2,047 research outputs found

    The possible existence of interstellar Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in collected interplanetary dust particles

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    Extraterrestrial dust particles which are 3 to 50 microns in size are routinely collected in the stratosphere and are now available for general laboratory study. These grains represent true Interplanetary Dust Particles (IDPs). Issues associated with the carbon containing components of IDPs which occur in a variety of physical forms, including amorphous mantles and matrix materials, are addressed. The observed properties of the hydrocarbon phase in IDPs are compared with those expected for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)

    Interstellar grain chemistry and organic molecules

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    The detection of prominant infrared absorption bands at 3250, 2170, 2138, 1670 and 1470 cm(-1) (3.08, 4.61, 4.677, 5.99 and 6.80 micron m) associated with molecular clouds show that mixed molecular (icy) grain mantles are an important component of the interstellar dust in the dense interstellar medium. These ices, which contain many organic molecules, may also be the production site of the more complex organic grain mantles detected in the diffuse interstellar medium. Theoretical calculations employing gas phase as well as grain surface reactions predict that the ices should be dominated only by the simple molecules H2O, H2CO, N2, CO, O2, NH3, CH4, possibly CH3OH, and their deuterated counterparts. However, spectroscopic observations in the 2500 to 1250 cm(-1)(4 to 8 micron m) range show substantial variation from source reactions alone. By comparing these astronomical spectra with the spectra of laboratory-produced analogs of interstellar ices, one can determine the composition and abundance of the materials frozen on the grains in dense clouds. Experiments are described in which the chemical evolution of an interstellar ice analog is determined during irradiation and subsequent warm-up. Particular attention is paid to the types of moderately complex organic materials produced during these experiments which are likely to be present in interstellar grains and cometary ices

    Cosmic dust

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    Dust is a ubiquitous component of our galaxy and the solar system. The collection and analysis of extraterrestrial dust particles is important to exobiology because it provides information about the sources of biogenically significant elements and compounds that accumulated in distant regions of the solar nebula and that were later accreted on the planets. The topics discussed include the following: general properties of interplanetary dust; the carbonaceous component of interplanetary dust particles; and the presence of an interstellar component

    Aromatic components in cometary materials

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    The Raman spectra of interplanetary dust particles (IDPs) collected in the stratosphere show that two bands at about 1350 and 1600 delta/cm and a broader feature between 2200 and 3300 delta/cm that are characteristic of aromatic molecular units with ordered domains smaller than 25 A in diameter. This suggests that the carbonaceous material in IDPs may be similar to the polymeric component seen in meteorites, where this material is thought to consist of aromatic molecular units that are randomly interlinked by short aliphatic bridges. The features in the Raman spectra of IDPs are similar in position, and relative strength to interstellar infrared emission features that have been attributed to vibrational transitions in free molecular polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Taken together, these observations suggest that some fraction of the carbonaceous materials in IDPs may have been produced in circumstellar dust shells and only slightly modified in interstellar space

    Close-Range Photogrammetric Measurement of Static Deflections for an Aeroelastic Supercritical Wing

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    Close range photogrammetric measurements were made for the lower wing surface of a full span aspect ratio 10.3 aeroelastic supercritical research wing. The measurements were made during wind tunnel tests for quasi-steady pressure distributions on the wing. The tests were conducted in the NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel at Mach numbers up to 0.90 and dynamic pressures up to 300 pounds per square foot. Deflection data were obtained for 57 locations on the wing lower surface using dual non-metric cameras. Representative data are presented as graphical overview to show variations and trends of spar deflection with test variables. Comparative data are presented for photogrammetric and cathetometric results of measurements for the wing tip deflections. A tabulation of the basic measurements is presented in a supplement to this report

    Ice Chemistry in Interstellar Dense Molecular Clouds, Protostellar Disks, and Comets

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    Despite the low temperatures (T less than 20K), low pressures, and low molecular densities found in much of the cosmos, considerable chemistry is expected to occur in many astronomical environments. Much of this chemistry happens in icy grain mantles on dust grains and is driven by ionizing radiation. This ionizing radiation breaks chemical bonds of molecules in the ices and creates a host of ions and radicals that can react at the ambient temperature or when the parent ice is subsequently warmed. Experiments that similar these conditions have demonstrated a rich chemistry associated with these environments that leads to a wide variety of organic products. Many of these products are of considerable interest to astrobiology. For example, the irradiation of simple ices has been shown to abiotically produce amino acids, nucleobases, quinones, and amphiphiles, all compounds that play key roles in modern biochemistry. This suggests extraterrestrial chemistry could have played a role in the origin of life on Earth and, by extension, do so on planets in other stellar systems

    Unsteady pressure and structural response measurements of an elastic supercritical wing

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    Results are presented which define unsteady flow conditions associated with high dynamic response experienced on a high aspect ratio elastic supercritical wing at transonic test conditions while being tested in the NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel. The supercritical wing, designed for a cruise Mach number of 0.80, experienced the high dynamic response in the Mach number range from 0.90 to 0.94 with the maximum response occurring at a Mach number of approximately 0.92. At the maximum wing response condition the forcing function appears to be the oscillatory chordwise movement of strong shocks located on both the wing upper and lower surfaces in conjunction with the flow separating and reattaching in the trailing edge region

    Transonic calculations for a flexible supercritical wing and comparison with experiment

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    Pressure data measured on the flexible DAST ARW-2 wing are compared with results calculated using the transonic small perturbation code XTRAN3S. A brief description of the analysis is given and a recently-developed grid coordinate transformation is described. Calculations are presented for the rigid and flexible wing for Mach numbers from 0.60 to 0.90 and dynamic pressures from 0 to 1000 psf. Calculated and measured static pressures and wing deflections are compared, and calculated static aeroelastic trends are given. Attempts to calculate the transonic instability boundary of the wing are described

    Investigation of transonic region of high dynamic response encountered on an elastic supercritical wing

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    Unsteady aerodynamic data were measured on an aspect ratio 10.3 elastic supercritical wing while undergoing high dynamic response above a Mach number of 0.90. These tests were conducted in the NASA Langley Transonic Dynamics Tunnel. A previous test of this wing predicted an unusual instability boundary based on subcritical response data. During the present test no instability was found, but an angle of attack dependent narrow Mach number region of high dynamic wing response was observed over a wide range of dynamic pressures. The effect on dynamic wing response of wing angle of attack, static outbound control surface deflection and a lower surface spanwise fence located near the 60 percent local chordline was investigated. The driving mechanism of the dynamic wing response appears to be related to chordwise shock movement in conjunction with flow separation and reattachment on both the upper and lower surfaces

    The Formation of Organic Compounds of Astrobiological Interest by the Irradiation Processing of Astrophysical Ices

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    Many environments in space contain very low temperature mixed molecular ices that are exposed to ionizing radiation in the form of cosmic rays and high-energy photons. While traditional chemistry would not be expected to occur at the temperatures typical of these ices (T < 50 K), ionizing radiation can break bonds in the original molecules in the ices to form highly reactive ions and radicals. These ions and radicals are subsequently free to react despite the low temperatures of the original ices. Laboratory experiments, many of them carried out at the Astrochemistry Laboratory at NASA-Ames, show that the irradiation of ices made of even simple molecules like H2O, CO, CO2, CH4, NH3, etc. can result in the robust formation of large numbers of far more complex organic compounds. Many of these new products are of direct interest to astrobiology. For example, the irradiation of mixed molecular ices has been shown to produce amino acids, amphiphiles, quinones, sugars, heterocyclic compounds, and nucleobases, all molecular building blocks used by terrestrial life. Insofar as the presence of these materials plays a role in the origin of life on planets, this has profound implications for the potential abundance of life in the universe since these experiments simulate universal conditions that are expected to be found wherever new stars and planets form