510 research outputs found

    Voltage induced conversion of helical to uniform nuclear spin polarization in a quantum wire

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    We study the effect of bias voltage on the nuclear spin polarization of a ballistic wire, which contains electrons and nuclei interacting via hyperfine interaction. In equilibrium, the localized nuclear spins are helically polarized due to the electron-mediated Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida (RKKY) interaction. Focusing here on non-equilibrium, we find that an applied bias voltage induces a uniform polarization, from both helically polarized and unpolarized spins available for spin flips. Once a macroscopic uniform polarization in the nuclei is established, the nuclear spin helix rotates with frequency proportional to the uniform polarization. The uniform nuclear spin polarization monotonically increases as a function of both voltage and temperature, reflecting a thermal activation behavior. Our predictions offer specific ways to test experimentally the presence of a nuclear spin helix polarization in semiconducting quantum wires.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Theory of Spin Relaxation in Two-Electron Lateral Coupled Si/SiGe Quantum Dots

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    Highly accurate numerical results of phonon-induced two-electron spin relaxation in silicon double quantum dots are presented. The relaxation, enabled by spin-orbit coupling and the nuclei of 29^{29}Si (natural or purified abundance), are investigated for experimentally relevant parameters, the interdot coupling, the magnetic field magnitude and orientation, and the detuning. We calculate relaxation rates for zero and finite temperatures (100 mK), concluding that our findings for zero temperature remain qualitatively valid also for 100 mK. We confirm the same anisotropic switch of the axis of prolonged spin lifetime with varying detuning as recently predicted in GaAs. Conditions for possibly hyperfine-dominated relaxation are much more stringent in Si than in GaAs. For experimentally relevant regimes, the spin-orbit coupling, although weak, is the dominant contribution, yielding anisotropic relaxation rates of at least two order of magnitude lower than in GaAs.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Orbital and spin relaxation in single and coupled quantum dots

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    Phonon-induced orbital and spin relaxation rates of single electron states in lateral single and double quantum dots are obtained numerically for realistic materials parameters. The rates are calculated as a function of magnetic field and interdot coupling, at various field and quantum dot orientations. It is found that orbital relaxation is due to deformation potential phonons at low magnetic fields, while piezoelectric phonons dominate the relaxation at high fields. Spin relaxation, which is dominated by piezoelectric phonons, in single quantum dots is highly anisotropic due to the interplay of the Bychkov-Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit couplings. Orbital relaxation in double dots varies strongly with the interdot coupling due to the cyclotron effects on the tunneling energy. Spin relaxation in double dots has an additional anisotropy due to anisotropic spin hot spots which otherwise cause giant enhancement of the rate at useful magnetic fields and interdot couplings. Conditions for the absence of the spin hot spots in in-plane magnetic fields (easy passages) and perpendicular magnetic fields (weak passages) are formulated analytically for different growth directions of the underlying heterostructure. It is shown that easy passages disappear (spin hot spots reappear) if the double dot system loses symmetry by an xy-like perturbation.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figure

    Using the VAHIRR Radar Algorithm to Investigate Lightning Cessation

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    Accurately determining the threat posed by lightning is a major area for improved operational forecasts. Most efforts have focused on the initiation of lightning within a storm, with far less effort spent investigating lightning cessation. Understanding both components, initiation and cessation, are vital to improving lightning safety. Few organizations actively forecast lightning onset or cessation. One such organization is the 45th Weather Squadron (45WS) for the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station (CCAFS). The 45WS has identified that charged anvil clouds remain a major threat of continued lightning and can greatly extend the window of a potential lightning strike. Furthermore, no discernable trend of total lightning activity has been observed consistently for all storms. This highlights the need for more research to find a robust method of knowing when a storm will cease producing lightning. Previous lightning cessation work has primarily focused on forecasting the cessation of cloud-to -ground lightning only. A more recent, statistical study involved total lightning (both cloud-to-ground and intracloud). Each of these previous works has helped the 45WS take steps forward in creating improved and ultimately safer lightning cessation forecasts. Each study has either relied on radar data or recommended increased use of radar data to improve cessation forecasts. The reasoning is that radar data is able to either directly or by proxy infer more about dynamical environment leading to cloud electrification and eventually lightning cessation. The authors of this project are focusing on a two ]step approach to better incorporate radar data and total lightning to improve cessation forecasts. This project will utilize the Volume Averaged Height Integrated Radar Reflectivity (VAHIRR) algorithm originally developed during the Airborne Field Mill II (ABFM II) research project. During the project, the VAHIRR product showed a trend of increasing values with increases in the electric field magnitude above 3 kV/m. An extreme value analysis showed that VAHIRR values less than or equal to 10 dBZ-km showed that the probability of having an electric field magnitude larger than 3 kV/m was less than one in ten thousand. VAHIRR also was found to be sensitive at indicating anvil clouds that posed a threat of initiating a lightning flash. This project seeks to use VAHIRR to analyze its utility as a lightning cessation tool, particularly dealing with the threat posed by detached anvils. The results from this project will serve as a baseline effectiveness of radar ]based lightning cessation algorithms. This baseline will be used in the second, and concurrent work by the co ]author fs who are developing a lightning cessation algorithm based on dual ]polarimetric radar data. Ultimately, an accurate method for identifying lightning cessation can save money on lost manpower time as well as greatly improve lightning safety

    Model predictive control for multimode power-split hybrid electric vehicles: Parametric internal model with integrated mode switch and variable meshing losses

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    Model predictive control (MPC) is one of the most promising energy management strategies for hybrid electric vehicles. However, owing to constructive complexity, the multimode power-split powertrain requires dedicated mathematical tools to model the mode switch and transmission power losses within the internal model of the controller. Thus, the transmission losses are usually neglected and the mode switch is optimised through offline simulations. This paper proposes an MPC internal model relying on a parametric approach available in the literature, which provides a unique formulation for modelling any power-split transmission and assesses the transmission meshing losses. The objectives, which cover a gap in the literature, are: 1) to integrate the discrete problem of the mode switch in a continuous formulation of the internal model; 2) to compare MPC internal models with different complexity, and evaluate how the consideration of meshing losses and efficiency of the electric machines affect the controller performance. The results on a case study vehicle, i.e., the Chevrolet Volt, suggest that a simplified internal model deteriorates the fuel consumption performance by less than 2 %, while the integrated mode switch is comparable to the offline strategy

    First Record of Emys orbicularis (Boulenger, 1882), (Reptilia, Testudinati) in the “Castel di Guido” Natural Park (Northern Latium, Italy): a Case of Interest for Species Conservation

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    The finding of five specimens of Emys orbicularis (Linnaeus, 1758), (Reptilia, Testudinati) in the “Castel di Guido” Natural Park (Northern Latium, Italy), is reported. This is the first record for the species in the area, regularly monitored since 2006. It is assumed that the species has recently colonized the site through highly populated and degraded territory; the data is of conservation interest, proving the capacity of the species to cross polluted environments

    Coexistence of qubit effects

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    Two quantum events, represented by positive operators (effects), are coexistent if they can occur as possible outcomes in a single measurement scheme. Equivalently, the corresponding effects are coexistent if and only if they are contained in the ranges of a single (joint) observable. Here we give several equivalent characterizations of coexistent pairs of qubit effects. We also establish the equivalence between our results and those obtained independently by other authors. Our approach makes explicit use of the Minkowski space geometry inherent in the four-dimensional real vector space of selfadjoint operators in a two-dimensional complex Hilbert space
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