91 research outputs found

    Media Project: Concept, Features, Aspects of Quality Management

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    The article substantiates the relevance of media design through the disclosure of the main trends in the development of the media industry: the growth of the media and entertainment industry market; the development of digital technologies. The concepts of “project”, “media”, “media project” are revealed. The interpretations of the concept of “media project” used by other authors are listed and analyzed. The main components of any project are revealed, namely the goal, deadlines and resources. The features of media projects are revealed: they can be oriented both to the market of goods and to the market of services; when developing them, it is necessary to find a balance between economic expediency and social mission; the result of a media project is that the media product is consumed in free time, that is, in leisure hours; the media product must be entertaining to some extent, due to the impact of the consumption economy; the media project is planned and implemented in conditions of: special dynamism and a high degree of uncertainty of the external environment, and also media convergences. The authors propose to introduce a new classification feature and types of media projects: “by media industry sector”: traditional, network, transmedia. The authors have identified a contradiction expressed in the fact that the quality of a media project does not guarantee the quality of a media product in a global sense — from the point of view of the intellectual development of society. The tendency of decreasing the quality of media products is revealed in detail and justified. Trends in the consumption of media products are considered: the media are becoming more and more entertaining; strengthening the primacy of the function of satisfying consumer requests before the function of education and upbringing; consumer expectations are simplified

    Literature as premonition

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    There are many examples in literature, when writers managed to predict future. The essay examines this phenomenon on the basis of the novels by Russian writers, which contain parallels and prophetic premonitions of the events in Ukraine 2013-2014, the annexation of the Crimea and warnings against the consequences of these processes. The authors of this study do not aim at passing any political judgment or answering the question "Who is to blame?" but trying instead to say that attentive reading of classic literature might help to understand the processes of nowadays and avoid tragic mistakes. The novels addressed in the essay are written respectively in XX-th and XXI-th centuries: The White Guard by Mikhail Bulgakov, The Island of Crimea by Vasily Aksyonov and Sankya by Zakhar Prilepin. Hopefully, over time these events in Ukraine will gain a comprehensive understanding and will be given a deep and objective analysis, which is hardly possible today. Meanwhile we would like to outline the message inherent in the analyzed works: written in different time periods, sometimes separated by centuries, they express the desire of their authors to draw the readers to the eternal values of the world and suggest ways of overcoming war and discord

    Biochemical variability in selected ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) germplasm accessions

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    Twenty five accessions of ginger (Zingiber officinale) germplasm were studied for variations in total free amino acids, proteins, total phenols and isozymes. Considerable variations were observed for total free amino acids, proteins and total phenols. The variability for the isozyme loci in the population was geuerally low. Dendrograms were prepared based on the average similarity of the accessions with respect to the isozyme profiles and accessions collected from the same geographical area had a tendency to cluster together. &nbsp

    N,N`-бис(триметилсилил)карбодиимид – особенности строения и реакционной способности

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    In this work results on computational modeling and calculating of the molecular and electronic structures of N,N`-bis(trimethylsiliyl)carbodiimide and of its N-methyl-substituted analog are presented. The possibility of synthesizing organosilicon oligomers based on N,N`-bis(trimethylsiliyl)carbodiimide without application of organochlorosilanes, with the use of organoalkoxy- and organoacyloxysilanes has been studied.В работе представлены данные по компьютерному моделированию и расчету молекулярных и электронных структур N,N`-бис(триметилсилил)карбодиимида и его N-метилзамещенного аналога. Изучена возможность синтеза на основе N,N`-бис(триметилсилил)карбодиимида кремнийорганических олигомеров без применения органохлорсиланов, с помощью органоалкокси- и органоацилоксисиланов

    Functional and structural analysis of predicted proteins obtained from homo sapiens' minisatellite 33.15-tagged transcript pAKT-45 variants

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    The spermatozoa are transcriptionally dormant entities which have been recognized to be an archive of mRNA, coding for a variety of functionally crucial cellular proteins. This significant repository of mRNA is predicted to be associated with early embryogenesis and postfertilization. The mRNA transcripts which are tagged with minisatellites have been involved in the regulation of the gene functions as well as their organization. However, very little information is available regarding the expression of the transcripts tagged with minisatellites in spermatozoa. Therefore, in order to understand the functions and the conformational behavior of the proteins expressed from these minisatellite-tagged transcripts, we have performed a detailed in silico analysis using the sequences of the transcripts. The protein predicted from KF274549 showed the functionalities similar to uncharacterized C4orf26 proteins, while that obtained from KF274557 predicted to be a metallophosphoesterase. Furthermore, the structural folds in the structure of these predicted proteins were analyzed by using the homology modeling and their conformational behaviors in the explicit water conditions were analyzed by using the techniques of Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations. This detailed analysis will facilitate the understanding of these proteins in the spermatozoon region and can be used for uncovering other attributes of the metabolic network