54 research outputs found

    Gene Transcription and Splicing of T-Type Channels Are Evolutionarily-Conserved Strategies for Regulating Channel Expression and Gating

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    T-type calcium channels operate within tightly regulated biophysical constraints for supporting rhythmic firing in the brain, heart and secretory organs of invertebrates and vertebrates. The snail T-type gene, LCav3 from Lymnaea stagnalis, possesses alternative, tandem donor splice sites enabling a choice of a large exon 8b (201 aa) or a short exon 25c (9 aa) in cytoplasmic linkers, similar to mammalian homologs. Inclusion of optional 25c exons in the III–IV linker of T-type channels speeds up kinetics and causes hyperpolarizing shifts in both activation and steady-state inactivation of macroscopic currents. The abundant variant lacking exon 25c is the workhorse of embryonic Cav3 channels, whose high density and right-shifted activation and availability curves are expected to increase pace-making and allow the channels to contribute more significantly to cellular excitation in prenatal tissue. Presence of brain-enriched, optional exon 8b conserved with mammalian Cav3.1 and encompassing the proximal half of the I–II linker, imparts a ∼50% reduction in total and surface-expressed LCav3 channel protein, which accounts for reduced whole-cell calcium currents of +8b variants in HEK cells. Evolutionarily conserved optional exons in cytoplasmic linkers of Cav3 channels regulate expression (exon 8b) and a battery of biophysical properties (exon 25c) for tuning specialized firing patterns in different tissues and throughout development

    Thalamic neuron models encode stimulus information by burst-size modulation

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    Thalamic neurons have been long assumed to fire in tonic mode during perceptive states, and in burst mode during sleep and unconsciousness. However, recent evidence suggests that bursts may also be relevant in the encoding of sensory information. Here, we explore the neural code of such thalamic bursts. In order to assess whether the burst code is generic or whether it depends on the detailed properties of each bursting neuron, we analyzed two neuron models incorporating different levels of biological detail. One of the models contained no information of the biophysical processes entailed in spike generation, and described neuron activity at a phenomenological level. The second model represented the evolution of the individual ionic conductances involved in spiking and bursting, and required a large number of parameters. We analyzed the models' input selectivity using reverse correlation methods and information theory. We found that n-spike bursts from both models transmit information by modulating their spike count in response to changes to instantaneous input features, such as slope, phase, amplitude, etc. The stimulus feature that is most efficiently encoded by bursts, however, need not coincide with one of such classical features. We therefore searched for the optimal feature among all those that could be expressed as a linear transformation of the time-dependent input current. We found that bursting neurons transmitted 6 times more information about such more general features. The relevant events in the stimulus were located in a time window spanning ~100 ms before and ~20 ms after burst onset. Most importantly, the neural code employed by the simple and the biologically realistic models was largely the same, implying that the simple thalamic neuron model contains the essential ingredients that account for the computational properties of the thalamic burst code. Thus, our results suggest the n-spike burst code is a general property of thalamic neurons

    Spatiotemporal characterization of rhythmic activity in rat spinal cord slice cultures

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    Rat spinal networks generate a spontaneous rhythmic output directed to motoneurons under conditions of increased excitation or of disinhibition. It is not known whether these differently induced rhythms are produced by a common rhythm generator. To investigate the generation and the propagation of rhythmic activity in spinal networks, recordings need to be made from many neurons simultaneously. Therefore extracellular multisite recording was performed in slice cultures of embryonic rat spinal cords grown on multielectrode arrays. In these organotypic cultures most of the spontaneous neural activity was nearly synchronized. Waves of activity spread from a source to most of the network within 35-85 ms and died out after a further 30-400 ms. Such activity waves induced the contraction of cocultured muscle fibres. Several activity waves could be grouped into aperiodic bursts. Disinhibition with bicuculline and strychnine or increased excitability with high K+ or low Mg2+ solutions could induce periodic bursting with bursts consisting of one or several activity waves. Whilst the duration and period of activity waves were similar for all protocols, the duration and period of bursts were longer during disinhibition than during increased excitation. The sources of bursting activity were mainly situated ventrally on both sides of the central fissure. The pathways of network recruitment from one source were variable between bursts, but they showed on average no systematic differences between the protocols. These spatiotemporal similarities under conditions of increased excitation and of disinhibition suggest a common spinal network for both types of rhythmic activity

