228 research outputs found

    Invaded cluster algorithm for a tricritical point in a diluted Potts model

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    The invaded cluster approach is extended to 2D Potts model with annealed vacancies by using the random-cluster representation. Geometrical arguments are used to propose the algorithm which converges to the tricritical point in the two-dimensional parameter space spanned by temperature and the chemical potential of vacancies. The tricritical point is identified as a simultaneous onset of the percolation of a Fortuin-Kasteleyn cluster and of a percolation of "geometrical disorder cluster". The location of the tricritical point and the concentration of vacancies for q = 1, 2, 3 are found to be in good agreement with the best known results. Scaling properties of the percolating scaling cluster and related critical exponents are also presented.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    The Quantitative X-Ray Analysis of Bauxite. I. The System Hydrargillite-Boehmite-Goehtite-Haematite

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    A photographic X-Ray method for quantitative analysis of the main four- component system in bauxites is described. The required standard straigp.t lines are given. The use of the overl apping haematite- goehtite line (d = 2.69 A a nd d = 2.67 A resp.) is shown theoretically to be possible and is experimentally verified

    Critical behaviour of the 1D q-state Potts model with long-range interactions

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    The critical behaviour of the one-dimensional q-state Potts model with long-range interactions decaying with distance r as r(1+σ)r^{-(1+\sigma)} has been studied in the wide range of parameters 0<σ10 < \sigma \le 1 and 116q64\frac{1}{16} \le q \le 64. A transfer matrix has been constructed for a truncated range of interactions for integer and continuous q, and finite range scaling has been applied. Results for the phase diagram and the correlation length critical exponent are presented.Comment: 20 pages plus 4 figures, Late

    Bioindicative values of microfungi in starch and possible deficiencies of the new Serbian regulation on food hygiene

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    The results of tests on the presence of yeasts and molds in cornstarch [AD ‘IPOK’ Zrenjanin, 2007-2008, made at the time when previous Regulations were valid] were analyzed in terms of bioindicative values of microfungi as indicators of quality and safety of raw material or final food products. Microbiological analysis was used to detect the presence of a number of microorganisms MMI-0001, and a questionnaire was designed at the Department of Public Health in Zrenjanin town (Republic of Serbia), where the anal­yses were done, regarding the microbiological tests on starch. In order to rationalize the analyses and make them more economical, several areas of product quality control (water, food, raw materials, space) were recommended either to be excluded or regarded as optional. Thus, analysis of presence of microfungi as indicators of product quality was categorized as optional. The results obtained from this research suggest a different conclusion because the bacteria in the samples indicated ˮmicrobiologically“, namely bacteriologically, safe samples of food, while, on the contrary, the presence of some microfungi as distinct xerophilous or xerotolerant microorganisms, indicated that the food was mycologically non-safe. The obtained data are crucial for questioning the decision to exclude the earlier required (mycological) analysis of the samples (in the production of starch, or end products, etc.) and categorize such analyses in new Regulations as optional, depending on the manufacturer’s preference. Bioindicative values of microfungi as indicators of the quality of starch, clearly point to the shortsightedness of the new Regulations on food hygiene and safety, where tests on certain microorganisms (in this case, yeasts and molds) are not legally defined as mandatory, but the Law leaves manufacturers a possibility to choose (or not to choose) the testing and frequency of testing on the presence (absence) of microorganisms, which can be risky, both in the production and marketing of the finial products. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. OI-179079

    First-order transition in the one-dimensional three-state Potts model with long-range interactions

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    The first-order phase transition in the three-state Potts model with long-range interactions decaying as 1/r1+σ1/r^{1+\sigma} has been examined by numerical simulations using recently proposed Luijten-Bl\"ote algorithm. By applying scaling arguments to the interface free energy, the Binder's fourth-order cumulant, and the specific heat maximum, the change in the character of the transition through variation of parameter σ\sigma was studied.Comment: 6 pages (containing 5 figures), to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Absence of phase coexistence in disordered exclusion processes with bypassing

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    Adding quenched disorder to the one-dimensional asymmetric exclusion process is known to always induce phase separation. To test the robustness of this result, we introduce two modifications of the process that allow particles to bypass defect sites. In the first case, particles are allowed to jump l sites ahead with the probability p_l ~ l^-(1+sigma), where sigma>1. By using Monte Carlo simulations and the mean-field approach, we show that phase coexistence may be absent up to enormously large system sizes, e.g. lnL~50, but is present in the thermodynamic limit, as in the short-range case. In the second case, we consider the exclusion process on a quadratic lattice with symmetric and totally asymmetric hopping perpendicular to and along the direction of driving, respectively. We show that in an anisotropic limit of this model a regime may be found where phase coexistence is absent.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figures, to appear in JSTA

    Correlations in Ising chains with non-integrable interactions

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    Two-spin correlations generated by interactions which decay with distance r as r^{-1-sigma} with -1 <sigma <0 are calculated for periodic Ising chains of length L. Mean-field theory indicates that the correlations, C(r,L), diminish in the thermodynamic limit L -> \infty, but they contain a singular structure for r/L -> 0 which can be observed by introducing magnified correlations, LC(r,L)-\sum_r C(r,L). The magnified correlations are shown to have a scaling form F(r/L) and the singular structure of F(x) for x->0 is found to be the same at all temperatures including the critical point. These conclusions are supported by the results of Monte Carlo simulations for systems with sigma =-0.50 and -0.25 both at the critical temperature T=Tc and at T=2Tc.Comment: 13 pages, latex, 5 eps figures in a separate uuencoded file, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Evidence of exactness of the mean field theory in the nonextensive regime of long-range spin models

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    The q-state Potts model with long-range interactions that decay as 1/r^alpha subjected to an uniform magnetic field on d-dimensional lattices is analized for different values of q in the nonextensive regime (alpha between 0 and d). We also consider the two dimensional antiferromagnetic Ising model with the same type of interactions. The mean field solution and Monte Carlo calculations for the equations of state for these models are compared. We show that, using a derived scaling which properly describes the nonextensive thermodynamic behaviour, both types of calculations show an excellent agreement in all the cases here considered, except for alpha=d. These results allow us to extend to nonextensive magnetic models a previous conjecture which states that the mean field theory is exact for the Ising one.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure