6,101 research outputs found

    On the chemistry of hydrides of N atoms and O+^+ ions

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    Previous work by various authors has suggested that the detection by Herschel/HIFI of nitrogen hydrides along the low density lines of sight towards G10.6-0.4 (W31C) cannot be accounted for by gas-phase chemical models. In this paper we investigate the role of surface reactions on dust grains in diffuse regions, and we find that formation of the hydrides by surface reactions on dust grains with efficiency comparable to that for H2_2 formation reconciles models with observations of nitrogen hydrides. However, similar surface reactions do not contribute significantly to the hydrides of O+^+ ions detected by Herschel/HIFI present along many sight lines in the Galaxy. The O+^+ hydrides can be accounted for by conventional gas-phase chemistry either in diffuse clouds of very low density with normal cosmic ray fluxes or in somewhat denser diffuse clouds with high cosmic ray fluxes. Hydride chemistry in dense dark clouds appears to be dominated by gas-phase ion-molecule reactions.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, 4 tables Accepted for publication in Ap

    Between the historical languages and the reconstructed language : an alternative approach to the Gerundive + “Dative of Agent” construction in Indo-European

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    It is argued by Hettrich (1990) that the “dative of agent” construction in the Indo-European languages most likely continues a construction inherited from Proto-Indo-European. In two recent proposals (Danesi 2013, Luraghi 2016), it is argued that the “dative of agent” contains no agent at all, although the two proposals differ with regard to the reconstructability of the “dative of agent” construction. Luraghi argues that it is an independent secondary development from an original beneficiary function (cf. Hettrich 1990), while Danesi maintains that the construction is reconstructable for an earlier proto-stage. Elaborating on Danesi’s approach, we analyze gerundives with the “dative of agent” in six different Indo-European languages that bridge the east–west divide, namely, Sanskrit, Avestan, Ancient Greek, Latin, Tocharian, and Lithuanian. Scrutiny of the data reveals similarities at a morphosyntactic level, a semantic level (i.e. modal meaning and low degree of transitivity), and also, to some extent, at an etymological level. An analysis involving a modal reading of the predicate, with a dative subject and a nominative object, is better equipped to account for the particulars of the “gerundive + nominative + dative” construction than the traditional agentive/passive analysis. The proposal is couched within the theoretical framework of Construction Grammar, in which the basic unit of language is the Construction, i.e. a form–function correspondence, and no principled distinction between lexical items and complex syntactic structures is assumed. As these structures are by definition units of comparanda, required by the Comparative Method, they can be successfully utilized in the reconstruction of a proto-construction for Proto-Indo-European

    Six-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebras

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    We give a full classification of 6-dimensional nilpotent Lie algebras over an arbitrary field, including fields that are not algebraically closed and fields of characteristic~2. To achieve the classification we use the action of the automorphism group on the second cohomology space, as isomorphism types of nilpotent Lie algebras correspond to orbits of subspaces under this action. In some cases, these orbits are determined using geometric invariants, such as the Gram determinant or the Arf invariant. As a byproduct, we completely determine, for a 4-dimensional vector space VV, the orbits of \GL(V) on the set of 2-dimensional subspaces of VVV\wedge V.Comment: Corrected a small error in Theorem 4.

    Bayesian analysis of the multivariate dependence of three transition water ecosystem classifications

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    The Water Framework Directive (WFD) recognizes benthic macroinvertebrates as a good biological quality element for transitional waters as they are the most exposed to natural variability patterns characteristic of these ecosystems, due to their life cycles and space-use behavior. Here, we address the ecological status classification issue for three lagoons in Apulia, using benthic macroinvertebrates and three proposed multimetric indices (namely M-AMBI, BITS and ISS), likely to respond differently to different sources of stress and natural variability. Lagoon classification is based on discretization by standard classification boundaries with only partial consideration of the natural variability of ecosystem properties and possible inaccuracies of the classification procedures. In order to investigate the possible contrasting behavior of the three classifications, we propose Bayesian hierarchical models in which the multimetric indices and their discrete counterparts are jointly modeled as function of abiotic covariates, external anthropogenic pressures indicators and spatio-temporal effects

    Shark Declines in the Mediterranean Sea

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    Summarizes a study of population and biomass trends of large sharks in the Mediterranean, and highlights the risk of some species becoming extinct as a result of unintended capture in fishing gear, targeted shark fishing, and human population pressure

    Statistical analysis of Ni nanowires breaking processes: a numerical simulation study