    A Collaborative Tool to Learn Basic Cartographical Concepts

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    Abstract. In this paper we present SketchMap, a system that integrates face-to-face and distributed collaboration of primary school children. We use small-scale tablet PCs for the distributed field work and an additional normal PC with data projector for the face-to-face situation. Children use SketchMap for creating their ‘personal environment ’ map of an are

    Altered responses to dopaminergic D2 receptor activation and N-type calcium currents in striatal cholinergic interneurons in a mouse model of DYT1 dystonia

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    Early-onset torsion dystonia (DYT1) is an autosomal dominant disease caused by a deletion in the gene encoding the protein torsinA. Recently, a transgenic mouse model of DYT1 has been described, expressing either the human wild-type torsinA (hWT) or mutant torsinA (hMT). We recorded the activity of striatal cholinergic interneurons of hWT, hMT, and control mice. In slice preparations, no significant differences were observed in resting membrane potential (RMP), firing activity, action potential duration or Ih current. Quinpirole, a D2-like dopamine receptor agonist, did not produce detectable effects on RMP of cholinergic interneurons in control mice and hWT mice, but in the hMT mice caused membrane depolarization and an increase in the firing rate. D2 receptor activation inhibits N-type high-voltage-activated calcium currents. We found that, in isolated interneurons from hMT mice, the quinpirole-mediated inhibition of N-type currents was significantly larger than in hWT and controls. Moreover, the N-type component was significantly over-represented in hMT mice. The altered sensitivity of N-type channels in hMT mice could account for the paradoxical excitatory effect of D2 stimulation. Our data support the existence of an imbalance between striatal dopaminergic and cholinergic signaling in DYT1 dystonia. © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Abnormal sensitivity to cannabinoid receptor stimulation might contribute to altered gamma-aminobutyric acid transmission in the striatum of R6/2 Huntington's disease mice

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    One of the earliest neurochemical alterations observed in both Huntington's disease (HD) patients and HD animal models is the dysregulation of the endocannabinoid system, an alteration that precedes the development of identifiable striatal neuropathology. How this alteration impacts striatal synaptic transmission is unknown

    Interaction of A2A adenosine and D2 dopamine receptors modulates corticostriatal glutamatergic transmission

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    Adenosine and dopamine (DA) strongly modulate the neuronal activity in the striatum by pre- and postsynaptic mechanisms. As several behavioral and molecular studies indicate a functional antagonism between A2A adenosine and D2 DA receptors, compounds that are able to block A2A receptors are of particular interest as antiparkinsonian agents. To study the interaction of A2A and D2 receptors in the striatum, we performed intracellular recordings with sharp microelectrodes and whole-cell patch clamp recordings from spiny neurons in rat corticostriatal slices. The amplitude of the evoked excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs), as well as the frequency and the amplitude of spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSCs), were affected neither by the A2A receptor antagonists ST1535 and ZM241385, nor by the D2 receptor agonist quinpirole when applied in isolation. However, co-application of quinpirole and ST1535 or ZM241385 significantly reduced the EPSPs amplitude. This inhibitory effect was associated with an increased paired-pulse facilitation suggesting a presynaptic mechanism of action. Accordingly, whole-cell recordings showed that the concomitant activation of D2 receptors and the antagonism of A2A receptors decreased the frequency of sEPSCs without affecting their amplitude. These results suggest that A2A and D2 receptors converge in the control of corticostriatal glutamatergic transmission by exerting an opposite function