13 research outputs found

    Effective Teachers of Multilingual Learners: A Mixed-Method Study of UK and US Critical Sociocultural Teaching Practices

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    This convergent parallel mixed-method study (quan + QUAL) relies on systematic classroom observations of mainstream teachers considered highly effective with multilingual learners in the United Kingdom and the United States (N = 9). Using a critical sociocultural theoretical lens, we use an established quantitative observation rubric and lesson field notes to capture real-world teaching practices. Using deductive reasoning to merge closed- and open-ended observation data, we illuminate the features of highly effective teaching for multilingual students. Evidence demonstrates that elements of challenge in activity design and teacher presentation, prioritizing language and literacy development, and modeling, were practices with the highest consistency across countries. At the same time, other features leave room for future growth. Lesson analysis unpacked various ways teachers enact effective teaching based on country context. Despite educational policies that may conflict with strong teaching for multilingual students, linguistically responsive teachers in both countries transcend curricular and testing constraints by intentionally enacting lessons that richly scaffold learning

    A Framework for Improving the Teaching of Mathematics to Bi/Multilingual Learners

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    To teach mathematics well to bi/multilingual learners, we propose that mathematics teachers should consider the following five elements: know the content, know the language, know the learner, engage the community and assess meaningfully. This chapter defines each of these elements, explores how they are put into practice, and shares the responses of teachers who have participated in online professional development organized around each element. By approaching mathematics teaching with these elements in mind, teachers can more effectively support high levels of learning and achievement for bi/multilingual learners across levels of English proficiency and grade levels