    The paper resumes experiential adoptions of selected e-learning tools used into the educating process of undergraduate and postgraduate classes in Marketing for a decade. Couples of specialized marketing tools that support academics into both the teacher-student interrelations offline, and the peer-to-peer interactions online are outlined. The paper review includes: a Marketing Simulation Tool, a Conjoint Analysis Module, an Operations Management Simulation, a Positioning Game. A discussion of student experiences is generated. Crucial learning outcomes are represented by means of theory acknowledgement and practice embodiment while students test their own decision-making

    Strateg-matic Approach to Service Design in Higher Education: Building an Ecosystem Frame to Deliver on Excellence in the Service Experience

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    The paper reviews some considerations of applying business ecosystem concept into the higher education's service delivery. It gives insights about how policymakers can transform the higher educational institutions (HEIs) in Bulgaria from service-to student-oriented one, and how they can improve their performance in terms of Customer/Student Perceived Value assessments. Thus, a business model canvas of an HEI is developed to reveal both "whole the picture" of the service experience and interdependence between the ecosystem design and the service value proposition to prospected student targets. Additional conceptual model is represented to track that interdependence from the perspective of perceived service quality

    Featuring Service Design Paradigm in Small-Sized Service Organisations in Bulgaria

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    The paper reviews an attempt to delineate a typical service design paradigm followed by small-sized service organizations in Bulgaria. A theoretical model of the Köln International School of Design is represented as a point of reference to conduct further marketing research. In this respect, in-depth interviews with service managers in consultancy-and-training services, meal-kit services, construction and repairs businesses, educational services are carried out. The majority of service managers acknowledge they are weakly familiar with the service design pattern. They agree they do not implement service design paradigm neither formally, nor intuitively, but are concerned to carry out design actions