1,768 research outputs found

    Resgate e cultivo in vitro de embriões imaturos de tangerineira ?Cleópatra? (Citrus reshni Hort.).

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    A poliembrionia, um fenômeno comum a muitas espécies cítricas, limita bastante a obtenção de maior número de híbridos em programas de melhoramento genético de citros. Caracteriza-se pela presença de mais de um embrião numa mesma semente, sendo que a maioria desses embriões é de origem nucelar e dificulta a sobrevivência do indivíduo zigótico, devido à competição que ocorre entre eles.PDF. 090_11

    Evaluation and characterization of antioxidant and antigenotoxic properties of portuguese propolis

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    Propolis is a substance produced by bees (Apis mellifera L.), after harvesting exsudates of plant buds and barks, and subsequent mixing with the salivary enzyme β-glucosidase. Bees use propolis in their combs as protection, to repair damage, to build aseptic locals for the eggs of the queen, and also as a thermal insulator. The composition of propolis varies geographically, with the available flora, the time of collection and the race of the bees. Different groups of compounds can be found in propolis such as polyphenols, terpenoids, steroids and amino acids. Some of these compounds have been associated with diverse biological activities: antimicrobial, antioxidant, antigenotoxic, genotoxic and antimutagenic. Portuguese propolis has recently attracted the interest of researchers because of the opportunity for its economic valorization and the need to scientifically support the biological properties commonly assigned to samples of different origins. Thus, our objective relates to the analysis and study of Portuguese propolis, particularly in what concerns its chemical characterization and the evaluation of biological activities. A propolis ethanol extract (PEE) was made from a sample provided from an apiary (Côa) in Beira Alta and tested in different assays, using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as biological model. We have performed viability assays in pre-, co- and post-incubation conditions using PEE and 5mM hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in order to investigate the effect of PEE as antioxidant and/or protective agent against oxidative stress. The comet assay was used in pre- and co-incubation to complement the previous method and to investigate the antigenotoxicity/genotoxicity of PEE under the same conditions. Chemical analysis of the extract was made to determine total polyphenol and flavonoid contents as well as antioxidant capacity of propolis. Results show that Portuguese propolis has antioxidant capacity when assessed by DPPH and ABTS assays. Accordingly, the viability of yeast cells shocked with the oxidant agent H2O2 was improved in the presence of propolis, either in pre-incubation or in co-incubation conditions. However, when cells were analyzed by the comet assay, the antigenotoxicity of PEE was more evident in pre-incubation than in co-incubation assays. In addition, our results suggest that propolis has also a genotoxic effect in yeast cells, since cells treated only with PEE displayed more DNA damage that the untreated ones

    Changes in dimensions and zones occupied by native species of the southern rain forest in Brazil due to global climate change.

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    Edição dos abstracts do 24º IUFRO World Congress, 2014, Salt Lake City. Sustaining forests, sustaining people: the role of research


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    This study is a theoretical reflection about some aspects of the evolution of the work process at the material sterilization unit that involves the activities of nurses that participate in infection control of the hospital. It was verified that, when making a future projection of the activities in this sector at Brazilian health institutions, the technological and scientific advances for reprocessing medical devices should be considered: The ethical and legal questions, environment preservation and development of protocols adequate to the institutions’ reality, guaranteeing for health systems’ users a riskless and quality assistance.Este estudio es una reflexión teórica que aborda algunos aspectos relacionados con la evolución del proceso de trabajo en centrales de esterilización de material, donde actúan enfermeros que participan del control de las infecciones hospitalarias. Se verificó que al hacer una proyección de las actividades en este sector en el futuro en las instituciones de salud brasileñas, tomando en consideración los avances técnico-científicos en el sector de procesamiento de materiales médico-hospitalarios, deben ser considerados: los aspectos ético-legales, la no agresión al medio ambiente y el desarrollo de protocolos adecuados a la realidad de las instituciones que aseguren a los usuarios de los servicios de salud una asistencia de calidad y libre de riesgos.O estudo trata de uma reflexão teórica que aborda alguns aspectos relacionados à evolução do processo de trabalho em Centrais de Material e Esterilização que perpassa pelas atividades dos enfermeiros no controle de infecções hospitalares. Verificou-se que, ao se fazer uma projeção das atividades neste setor no futuro nas instituições de saúde brasileiras, em vista dos avanços técnico-científicos já alcançados para o reprocessamento de materiais médico-hospitalares, deve-se considerar: as questões éticas e legais, a não-agressão ao meio ambiente e o desenvolvimento de protocolos que sejam adequados à realidade das instituições, mas que assegurem aos usuários dos serviços de saúde uma assistência de qualidade e livre de riscos