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    A statistical analysis of the breaking behavior of Ni nanowires is presented. Using molecular dynamic simulations, we have determined the time evolution of both the nanowire atomic structure and its minimum cross section (Sm(t)). Accumulating thousands of independent breaking events, Sm histograms are built and used to study the influence of the temperature, the crystalline stretching direction and the initial nanowire size. The proportion of monomers, dimers and more complex structures at the latest stages of the breaking process are calculated, finding important differences among results obtained for different nanowire orientations and sizes. Three main cases have been observed. (A) [111] stretching direction and large nanowire sizes: the wire evolves from more complex structures to monomers and dimers prior its rupture; well ordered structures is presented during the breaking process. (B) Large nanowires stretched along the [100] and [110] directions: the system mainly breaks from complex structures (low probability of finding monomers and dimers), having disordered regions during their breakage; at room temperature, a huge histogram peak around Sm=5 appears, showing the presence of long staggered pentagonal Ni wires with ...-5-1-5-... structure. (C) Initial wire size is small: strong size effects independently on the temperature and stretching direction. Finally, the local structure around monomers and dimmers do not depend on the stretching direction. These configurations differ from those usually chosen in static studies of conductance.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figure

    Real space investigation of structural changes at the metal-insulator transition in VO2

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    Synchrotron X-ray total scattering studies of structural changes in rutile VO2 at the metal-insulator transition temperature of 340 K reveal that monoclinic and tetragonal phases of VO2 coexist in equilibrium, as expected for a first-order phase transition. No evidence for any distinct intermediate phase is seen. Unbiased local structure studies of the changes in V--V distances through the phase transition, using reverse Monte Carlo methods, support the idea of phase coexistence and point to the high degree of correlation in the dimerized low-temperature structure. No evidence for short range V--V correlations that would be suggestive of local dimers is found in the metallic phase.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    After the Fall: Legacy Effects of Biogenic Structure on Wind-Generated Ecosystem Processes Following Mussel Bed Collapse

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    Blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) are ecosystem engineers with strong effects on species diversity and abundances. Mussel beds appear to be declining in the Gulf of Maine, apparently due to climate change and predation by the invasive green crab, Carcinus maenas. As mussels die, they create a legacy of large expanses of shell biogenic structure. In Maine, USA, we used bottom traps to examine effects of four bottom cover types (i.e., live mussels, whole shells, fragmented shells, bare sediment) and wind condition (i.e., days with high, intermediate, and low values) on flow-related ecosystem processes. Significant differences in transport of sediment, meiofauna, and macrofauna were found among cover types and days, with no significant interaction between the two factors. Wind condition had positive effects on transport. Shell hash, especially fragmented shells, had negative effects, possibly because it acted as bed armor to reduce wind-generated erosion and resuspension. Copepods had the greatest mobility and shortest turnover times (0.15 d), followed by nematodes (1.96 d) and the macrofauna dominant, Tubificoides benedeni (2.35 d). Shell legacy effects may play an important role in soft-bottom system responses to wind-generated ecosystem processes, particularly in collapsed mussel beds, with implications for recolonization, connectivity, and the creation and maintenance of spatial pattern

    A study of methanol and silicon monoxide production through episodic explosions of grain mantles in the Central Molecular Zone

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    Methanol (CH3_3OH) is found to be abundant and widespread towards the Central Molecular Zone, the inner few hundred parsecs of our Galaxy. Its origin is, however, not fully understood. It was proposed that the high cosmic ray ionisation rate in this region could lead to a more efficient non-thermal desorption of this species formed on grain surfaces, but it would also mean that this species is destroyed in a relatively short timescale. In a first step, we run chemical models with a high cosmic ray ionisation rate and find that this scenario can only reproduce the lowest abundances of methanol derived in this region (\sim109^{-9}-108^{-8}). In a second step, we investigate another scenario based on episodic explosions of grain mantles. We find a good agreement between the predicted abundances of methanol and the observations. We find that the dominant route for the formation of methanol is through hydrogenation of CO on the grains followed by the desorption due to the grain mantle explosion. The cyclic aspect of this model can explain the widespread presence of methanol without requiring any additional mechanism. We also model silicon monoxide (SiO), another species detected in several molecular clouds of the Galactic Centre. An agreement is found with observations for a high depletion of Si (Si/H \sim 108^{-8}) with respect to the solar abundance.Comment: Accepted in MNRA