    Mechanistic studies of cytotoxicity induced by a Portuguese propolis extract, using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as eukaryotic cell model

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    Propolis is a natural complex mixture produced by honey bees (particularly Apis mellifera L.) by collecting exudates from various plant sources. Characterized by a plethora of chemicals, propolis is generally rich in flavonoids, phenolic acids and terpene derivatives, bioactive compounds associated to it’s antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic and antioxidant activities1 . Previous work had shown that the ethanol extract of a sample from the Portuguese region of Beira Alta exhibited unique dual genotoxic and antigenotoxic effects using the yeast S. cerevisiae eukaryotic model2 . In this work we prepared two ethanol extracts (EE) of propolis samples from Pereiro (P) - Beira Alta - collected in 2010 (P10.EE) and 2017 (P17.EE) to investigate the mechanisms of cytotoxicity and genotoxicity using specific S. cerevisiae mutants. While P17.EE didn’t show any toxic effect, yeast cells exposed to P10.EE showed a considerable decreased viability along time, assessed by colony-forming units. Interestingly, the oxidative stress response-defective mutant yap1 was more resistant than the wild type, suggesting that this cytotoxic effect was not mediated by oxidative stress. P.EE’s genotoxicity was also analysed by the nucleus-cytosolic translocation of NHP6A protein, considered a marker of necrosis. P10.EE induced NHP6A protein translocation to the cytoplasm, observed by fluorescence microscopy, suggesting that cytotoxicity of this extract was indeed mediated by necrosis. Although P17.EE didn’t seem to induce necrotic cell death, both extracts induced plasma membrane integrity loss, assessed by flow cytometry, using propidium iodide as marker. As recently observed for erythroleukemic cells with Brazilian propolis3 , here we present the first evidence that also Portuguese propolis have necrotic-mediated cytotoxicity in yeast cellsEDER/COMPETE/POCI– Operational Competitiveness and Internationalization Programme, under Project POCI-01-0145- FEDER-006958 and National Funds by FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project UID/AGR/04033/201

    Mortars with incorporation of PCM based in different binders: mechanical and thermal behavior

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    Currently we are witnessing a huge concern of society with the parameters of comfort of the buildings and the energetic consumptions. It is known that there is a huge consumption of non-renewable sources of energy. Thus, it is urgent to develop and explore ways to take advantage of renewable sources of energy by improving the energy efficiency of buildings. The mortars with incorporation of phase change materials (PCM) have the ability to regulate the temperature inside buildings, contributing to the thermal comfort and reduction of the use of heating and cooling equipment, using only the energy supplied by the sun. However, the incorporation of phase change materials in mortars modifies its characteristics. The main purpose of this study was mechanical and thermal characterization of mortars with incorporation of PCM in mortars based in different binders. The binders studied were aerial lime, hydraulic lime, gypsum and cement. For each type of binder a reference composition (0% PCM) and a composition with incorporation of 40% of PCM were developed. It was possible to observe that the incorporation of PCM in mortars caused differences in properties such as workability, compressive strength, flexural strength and adhesion, however leads to an improvement of thermal behavior.Foundation for Science and Technology(FCT

    Distribution of Handroanthus heptaphyllus in Brazil and future projections according to global climate change.

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    In this work, we mapped the distribution of Handroanthus heptaphyllus in Brazil and projected future scenarios of climate change, using potential distribution modeling (MDP). In the first step, we mapped the climate of the current period and for future scenarios (1961-1990, 2011-2041, 2041-2070 and 2071-2100, respectively). the next step, these maps were compared to the 114 points of occurrences of the species. The climate projections were made in accordance with scenarios presented in the 4th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - AR4 / IPCC. The projections for the next decades indicate alterations in the distribution of H. heptaphyllus. Additionally, it demonstrated a significant reduction of distribution areas in the northern limit, with retreated ecological niche from latitudes south and to higher altitudes. We conclude that the preservation of H. heptaphyllus, protecting it from the climatic changes that will occur in the next decades. The BAGs with the populations this species should be established based on the same criteria for the seed collection areas, in order to maintain the similar environmental conditions and avoid the effects of undue external influences